Thursday, December 26, 2019
Frankenstein Gothic Literature Essay - 1378 Words
The novel Frankenstein falls under two different genres of literature: Gothic novel and Science fiction; however, some people consider it a Romance novel or Horror fiction. Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein, was 18 years old when she wrote the book in 1816. The book was first published in 1818 and revised in 1831. Mary Shelley was born in 1797. She was the second daughter of a feminist philosopher, educator, and writer Mary Wollstonecraft; but the first child of the philosopher, novelist, and journalist William Godwin. Coming from the letters of William Godwin’s housekeeper and nurse Louisa Jones, Mary’s early years were filled with joy and happiness. Mary was educated very little, her father tortured her in a wide range of subjects.†¦show more content†¦After her husbands death she was determined to live by her pen and for her son, but financially she was precarious. On July 23, 1823 she went back home to England and stayed with her father and step mother; that is, until her father-in-law empowers her to stay closer to him. Mary Shelley’s final years were filled with illness. In 1839 she struggled with headaches and paralysis in some parts of her body. Having to suffer from that it prevented he from reading and writing. She died February 1, 1851 at Chester Square at the age of fifty-three due to a brain tumor. On the first anniversary of her death the family opened her box-desk, and inside they found locks of her dead children’s hair, a notebook she rationed with Percy, and a copy of his poem Adonà ¯s with one page folded round a silk parcel that was with some of his apse and what was left of his heart. Frankenstein’s content is about a doctor whose name is Victor Frankenstein who had an excess amount of knowledge in science. With his knowledge of science he spent months trying to create life by using old body parts. One night, in his hidden apartment, he brought his creation to life. He was the first to create a monster who was tolerant, sympathetic, and approachable at first. The monsters appearance was different from the other humans, everyone was scared of it and that made the monster feelShow MoreRelatedEssay on Frankenstein as Gothic Literature3563 Words  | 15 PagesIn what ways can Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Be considered as a Gothic novel? Can Gothic literature still appeal to us today? Gothic Literature was most popular from about 1764 until 1832, a period of nearly seventy years. At this time there were many successful and famous authors who wrote books which contained a somewhat gothic theme. These include the famous Brontà « Sisters with the novels Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, both of which can be found on many modern bookshelves of todayRead MoreFrankenstein as a Gothic Novel Essay1332 Words  | 6 Pagesthemes: these are elements of a Gothic novel. Though Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, written in the early 19th century, certainly contains many components of a Gothic novel, can it be correctly grouped under that genre? A definition of a Gothic novel; according to Tracy, is a description of a fallen world. We experience this fallen world though the aspects of a novel: plot, setting, characterization, and theme (De Vore, Domenic, Kwan and Reidy). As well, early Gothic novels have characterized themselvesRead MoreCritical Analysis of Mary Shelleys Frankenstein974 Words  | 4 PagesThe essay discussed in this document is Said I. Abdelwaheds The Gothic, Frankenstein and the Romanics, which was published in 1997 in An-Najaj N. J. Res. The author is the assistant professor of English literature at Gazas Al-Azhar University. These credentials are fairly impressive considering the international reputation of the university the author was working at during the time of publication. 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This essay uses the historical approach, biographical, and formalist approach at point. Moers references the cultural context of the novel, Mary Shelley’s experience as a woman and mother and how that influenced her writing, and focuses on the genre of the novelRead More To what extent is Frankenstein typical of gothic literature?1272 Words  | 6 PagesTo what extent is Frankenstein typical of gothic literature? In you answer make close references to its context and Mary Shellys use of language. This essay will assess how typical of the gothic genre writings is Mary Shellys Frankenstein. The novel was written at a time when electricity was first discovered and Galvanism was being explored, mainly for medical reasons. People at this time were ignorant and sceptical of medicine and so most people would have been disgusted by these studiesRead MoreThemes Of Alienation In Frankenstein1294 Words  | 6 PagesThrough Frankenstein by Mary Shelley as well as Skim by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki, themes of alienation are projected throughout both texts. Frankenstein in comparison to Skim is one that must look over the different mediums used to portray ideas , furthermore, it is important to focus on the themes of exclusion and alienation present within both texts. In this essay, I will discuss themes of alienation throughout the two texts Skim, as well as Frankenstein with the consideration of: PetscheRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Character Analysis830 Words  | 4 PagesIt can be argued that appearances have much to do with the perception of characters in literature. The way a character looks can have a great effect on both the way other characters interact with them and the way the characters themselves interact with both their own thoughts and the world around them. In the works chosen, the appearances of the characters to be analyzed fall on opposite ends of the spectrum of aestheticism. Dorian Gray, from Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray possesses anRead MoreSublime In Frankenstein Essay1497 Words  | 6 PagesMost Gothic novels aim to show the sinister side of human nature. They depict the dark terrors which lie beneath the reader s mentality. The term Gothic suggests a genre which deals with frightening and mysterious settings by giving connotations of ghostly castles and supernatural events. The Sublime experience as stated by the critic Longinus is, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a matter of treatment. The particular form of the sublime experience that requires prepossessing objects is not only the form; it is simply theRead MoreThe Monk Vs. Frankenstein955 Words  | 4 Pagesvs. Frankenstein Whenever Gothic literature is mentioned, most people would consider the novel Frankenstein to fall under this genre. It is viewed as one of most popular and defining novels of Gothic fiction, remaining an icon throughout society until the present day. However, a lesser-known, but equally brilliant novel, also deserves to be regarded as a quintessential Gothic work. The Monk and Frankenstein bear several similarities to each other, which makes them stand out in their Gothic fiction
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Ethics of Homosexuality - 857 Words
Homosexuality Homosexuality has always been a controversial topic of ethical discussion. The morality of the subject depends completely upon a person’s views. A person is often swayed one way or another and religion often plays a very large role on the subject. There are those who believe in the divine command theory and those who believe in the natural law theory. In order to properly understand either theory it is important to know the meaning behind each. According to , divine command theory can be used to refer to any one of a family of related ethical theories. What these theories have in common is that they take God’s will to be the foundation of ethics. According to divine command theory, things are morally†¦show more content†¦Of their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not tough; they are unclean for you.†. It is interesting that certain verses are upheld, while others are not. When it comes to natural law, there is no God advising of moral or immoral acts, the theory simply relies on nature. If something occurs naturally in nature, then it would stand to occur naturally for a human as humans are part of the natural order of the world. Homosexuality is prevalent in the natural world, according to homosexual behavior has been observed in 1,500 animal species. Everything from mammals to crabs and worms. The actual number is of course much higher. Among some animals homosexual beh avior is rare, some having sex with the same gender only a part of their life, while other animals, such as the dwarf chimpanzee, homosexuality is practiced throughout their lives. Animals that live a completely homosexual life can also be found. This occurs especially among birds that will pair with one partner for life, which is the case with geese and ducks. Four to five percent of the couples are homosexual. Single females will lay eggs in a homosexual pair s nest. It has been observed that the homosexual couple are often better at raising the young than heterosexual couples. While religion is important for many to lead a meaningful and moral life, the versesShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Ethics of Homosexuality 1643 Words  | 7 Pagessame sex. Homosexuality is ethical, and I will provide rational arguments for, and irrational arguments against the topic. A few objections are as follows: It is forbidden in the Bible and frowned upon by God; It is unnatural; Men and women are needed to reproduce; There are no known examples in nature; and the most common argument that concerns homosexuality is whether it is a choice or human biology. My arguments will be ignoring a major element in factoring the morality of homosexuality, the lawRead MoreThe Fundamental Mission Of The National Association Of Social Workers1630 Words  | 7 Pagesand competence (Parker-Oliver and Demiris, 2006; Elizabeth, 2012). NASW code of ethics Social work involves adherence to professional ethics. A social worker has the obligation to articulate the basic values, ethical standards and principles as he or she undertakes the social work duties. The NASW code of ethics provides the principles standards and values as a guide for the social worker conduct. The NASW code of ethics is relevant to all social professionals regardless of their professional functionsRead MoreEssay on Authority in Lisa Cahill’s â€Å"Homosexuality1169 Words  | 5 PagesLisa Cahill’s â€Å"Homosexuality The most difficult part of any modern theological debate is choosing the authority. With the variety of Christian denominations, individual thinkers, and outside influences, and it is often difficult to reach a general agreement. In her essay, â€Å"Homosexuality: A Case Study in Moral Argument,†Catholic theologian Lisa Cahill examines four major authorities and different ways to determine how they work together to produce a cohesive Christian ethic. Though she failsRead MoreSexual Ethics Essay1020 Words  | 5 Pagesdilemmas in sexual ethics such as homosexuality, marriage and divorce and pornography. For instance homosexuality is a major problem within sexual ethics because homosexual sex cannot lead to reproduction. However sexual ethic it differs between denominations compared to government law. Therefore these issues are a concern to religious belief; different faiths have different view on homosexuality or marriage and divorce. Many religious beliefs do not encourage homosexuality in fact it is severelyRead MoreEssay about Jewish Sexual Ethics1295 Words  | 6 PagesSexual ethics provide a framework for Jewish conduct so that the tradition may continue in stability and morality Evaluate the accuracy of this statement. Sexual Ethics are integral to Judaism because they provided direct guidance on how to behave morally and in accordance with the Torah and God. Although, over many years Jews were suffering from persecution, they are currently showing stability which can be attributed to the framework that is outlined through the strong ethics that theyRead MorePrejudice And Homosexuality And Sexual Love And Moral Experience1161 Words  | 5 PagesIsaiah Hines Phil. 2306-43430 05/14/2015 Prejudice and Homosexuality Sexual Love and Moral Experience For many years homosexuality and sex with out marriage has been condemned and debated most with in America . In all standards, homosexual men and women have been denied many rights within the land of the free and home of the brave. And if they have a(n) desire to want to be in the military then they are supposed to withhold their sexual orientation and preference, since this particularRead MoreEssay about Sexual Ethics: Gay Marriage Should Not Be Allowed1343 Words  | 6 Pagestopic of homosexuality and whether it is morally acceptable or unacceptable is brought up on a daily occurrence. Many individuals believe that homosexuality is a problem and ceremonies such as gay marriage should not be allowed. However, what is it that makes homosexuality considered wrong? Critics argue that homosexuality goes against the Bibleâ€â€the word of Godâ€â€and is immoral. The issue of homosexuality, however, is argued further when considering the topic of sexual ethics; homosexuality is not theRead MoreThe Debate On Sex Ethics Essay1410 Words  | 6 PagesUnder the topic of sex ethics, the morality of homosexuality is a widely debated and controversial issue. One side of the debate asserts that homosexual behavior is against God’s will, and is wrong because we are all obligated to do God’s will, God’s will is expressed in the Bible, and the Bible forbids homosexual behavior (Craig). This debate is called the traditional Christian argument. Although the argument is valid, I will argue against the conclusion that homosexual behavior is not against God’sRead MoreThe Moral View Of Homosexuality1708 Words  | 7 Pagesargument of homosexuality being considered moral or immoral has been an argument for as long as humans have been in existence. This argument has been viewed by philological experts and people all over the world for centuries and it continues to be a major argument today. The moral view of homosexuality has many arguments, but the arguments that are going to be mentioned are the normative ethics argument, the argument on why the moral law is true when it comes to homosexuality, and why homosexuality shouldRead MoreWhy Natural Law Theory Is an Inadequate Criticism of Homosexuality1147 Words  | 5 PagesNatural Law on these grounds, as well as proving that it is inapplicable when judging the ethical value of homosexuality, and discrediting homosexuality as a perversion. Act utilitarianism depicts the argument more clearly, because there are certain semantic inconsistencies with Kantian ethical Theory that will be discussed further on. Let us first consider the premise that homosexuality is contrary to Natural Law, because the Natural Law dictates that sexual relationships must be heterosexual
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Ethical issue in industry free essay sample
The poor layout of facilities inside the plant directly and seriously affected the worker safety. There were several evidences to show that IMC did not provide a safety and proper working environment for its staff and contractors: Zinc buffer stocks were stored everywhere even blocking the walkways and emergency exits. Furthermore, the plant was a dangerous place with many overused and overheated machinery which may explore easily. And the management refused to stop operating the plant even getting knowledge about the unsound roof which finally collapsed. IMC enforced the contractors worked under a precarious condition without providing relative protection clothing and respirators, working closely to dangerous machinery. Chemical poisoning in the plant was a critical concern. The lead poisoning level was much higher than the international acceptable level and it would definitely affect the health of all the workers. IMC did not alarm its staff about the consequence of over inhaling the lead and the protection action. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical issue in industry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It even restrained the contractors to get relative information and rejected to provide any respirator which was violating the regulation. With such dangerous workplace, two workers had died during their work and the health and safety issue was obviously serious. ii. Unfair Treatment for Staff Referring to Mr. Singh’s case, the working hour was excessive and long with more than 12 hours per day. It was much longer than other similar factories. The pay was low and many privileges may be exploited with some unreasonable causes. In addition, the living place provided by IMC was as poor as work place. It was small and crowded. iii. Illegally Hiring Female as Worker In order to cut cost, IMC violated the regulation to hire females as half of contractors in lead mines and processing plants. Referring to all the above facts, IMC’s policy related to the safety, health and welfare issue to the workers were definitely unethical. It merely treated its workers as a means to its objective rather than an end. 2. Issue of Ignoring Citizen IMC also affected the healthy and living standard of the local villages by the fallowing aspects: i. Air and Water Pollution The emission of sulphurous, poisoning gases and other dangerous chemicals from the plant had blown over local villages. Also, the lead had been found in water sample from a nearby river, which was the source of the local water supply, due to the inefficiency of the plant. Those pollutions certainly affected the health of the local citizens. ii. Exploiting the local electricity Due to the failure on building the own power station, the plant drew power from the public electricity supplier and lead to a fluctuating power supply in the local area. Obviously, IMC did not take the local villages into account to its practices. Its actions were not ethical because it only concerned on profit-making and totally ignore the people affected by its operation. 3. Issue of Environmental Protection i. Dumping the waste into a wood When the crushing machinery broke down, the plant decided to dump the waste into a wood. It was totally an irresponsible decision which destroyed the environment. ii. Releasing Greenhouse Gases In order to increase output, IMC modified the pre-product plant, which resulted in the release of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere. And the unsound roof collapsing event also lead to release carbon monoxide. As we see, IMC never care about the environmental problem caused by its operation. 4. Issue of product quality and In order to maintain a ‘non-stop’ operation of the plant, IMC would not make reprisals for poor quality products and continue to send those products to customers. It did not take customers’ interest into account. 5. Issue of Bribe Even there were many illegal actions taken by IMC, no any punishment or exposures on its improper operation. And it even can pass many regular inspections. There was high probability that IMC had bribed the officers in order to continue its illegal operation. It totally failed to Carroll’s four-part model of corporate social responsibilityi to its worker. Q2. Comment on the maintenance strategy at the plant. Are there any alternative methods that would be suitable? Q3. ‘John wondered, realistically, if the plant could ever be changed. ’ If you were to carry out improvements at the plant, what would your ethical priority be? 1. Safety Concern on its employees and contractors 2. Citizen’s healthy and related local problem 3. Product quality control 4. Environmental Protection
Monday, December 2, 2019
Proposal for Cross Training Employees free essay sample
Employees at Nakai have been working for Nakai for an average of ten years and it is time to offer them the chance to handle more responsibilities. Cross training is training an employee to do a different part of the organizations work. Training worker A to do the task that worker B does and training B to do As task is cross training. Cross training is good for managers, because it provides more flexibility in managing the workforce to get the job done. Cross training an employee is good for the employee as well as for the employer by job enrichment and job enlargement. Cross training is easy to do and will benefit everyone. Cross training Start with a simple spreadsheet which help prepare a strategy plan. The spreadsheet will include all activity during cross training. Each employee will train the other employee his or her job for a month and then vice versa. We will write a custom essay sample on Proposal for Cross Training Employees or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Management will interview both parties to see how the prospects are going. Overall, Nakai will work more efficiently and will help make Nakai a great place to work. A little bet of cross training will go a long way to ease our lives at least at work. Cross training has many benefits and is not hard to accomplish. Please take this proposal into consideration. Cross Training Nakai International Employees Since 1916, Nakai International hot foil manufacturing company has developed elegant gold and silver color threads that were first used for kimonos. Nakai’s products are now used for both households and industry. Nakai future plan is to expand into the vacuum metallization process which includes expansion into electronics. In this process Nakai should improve current employees by cross training. As the company expands so will the responsibility of the employees so it’s important to prepare them for what’s ahead. Cross training employees will help the employee to be flexible and manage other areas that need help. There are many benefits from cross training employees and Nakai should start the process before starting an expansion into electronics. Employees need to work as a team and cover for each other when needed. Cross training will benefit the employee and the employer. The process is not difficult once it’s carefully planned. Each circumstance should be considered and managed professionally. Cross training employees is a powerful tool that will help Nakai operate effectively.
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