Friday, May 31, 2019
Chicagos Negro :: Free Essays Online
lettuces Negro When studying urban support spaces, one question that always comes to mind is how a particular urban space or neighborhood came into existence. I pee-pee grown up on the South Side of Chicago for the past 19 years in a community known as Pill Hill. My neighborhood, a middle-class Chicago neighborhood, came to gain its name because of each(prenominal) the doctors and health-c ar professionals who resided in the neighborhood in the 1960s. In addition, I have also had the opportunity to live outside of the city in a northern suburb known as alpine Park Along the lakefront of Chicago are some of the most affluent communities in the United States. In both median(prenominal) household income and per capita income, Northbrook, Highland Park, and Wilmette and among the nations ten wealthiest communities with a population of about 25,000 or more. There are other salient characteristics of these three communities they are virtually all white and they have virt ually no subsidized housing. (Squires 117)The rigors and din of the city are all but removed from life in Highland Park. Nevertheless, Highland Park, IL has faced its own share of trouble in the past decade for the discrimination that the corrupt local government has plagued minorities with. The living conditions in Highland Park are drastically different from those of the South Side of Chicago in that the average property value of a root in the year 2000 was $662,755 while the average home in Pill Hill sold for $180,323. (Citizens United for Justice) Nevertheless, Highland Park is just a case-by-case example of Chicagos many affluent northern suburbs that developed in the 1850s. Growing up in the city my entire life and having lived in different socio-economic conditions, I have grown immune to the extraordinary degree of racial segregation present in Chicago. As an African American, I have always felt comfortable living on the South Side of Chicago and not until I had the opportunity to live in both Highland Park and a neighboring suburb, Lake Forest, did I truly know what it felt like to be a minority. Nevertheless, this was not always the case for most blacks. From the former(a) 1900s, blacks resided on the South Side of Chicago, not by choice, but because of strict discriminatory housing laws that forbade the sale of homes in certain areas to blacks.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Passionate Learning :: Philosophy Psychology Education Essays
Passionate Learning To lack self-respect is to be locked within oneself, paradoxically incapable of either love or indifference.....It is the phenomenon sometimes called alienation from self. In its advanced stage, we no longer answer the telephone, because someone might want some affaire that we could say no without drowning in self-reproach is an idea alien to this game.-Joan Didion, On Self-RespectLast Spring, as part of a senior project, I took Tai Chi classes and researched how supposition is used in mind/body medicine. I read several books by doctors who use meditation as a form of healing, in stress-reduction clinics and as treatment for people suffering from severe pain and panic disorders. One doctor in particular, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn teaches a method he calls mindfulness, in which he has his patients meditate in order to achieve total mind/body aw atomic number 18ness. Zinn instructs patients to focus on their pain and to become aware of it. This often helps them reali ze that they can bide with their pain. No pain is too extreme, he says, in the same way that no emotion is a wrong emotion. Awareness is the only absolute, and the only thing that allows people to live in the moment. Not live for the moment, but live in the moment.I left that project feeling super aware and extremely at peace. After three years of struggling to find answers, happiness, and a sense of purpose, I began to appreciate my present state of mind. I began to revel in the struggle, confusion, and push of not knowing. And as I approached graduation, my high educate experience suddenly make sense to me. I understood life as a system of games. High school was simply one of them. I came to realize that playing games was both understandable and necessary as long as we are aware that we are playing them. I realized that a major struggle throughout high school had been my struggle to resist playing its game. I spent my three years at boarding school governed by my passions rathe r than playing by the rules of the institution. And in refusing to play by its rules, I made it increasingly more difficult for me to function within its realm.By rules, I do not mean the actual dos and donts, but rather, I am referring to the prompts the school sets up in order to fulfill its goals as an academic institution.
Free Essays - Social Ills Exposed in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays
Social Ills Exposed in The Adventures of huckleberry Finn Mark Twain wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in 1883. The novel deals with many an(prenominal) problems of society. Huck Finn cant stand fabrication, greed and sivilzation, qualities that are unflurried toast today. One trait shown in Huck Finn is hypocrisy. In Twains other novels, as well as Huck Finn, Twain is very critical of the hypocrisy of organized religion. Early in Huck Finn, Huck is confronted with two different versions of heaven. break loose Watsons capture of heaven is not appealing to Huck. In her heaven, all that i does is sing and play the harp. Huck does not like Widow Douglas much either, but it is better than Miss Watsons. Huck would rather be free to do as he pleases. Slavery is also hypocritical with Christianity. Slave owners would make slaves believe that God l oves all people, which is contrary to the belief that slaves are inferior. The southern view of gentlemen is also hypocritical. These gentlemen are supposed to be noble, yet they own slaves and kill each(prenominal) other. They take constituent in feuds, even when they cannot remember the cause. They kill each other in duels for no reason, but say that it was in the name of honor. All of this hypocrisy makes Huck want to rebel against this society. Hypocrisy is still present in society today. There are many reported cases of clergy having affairs or molesting children. For instance, Reverend baker has had relationships with prostitutes. He always apologizes, but then he does it again. One of the precepts of the Catholic religion is to follow the instructions of the Pope. Many Catholics however, do not follow the Popes instructions on birth control or abortion. governing officials are also hypoc ritical. They preach family values, yet often they do not follow these values. Senator Packwood resigned from the Senate for his actions. Dick Morris lost his job and his respect over an affair with a prostitute. Most aspects of todays society involve hypocrisy. Another trait that Huck hates is greed. He is kidnaped by his greedy, alcoholic render. Hucks father beats him for his money when Hucks wealth is discovered. While on the Mississippi, Huck and Jim come Free Essays - Social Ills Exposed in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays Social Ills Exposed in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in 1883. The novel deals with many problems of society. Huck Finn cant stand hypocrisy, greed and sivilzation, qualities that are still present today. One trait shown in Huck Finn is hypocrisy. In Twains other novels, as well as Huck Finn, Twain is very critical of the hypocrisy of organized religion. Early in Huck Finn, Huck is confronted with two different versions of heaven. Miss Watsons view of heaven is not appealing to Huck. In her heaven, all that one does is sing and play the harp. Huck does not like Widow Douglas much either, but it is better than Miss Watsons. Huck would rather be free to do as he pleases. Slavery is also hypocritical with Christianity. Slave owners would make slaves believe that God loves all people, which is contrary to the belief that slaves are inferior. The southern view of gentlemen is also hypocritical. These gentlemen are supposed to be noble, yet they own slaves and kill each other. They take part in feuds, even when they cannot remember the cause. They kill each other in duels for no reason, but say that it was in the name of honor. All of this hypocrisy makes Huck want to rebel against this society. Hypocrisy is still present in society today. There are many reported cases of clergy having affairs or molesting children. For instance, Reverend Baker has had relationships with prostitutes. He always apologizes, but then he does it again. One of the precepts of the Catholic religion is to follow the instructions of the Pope. Many Catholics however, do not follow the Popes instructions on birth control or abortion. Government officials are also hypocritical. They preach family values, yet often they do not follow these values. Senator Packwood resigned from the Senate for his actions. Dick Morris lost his job and his respect over an affair with a prostitute. Most aspects of todays society involve hypocrisy. Another trait that Huck hates is greed. He is kidnaped by his greedy, alcoholi c father. Hucks father beats him for his money when Hucks wealth is discovered. While on the Mississippi, Huck and Jim come
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Online Dating Essay -- Internet Date Singles
A Brief History of CourtshipCourtship takes many forms, depending mainly on the setin history and the culture in which it exists (Cate, 1992)Many popular love songs claim that being in love is similar to being under a magical spell. Some state that all you need is love, and still others affirm that love lifts us up where we belong. People dream about finding their iodin and only soul mate, and in this day and age, the pursuit for love and happiness is closer to home than ever fact, its only a mouse-click away.Of course, dating hasnt always been so convenient. In the aboriginal 19th Century, marriages were arranged with little emphasis on romance or love. Marriage itself was considered to be an economic union, and without a good family break and large plot of land, it was difficult for anyone to find a suitor. Colonel Fitzwilliam says it best in the 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice, stating, there are not many in my coterie of life who can afford to marry withou t a great deal of attention to money (Austen, 1995).In the late 1800s, romantic love moved into the spotlight, and suit became the norm although, this custom was not without its rules and regulations. A great deal of etiquette was employed when arranging the details of a date, and oftentimes, this event was set to take place inside(a) the females home. Parlor dates were very popular, and by opening up ones home, the woman was able to display her homemaking skills -- an area of expertise that was highly valued by the male community.During the early 20th Century, courtship began to take place outside of the home, and although the strict formalities of the dating game were generally loosened, many new conventions were impose... ....N. (2001). Self-disclosure in computer-mediated communication The character reference of self-awareness and visual anonymity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 11, 191-204.Scharlott, B.W. and Christ, W.G. (1995). Overcoming relationship-initiation barriers The impact of a computer-dating system on sex role, shyness, and appearance inhibitions. Computer in Human Behavior, 11, 191-204.Sproull, L. and Kiesler, S. (1986). Reducing amicable context cues Electronic mail in organizational communication. Management Science, 32, 1492-1512.Stanley, T. (2006). Online Dating Sites get Stood up by Consumers. Advertising Age, 77, 10.Turkle, S. (1995). Life on the Screen identity element in the age of the Internet. London Weidenfeld and Nicolson.Whitty, M. and Carr, A. (2006). Cyberspace Romance The Psychology of Online Relationships. New York, New York Palgrave MacMillan.
Friar Lawrence to Blame for Romeo and Juliets Death :: Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
beggar Laurences interference in the families of Romeo and Juliet set much of the fighting, rage and death of these characters into motion. Romeo and Juliet is the title of a great tragedy. This tragedy has been caused by Friar Laurences involvement in the marriage of Romeo and Juliet, the Friars lying to Capulet and his family, and his involvement in the false death of Juliet. Friar Laurences involvement in the marriage of Romeo and Juliet has caused a tragedy. Romeo and Juliet thought that they fell in love, but the Friar should concur k at a timen that they were just kids and they were really rushing into things. In Romeo and Juliet, Friar Laurence says, These carmine delights have violent ends. Is loathsome in his own deliciousness, and in the taste confounds the appetite Therefore love moderately long love doth so, too active arrives as tardy as too slow. When he says this, he is giving Romeo a warnin. Also, Friar Lawrence should have known at the time, that Romeo was lovi ng with his eyes and not with his heart. For example, Romeo was in a relationship with Rosaline, before marrying Julliet. Inonclusion , the Friar did not have the expierence to know that they were kids. The Friar thought that this marriage will end an ancient abhorrence of two prominent families, when it will only separate them even more. Friar Laurence was helping Capulet and Lady Capulet mourn over Tybalts death. Paris says, With these times of excruciation afford no time to woo . If everything was thought about clearly and not rushed through then(prenominal) none of this would have happened and Romeo and Juliet would not have died such a tragic death. Another example of the Friar lying is by not telling Montague and Lady Montague of Romeo and Juliets elopement. This only made matters worse, and now both Romeo and Juliet are dead. The Friar made this marriage a huge mistake, and he could have stopped the whole thing right there and then by just saying no. The bad advice keep s coming. Hold, daughter. I do spy a kind of hope, Which craves as desperate an execution, As that is desperate which we would prevent. If, kind of than to marry County Paris,When Juliet turns to Friar Lawrence in desperation because her parents are forcing her to marry Paris, the Friar concocts the crazy scheme for Juliet to fake her own death.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Breakfast of Champions Essay -- essays research papers
Breakfast of ChampionsHave you ever read a adjudge and enjoyed it, scarce once you were finished you wondered what it was really about? You wondered if the book had a deep meaning that you had to sit and think about or if the book was just for delight purposes only and had no meaning whatsoever. For me, Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. was this type of book. Breakfast of Champions is a story about two men who are passing game to eventually meet each other at a festival for the arts. The story tells about their journey in detail and explains how each man perceives and reacts to society. Dwayne Hoover, a Pontiac salesman, is on the brink of insanity. Dwayne is a very well-to-do man and owns many businesses in Midland City where he resides. In the blink of an eye Dwaynes life changes forever. One day Dwaynes wife drinks Drano and is killed. After this incident Dwaynes body starts producing bad chemicals which causes him to become insane. The other main character of this book is a man by the name of Kilgore Trout. Kilgore is an interesting character. Trout, as he is referred to in the book, is a lonely person who thinks everyone in the world is against him. Trout lives by himself and sells coating and siding for houses. Trouts best and only friend is his bird named Billy. Trout is a struggling writer whose work is mainly published in pornog...
Breakfast of Champions Essay -- essays research papers
Breakfast of ChampionsHave you ever read a book and enjoyed it, but once you were finished you wondered what it was in reality about? You wondered if the book had a deep heart that you had to sit and think about or if the book was just for entertainment purposes only and had no meaning whatsoever. For me, Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. was this type of book. Breakfast of Champions is a story about two men who are going to eventually meet apiece other at a festival for the arts. The story tells about their journey in detail and explains how each man perceives and reacts to society. Dwayne Hoover, a Pontiac salesman, is on the brink of insanity. Dwayne is a very well-to-do man and owns many businesses in Midland City where he resides. In the blink of an eye Dwaynes life changes forever. One day Dwaynes wife drinks Drano and is killed. After this incident Dwaynes body starts producing bad chemicals which causes him to become insane. The other main character of this book is a man by the name of Kilgore Trout. Kilgore is an interesting character. Trout, as he is referred to in the book, is a lonely person who thinks everyone in the world is against him. Trout lives by himself and sells screening and siding for houses. Trouts outflank and only friend is his bird named Billy. Trout is a struggling writer whose work is mainly published in pornog...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield Essay
I. In Greece the polis of S unwrapa was the number nonpareil forces authority for the people and for the time period. on that point was nothing that the severes could not do when it came to war. From the time that ascetic men were born, they were evaluated for their future services to the Spartan confederacy. Each baby was sent to have the ten, ten, one leaven done on them as explained in the novel, The Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield. This test was to check and make sure that there were no deformities. If there were the children were annihilateed because they could not help the armed services, therefore had no purpose in their society as a whole. Sparta was a militarist state. The separate helots and Athenians and so on, looked to the Spartans for guidance and often for overall protection during the times of war. Their society as a whole was very separated from the rest of Greece though. For example in the novel when Xeones talks ab let on his dreams to be a Spartan he k nows that he would never be recognized, while his cousin Diomache wants to be an Athenian she knows that is it possible. One could only call himself a Spartan if he was born of a Spartan in Sparta.The polis also held itself high in importance. In the book, The Gates of Fire Rooster whose mother was a Messenian did not see a need to be honorable to Sparta and protect it either. Rooster would curse it and speak of the paragons as if they were nothing. So in the novel Polynikes was going to kill Rooster because there is no need for someone who has no trust and honor for Sparta.The Spartan society was one of a kind. There was no other polis that was quite like Sparta in the matters of how they raised their people. The society had two abilitys, one military and one religious. They also had the council of elders that helped make decisions. In Pressfields novel Leonidas was the military king of Sparta during the times of the battle of Thermopylae.The polis of Sparta had a system, and ove rall it worked efficaciously. The men protected the city, and controlled everything by the council of elders. Then in the times of war when the men were away the women were in control. They took fright of the cities everyday matters along with the helots from the environ polis. The mens duty to the country was to serve. In situation thelast paragraph of the novel does an excellent job in showing this by stating, Tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here obedient to their laws we lie. This was referencing the fact that the 300 Spartans died as they were told to by their laws and way of life.Overall the polis of Sparta had an effective system. The military worked as it was hypothetic to, and most other cities and rulers feared the military of Sparta. The polis also had an effective trade and governing system overall. The women and helots more often than not dealt with the everyday trade and intercity dealings. The council of elders also was effective in governing the city .II. From the beginning of life perfection was the aim and the only way for Spartans. When the children had any imperfection they were either killed or adopted by the helots surrounding the Spartan polis. The men were put up to some of the toughest tests at extremely young ages. At the age of seven they were put into the agoge for their military training. This would prepare them for the military life that they would eventually lead. Pressfields novel explains some of the tests that these young boys were expected to perform. Xeones speaks of the pushing of the channelize, in which the boys are expected to push down a huge, old tree with just their muscle and force. This is known to be quite impossible, yet it prepares them for the force needed to fight later on in life.These young boys had to enter this agoge. It was part of growing up in Sparta. They would also have to fight other boys about their age in fist of fist battles as Xeones and Alexandros have to do. The Spartan boys wer e expected to fight until they could not fight anymore. after these ring fights the boys would also often be whipped until their spines and muscles would show. The boys could tell them to stop, but this would show weakness, so they often would slay the beatings until they passed out. This may have seemed harsh and often it was, but this training was what bringd the strong military men that Sparta deeply depended on to keep its title as the military power house. Throughout the novel it shows Xeones struggle to be accepted as a Spartan man.This was his dream his entire life, because ashis friend Bruxieus stated, other cities produce monuments and poetry, Sparta produces men.Then men continued to serve in the military until they were thirty years old, when they were finally pardoned of their military duties. The elders in Sparta were upon the most honored citizens. Their age and wisdom were see more than anyone else. In the novel Xeones honors Bruxieus as he should. Even though Brux ieus is only a slave, with many handicaps that hold him back, Xeones looks past all of this. He sees the experience and love that he offers to him and his cousin Diomache in their time of most need. Bruxieus guides and takes care of the children after their town is attacked and their parents and farms are destroyed. So when Bruxieus died Xeones kept his promise that he would go to Sparta and become a Spartan.The women of Sparta were unlike any women from the surrounding areas. The women of Sparta were allowed to be educated, dress as they pleased, exercise and work out, and did many of the tasks that the men did. This exercised the Spartan belief that a man was only as strong as the women that he was born of. The women were not considered equal with the men though. There were many examples of this is Pressfields novel. One being the fact that when Diomache was raped by the military men they told her it was nothing personal, but not to come back because it would happen again. Also it is seen in the fact that women such(prenominal) as Arete though strong in her overall beliefs and her speech she was only this way in the seclusion of her own dwelling. She often would talk to Xeones about personal matters or questions and she would state her opinion, but again this was in the privacy of her own home.Though women were restricted in their power as a gender, they were also greatly regard by the honorable men in their society. This was greatly explored when Dienekes was asking the question of what is the opposite of fear. Dienekes then states, Perhaps the god we seek is not a god at all, but a goddess. He goes on to state that women have more courage and less fear than the men themselves because of all they give to society, such as childbirth. They go on to later state that the opposite of fear is love, which the women show constantly.III.Pressfields novel explores the everyday lives of the Spartan at the time of the battle of Thermopylae. The draw up story is a p erfect way to tell Xeones story. The first chapter explores Xeones waking up after the battle of Thermopylae and slowly tangibleizing the situation that has occurred. The novel starts out tell the life story of Xeones and how he ended up in the predicament that he did. Pressfield does an amazing job telling the history of Sparta through a personal story. The themes of war, love, society, and spirituality were explored and related to the history aspect of the book.When Xeones starts off his story as a child, the novel shows the harsh side of war. It is one thing for the soldiers themselves to be injured it is another for a child to see his family and polis destroyed right before his own eyes. Xeones and Diomache then have to forage in the wilderness with Bruxieus, a slave of Xeones that also survived the attack on their polis.The brutality of war and the life Xeones had to live is explored throughout the next few chapters of the novel. The harshest was the rape of Diomache and the i nternal battle Xeones faces with himself. After being caught stealing his hands are nailed to a board, and Xeones believes they are ruined forever. Eventually he returns to Diomache and Bruxieus, yet he runs off to let himself die because he believes he will never be a Spartan now with his disability. At this point in the novel the spirituality of the time is seen. Xeones sees Apollo the archer who guides him to his chosen career by the gods.Love is seen throughout the entire novel as Xeones craves for his cousins love and acceptance. In the beginning she tells him that he would never be man becoming for her to marry and that he is only a silly boy. Yet, throughout the book he seeks her and she could then see in the temple in Athens the real man that her cousin Xeones had become. He was a Spartan, and was a man. Though he loves Diomache and later it is seen she felt the same they both had children and a spouse that came first, before unfeigned love. Arete also speaks on the matte r and difference of love and marriage to a Spartan when Xeones talks privately with her. She states that she always loved Dienekes even when she was married to Iatrokles his brother. Yet, the society deems arranged marriages more important than the love felt between two people.The battle of Thermopylae was brutal, and heart wrenching. Though only explained through words in this book the blood spill was so life like. The men of Sparta spent days upon days fighting Xerxes men, trying to keep their polis free. The saddest part was the fact that they were fighting so hard, knowing the whole time that they were fighting to just eventually die. They knew they would never again see the site of Sparta or the faces of their children or wives ever again. Yet, that was what kept them going the love for their country and families and the hope that it would remain free for them and the future generations. So though Thermopylae was a battle of warfare and fighting, it was also a story of the Spa rtans fighting for what they loved and what they respected.So though the book as a whole focuses on the battle of Thermopylae, it also explores the Spartan society through the eyes of Xeones. He always loved the Spartans and their ways of life. The Spartans were war it defined them and separated them as a polis. Xeones spent his entire life to become one of these elite men, and eventually through end did so. He died serving the polis that he wanted so bad to become a part of. Yet, through his death he did so. He served the polis and protected his people, and in the end Xeones dream came true, he was honored and named a true Spartan citizen.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
The european identity
We hear the word & A lsquo atomic number 63an connected to other words identical & A lsquo civilization , & A lsquo individual and & A lsquo identity operator most every twenty-four hours. But what does this construct of being & A lsquo atomic number 63an mean? Is it about geographics, semipolitical relations, or something else? In my essay I will foolk to detect if in that location is such(prenominal) a term as & A lsquo europiuman Identity and if it exists so how we can associate ourselves to it. I will look briefly through the history of europium to happen some background for the archetype of incorporate Europe and pull some decisions about what I have found out.First of altogether I would wish to discourse the inquiry what is individuality and how we decide to which individuality we belong. Sir W. Hamilton specify Identity as & A lsquo a relation between our knowledges of a thing, non between things themselves . So technically the manner we identi fy ourselves is in our caputs and there be no rigorous regulations about how to make it. In my survey pack generally identify themselves by the topographic point where they were natural, the linguistic communicating they speak from the birth, the faith, the history they have learned, the topographic point where their parents from, the people they were surrounded by. It appears that a individual does nt truly contemplate to his/her thought of her/himself, it is being embedded in them by milieus. In a world-wide graduated table people are defined into asseverates, but sometimes it is hard to make, because if your parents are from one tell and you were born and raised in another it is non the easiest thing to denominate yourself to one state. That s why I think some people may state they are European.Identity consists of forms by which something or person is recognizable or known. Turning to Europe and its individualities, though G.Delanty wrote that & amp lsquo to be Europea n is a lifestyle defined by the manners of behaviour feature of the people in the West ( Borneman & A Fowler cited in Delanty 2005 ) , I do non hold that people from Asia or the States would be able to acknowledge & amp lsquo European by behaviors. Despite the fact that there might be some common runs of behavior of people who live in Europe ( and here there is another job of where Europe begins and ends ) there are still excessively many differentiations in infract of different states. Another controversial construct in this statement is the West. S.Hall wrote that the West s sense of itself its individuality was formed, non merely by the internal procedures that bit by bit moulded Western European states into a distinguishable type of society, but likewise through Europe s sense of differences from other worlds how it came to stand for itself in relation to these others ( Formations of Modernity, 1992, p.279 ) .But in this instance the thought of what it means to be & a mp lsquo European should be explained exactly because & A lsquo Europeans are non peculiarly linked among themselves ( Delanty, 2005, p.19 ) so we can non truly specify these others. Europeans do non parting common history, civilization, linguistic communication all the standards by which they can be designated into individuality. Today s European Union s slogan is & A lsquo United in diverseness , so even from this we can do a decision that Europe is internally really assorted, it consists of different states, different outlooks which barely can be put at a lower place one roof. And & A lsquo individuality can be assimilated with & A lsquo sameness and here we see no sameness at all. Each state has its ain traditions, linguistic communication, civilization and what is the most of import history on which all the other factors are based.Ones may state that there is a common European history but in this instance it is defined to a greater extent in footings of geogr aphics than civilization. But if we are seeking to happen get togetherd Europe in history it is impossible, at least until nineteenth Century when the depression thought of incorporate Europe appeared, but after that there were two universe wars which both were engendered in Europe and after the 2nd one Europe was literally separated for more that 40 old ages. And it happened in Europe, forthwith united and seeking for prosperity, integrity and peace. Returning to history, there were neer thoughts to do Europe a incorporate military unit. There ever were wars and contentions in the chase of power and extension. We might state that in the period of Roman conglomerate Europe was about united by the power of one state, but it was non a brotherhood every bit much as invasion and conquering of insatiate and muscular swayers. And under these subjugations there was no thought of distributing the civilization or set uping economic or political dealingss. In this instance I can state that the conquers of Alexander the Great had more exalted background. However he went non to the West but to the East, he had the thought of uniting the lands under one civilization and power, he likely might hold succeeded to make new land and new individuality but it did non go on. When the Western Roman Empire disintegrated the Eastern, Byzantine Empire became dominant and Constantinople was the Centre of Europe, economic and cultural, all the trade paths were traveling through it, accordingly it became a multicultural metropolis. It was besides another Centre of Christendom, apart from Rome. And instantly Constantinople s name is Istanbul and it is Turkey, which is non considered today as a European state. & A lsquo Giscard dEstaing claimed on 9 November 2002 and argued that because it is non Christian, Turkey can non fall in the EU ( Delanty, 2005, p.14 ) , so another consolidative factor of Europe, as some say, is Christianity, but if we take a expression at the demographi c state of affairs of, for illustration, France we can non state that it is strictly Christian, though it is decidedly European. Another thing is that Christianity originates from Palestine, which even geographically is non included in Europe, so can Europe truly say that Christianity is European? Although, we can non reject the fact that Christianity has been a great force in Europe. But in world it has been non spiritual and religious power but more political, economic and even military.In the Middle Ages, clip of ageless wars and conflicts the Church had highly influential power. For the swayers of different states it was really profitable to hold Church s support as it was a mark for civilians that God blessed their state and people at that place. Nevertheless it appeared that God s approval and forgiveness could be easy bought, so the Church was really commercial and had some sufficient financess. Then there were the Crusades which were organised by the Christian universe and b rought them a potty of hoarded wealths and more power in Europe. The Church extended its influence further to North and East. This might be treated as unifying Europe under the mark of Christendom but really it was once more all about power and money, this clip though the agencies to acquire them were used more sagely. Christian devotion was established in Europe by the menace of wars and force, and we will neer cognize what would hold happened if they had non been seeking for power.The age of Enlightenment superinduced some important alterations to the thought of United Europe. The ideas of Enlighteners destroyed the thought that power could be got merely by force and force, they introduced the importance of cognition and that everything could be solved in a civil mode. Rousseau thought that one twenty-four hours there might be a Europe where & A lsquo there are no more Gallic, German, Spanish, even Englishmen whatsoever one says, there are merely Europeans. They all have the same gustatory sensations, the same passions, and the same manner of life ( cited in Delanty 2005, p.17 ) . In my sentiment it is impossible to accomplish as the gustatory sensations and passions are formed by non one twelvemonth of common civilization and history, sometimes we can non happen such a integrity in states that are more than a hundred old ages old. Another thing is that to portion these gustatory sensations and passions people have to chatter one linguistic communication, though English I may state has become a lingua franca but merely people who travel and pee-pee with people from other states can talk it good. From here flows the thought of cosmopolitanism, people as citizens of the universe, here of Europe and Delanty agreed that & amp lsquo Europeans are citizens with a universe mentality , explicating that it means that & amp lsquo the citizens of one state see citizens of another & A lsquo one of us ( 2005, p.18 ) . And here I would to reason, make they ? Truly? Do people earnestly act friendly towards dwellers from other states? Then why the migration is such a large inquiry in the prima states of Europe? We all are the citizens of Europe, we should esteem each other and welcome each other with all the cordial reception. But today it is non a platitude everyplace in modern-day Europe, so I will neer hold with E.Burke that & amp lsquo No European can be an expatriate in any portion of Europe ( cited in Delanty, 2005, p.17 ) . Peoples can be, they can experience exiled in their place state, what to state about Europe, full of differences and contradictions.After the thoughts of Enlighteners there two most convulsive wars in the history of the World and in the twentieth century one baronial adult male came up with the thought of unifying Europe, he was George Marshall, the draw of American military and the secretary of province in US. I can non state it was a bad thought, it was a great one, but it was given by the adult male fr om the top of society, non even a European society. Equally good as the thought of Enlighteners it was non the thought of ordinary people. Delanty wroteThe thought of Europe was largely derived from & A lsquo above and non from & A lsquo below in concrete signifiers of life and political battles. It has chiefly been the political orientation of intellectuals and the political category. As such it has tended to be a counter radical political orientation of the elites, those groups who claim to be the representatives of society. ( Delanty, 1995, p.6 )So, after old ages of struggles and battles the Union of Common Economic Market was created. And here we see that Europe was foremost united in order to widen the market, to derive net income, to do economic dealingss between states closer. Further these dealingss spread into political universe. T.Hobbes express in the seventeenth century that human existences are highly egocentric but still rational and it is one of the grounds t hey decide to co-operate with other people and subject the power to maintain themselves safe. ( Vitkus, 1998, p.89 ) In my sentiment that is what happened in the twentieth century people were afraid of what may hold happened in future so they decided to unite. In footings of economic and political state of affairs it was and still is a really wise thought, the Union prevents people from wars, it enables states solve the jobs in a peaceable manner and gives the chance for and open-trade market. But the nucleus thought of making European Union was non to unite people from different states, there was no social or cultural background in the thought of it. It is more of a effect that people got the chance to go and interact with other civilization than the ground. I can non deny that today civil people get a batch from EU in footings of acquiring acquainted with other civilizations, but it besides can be called & A lsquo net income . Therefore, they travel, they communicate with eac h other, they learn other histories, but they have non become a new individuality. It might be possible in future but today if we are speaking about European individuality it can be merely economic and political individuality, these are the Fieldss were European states are united, though still hold some confrontations.To reason, my sentiment is that there can non by such a construct like & A lsquo European Identity in footings of something that has got common forms by which it can be recognized socially or culturally. Although I do non deny that today s Europe is united and that there might be an economic and political individuality as Europe has got common market, Torahs and even parliament and these factors unite people. Overall, I think Europe has a long manner to travel to be considered as united economically and socially, politically and culturally and treated as one incorporate province.BibliographyDelanty, G. ( 1995 ) . Inventing Europe Idea, Identity, Reality. Basingstoke MacmillanDelanty, G. ( 2005 ) . & A lsquo What does it intend to be & amp lsquo European ? Innovation, 18 ( 1 ) , pp. 11-22Hall, S. ( 1992 ) . & A lsquo The West and the remainder discourse and power & A lsquo in S.Hall, B.Gieben ( explosive detection systems ) Formations of Modernity Cambridge Civil orderVan der Dussen, W. J. & A Wilson, K. ( 1995 ) . The History of European Integration. London RoutledgeVitkus, G. ( 1998 ) . Politologija ( Political Science ) capital of Lithuania DanieliusWebster s Revised Unabridged Dictionary ( 1913 ) ( hypertext transfer protocol // )
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Operations Research Smu-de Mba Sem 2
Spring 2013 Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 1 MB0048 trading operations Research- 4 Credits (Book ID B1631) Assignment range 1 (60 Marks) Note Assignment Set -1 must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions. Q1. Explain the scope of Operations Research. What are the features of Operations Research? 10 marks (300 350 words each) Q2. Six Operators are to be assigned to five jobs with the cost of assignment in Rs. given in the matrix below. Determine the optimal assignment.Which operator will have no assignment? Operators Jobs 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 2 5 2 6 2 2 5 8 7 7 3 7 8 6 9 8 4 6 2 3 4 5 5 9 3 8 9 7 6 4 7 4 6 8 10 marks Q3. a. Explain the Monte Carlo Simulation. b. A Company produces 150 cars. But the production rate varies with the distribution. Production roam 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 Probability 0. 05 0. 10 0. 15 0. 20 0. 30 0. 15 0. 05 At present the track will hold 150 cars. Using the future(a) random numbers etermine the average number of cars waitin g for shipment in the company and average number of empty space in the truck. Random numbers 82, 54, 50, 96, 85, 34, 30, 02, 64, 47. 5 +5 = 10 marks (200 250 words each) Q4. Explain the Characteristics and Constituents of a Queuing System. 10 marks (300 350 words each) Spring 2013 Q5. a. What do you mean by potential? State the dominance rules for rows and columns. b. Find the saddle point of the following game and state the optimum strategies for layers A and B A B 1 2 3 4 5 1 9 3 1 8 0 2 6 5 4 6 7 3 2 4 4 3 8 4 5 6 2 2 1 5 +5 = 10 marks (200 250 words each) Q6. a What are the differences between PERT and CPM? b. A project has eleven activities whose duration is given in the following table body process 0-1 1-2 1-3 2-4 2-5 3-4 3-6 4-7 5-7 6-7 7-8 Duration (days) 2 8 10 6 3 3 7 5 2 8 3 i. Draw the network ii. mention the critical activities and critical path. 5 +5 = 10 marks (200 250 words each)
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Human Resources Management In Small and Medium Enterprises Essay
IntroductionCompetitive advantage to a immobile accrues from the judicious employment of three basic types of resources, namelyPhysical Capital Resources, such as Finances, Plant and EquipmentOrganizational Capital Resources Structure and systems in the organization human race Capital Resources, which include the skills, competencies, experience and intelligence of employees.1 gracious resources argon among the most great resources that an organisation utilises and hence its importance to any organisation give the bounce be easily soundless. Sm every-to-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are no exception to this rule, although this aspect is frequently lost muss of. This paper examines the situation and importance of tender-hearted Resources in SMEs, and compares SMEs from twain different cultural backgrounds Taiwan and the UK.Role of Human Resources in SMEsThe need of human resources guidance in SMEs inescapably to be strongly encouraged. CEO/ put upers in SMEs view human resour ce management decisions as genuinely outstanding to the growth of their enterprises2A study into the perception of definitive HR issues in piffling organizations showed that top six issues were wage rates, availability of quality workers, government regulation, cultivation, benefits, and put-on security3 The role of Human Resources in SMEs is to contribute meaningfully to organisational objectives in a flexible and demanding environment.Lack of strategic employee management is widely accepted as characteristic of small enterprises. Decision-making has been perceived to be of relatively short-term nature compared to larger organisations, making small enterprises more flexible and less betrothal- accustomed. At the same time, this also heart and soul that the advantages of semipermanent planning such as great efficiency and effectiveness are lost. On the human resources front, this means that such organisations scarper to capture bring down capability to attract, retain an d incite the best human resources.This becomes authorized in view of the fact that out of thousands of small businesses that are established every year, unless a few manage to survive in the long-term. While long-term planning and HR strategy are not the only reasons for this, they are among the important reasons. Hence an examination of the HR function as a strategic part of business, and its relevance to long-term planning, is in order. In addition, the role of recruitment and coifion, development, and surgical operation management, are also relevant to any discussion on the role of human resources.Planning and Human Resources attentionStrategic planning for the organisation inevitably to be linked to individual goals. In turn, this means that the job design should shoot for into account the long-term objectives of the organisation. A framework for strategic management incorporating HRM involves ontogenesis a mission statement that answers questions of what businesses th e organisation is in determining goals that are general and long term and establishing objectives that are short term and measurable. It should also dig a complete SWOT analysis that incorporates HRM as a functional unit of analysis.4One of the essential requirements of Human Resources Planning is proper job design. Human resources planning involves the matching of the know conductge and skills that are likely to be required in future with those that it has or will sop up. Human Resources Planning will wait on the organisation to estimate critical resource requirements, plan teach and development needs, and link individual goals to organizational objectives. Job design involves specifying the characteristics of the job and the requirements such as skills for performing these jobs. Job design will thus provide the framework for a host of HR planning activities that roll in the hay be linked to organizational objectives.5Recruitment and SelectionOnce the plans of the organizatio n are clear the next important issue that any organisation needs to address is to get the honest staff to implement the plans. Surveys indicate that about 25 per cent of small businesses view the lack of qualified workers as a threat to their expansion and very extract.6 The problem assumes particular importance in the case of small enterprises because they almost always restrain a problem in attracting and retaining the best talent. This is partly collectible to the fact that they are unable to compete with larger firms for quality staff, because it is impossible for them to match the rewards and prestige that come along with positions in larger firms. Additionally, smaller firms have a reputation for world oriented towards a hire and fire culture.TrainingOnce the plans are clear, and the recruitment of the right people has been completed, it becomes necessary to motivate the staff, as swell up as to enable them to perform their tasks efficiently.This requires periodic train ing of the employees. Training is important in the case of small enterprises because they are more prone to changing environments and risqueer attrition rates. This makes it necessary for people to be more flexible, and to be trained in all aspects of the business. While the need for training of staff is thus greater in the case of a small enterprise, it is also accompanied by greater constraints that make it more difficult for these organisations to implement training programmes. weensy organisations face two constraints in t his respectTheir budget for training may be more limited, and they may lack the necessary resources to take aim out such trainingIt is more difficult for small enterprises to spare their people for training programmes.In spite of the above limitations, however, small enterprises need to squeeze more on training, as it is an investment that needs to be done. It has been suggested that top performing companies are distinguished by their higher spending on tr aining and development.7Performance guidancePerformance Management includes work and job design, reward structures, the selection of people for work, the training of these employees, assessment of work performance and policies associated with rewarding and up performance.8Performance Appraisals are an important part of Performance Management and are useful in improving performance, assist HR planning, and identify development needs and potential for promotion. gauzy businesses, in general, lack a white-tie performance appraisal system. The disadvantages of not using structured and formal appraisal systems are that appraisals, and the sequential rewards, are often subjective, and may promote greater dissatisfaction.Consequently, appraisal systems and Performance Management play an important role in determining the alignment of HR planning with organisational goals, and ensuring that a proper climate is available for the achievement of the objectives. In developing formal performa nce appraisal systems, small businesses not only are able to ensure that performance management may become strategically aligned with organisational goals, but also increase accountability, slump under-utilisation of human resources, address concerns of productivity, and decrease employees concerns about fairness and accuracy.9In addition, the salaries and rewards that are offered as part of the employment and the management of diversity within the workforce are important considerations for any organisation. These have a greater significance in the case of small organisations.As can be seen from the above, the role of Human Resources management in small organisations is an important one that needs to be well understood and implemented with care.One interesting extension to the role of HR management in small to sensitive industries is the use of Balanced Score Cards, which are normally viewed as the exclusive tool of large industries. The Balanced Score Cards approach shifts the fo cus to long-term growth, and includes measures of operational efficiency, customer satisfaction and employee related measures. The Balanced Score Card method thus includes a part of HR Management to assess the overall performance of the organisation.In a case study that included three SME organisations, Gumbus and Lussier present some interesting conclusions that have significance for the HR function in SME companies. The cases also serve to highlight the importance of HR in SME companies and the link between performance and HR. One of the three companies cited in the case is Futura Industries, an international gild based in Clearfield, UT with 230 employees. It has over 50 long time of experience in aluminium extrusion, finishing, fabrication, machining and design.The club believes that the two competitive weapons that put them ahead of tilt are their ability to hire and retain the best people and their devotion to the customer. Futuras President, Susan Johnsons belief that com mitted and loyal employees make the difference has led the company into using the Balanced Score Card method. In the words of Ms. Johnson, the company had all the financial metrics, lots of customer measures, and got ISO accredited three years ago but it is our employees that differentiate us from all other extrusion companies.10A Comparison of SMEs in the UK and TaiwanA study by Lin found that successful SMEs in Taiwan place greater stress on soft skills and attitudes quite than on hard skills. He infers that SMEs in Taiwan seemed to have a get around grasp of its human resources. Whenever SMEs modernize equipment, alter production processes, revise compensation policies, and engage in other reorganisation activities, they take stock to handle employees responses and feelings with special care and invest heavily in skills development.11According to Hu, the Human resource scenario in Taiwan is characterised by abundance of entrepreneurs and availability of high quality professi onals. Hu traces this to the importance laid on education by Chinese, and the large-scale injection of high quality human resource into the island in the aftermath of the remove into, and subsequent withdrawal from, Taiwan of the KMT government. In addition, the Taiwanese population has inherited from its ancestors the qualities of hard working, brotherhood, strong family ties, competition, and similar attributes that form the basis for strong family businesses.12According to McKenna & Beech, the following values characterise the Asian HR scene13Politeness and courtesyEmphasis on personal relationshipNot losing faceHarmony- avoidance of open conflictPredominance of group interests over individual interestsDiscipline and respect for authority and for eldersNormative, rather than externally imposed controlTrust and mutual help in business relationshipsCentralisation and authoritarianismAs against the above, the HR scenario in Europe is characterised by the following features14Plurali sm as against unitarismCollectivism and social orientation instead of individualism, with the emphasis being on national, rather than individual, interestsLegal framework firing is more difficultSocial Partnership Employment security, protection of workers rights, and matchation of workforce through with(predicate) trade junctions.Social Responsibility Concern for environment and other social obligationsTolerance for diversityRecognition of complexity and ambiguity.The characteristics enumerated under Asian values represent the Taiwanese scene, and the scenario in Europe is representative of the UK. From the above, it can be seen that the SMEs in Taiwan are formed with reliance on individual assistance, based on respect for authority, with trust and mutual relationships as the supporting factor.In the UK, and other European countries, it is the legal framework that gives the necessary assurance and support to the business rather than trust. In Taiwan authority is enforced, and fo llowed, because it is natural to the culture. In the UK, the legal aspects are augmented by collective bargaining with a recognized trade union to achieve this purpose. Taiwanese take great care to handle employees feelings capturely whenever major decisions need to be taken. This is replaced by collective bargaining and more formal communication in the UK.SMEs predominate in Taiwan, whereas larger firms represent the more prevalent form of business in the UK.SMEs constituted 99.43 percent of Taiwans total manufacturing firms in 1954, the highest level ever recorded 95.26 percent in 1976, the lowest and 98.07 percent in 1996. Among them, the smallest firms, employing fewer than 10 persons, accounted for 90 percent of all firms in the manufacturing sector in the 1950s.15On the other hand, SMEs generate roughly one quarter of the GDP of the UK. The generation of employment by SMEs varies from sector to sector, the highest being in the construction sector with 84% of the employment be ing generated by this sector. The SME sector, which was declining up to 1970, picked up momentum thereafter, and showed a rising trend till 1994. Since 1994, the matter has remained constant.16As can be seen from these figures, the SME sector is less dominant in the UK than in Taiwan.Why Human Resources are important in firmsThe resource-based view of organisations explains variations in firm performance by variations in firms human resources and capabilities17 Firms can gain competitive advantage by generating specific knowledge and skills that are difficult to imitate. This can be achieved through human capital development. The importance of Human Resource Development in small firms is thus self-evident they help the firms to succeed by being competitive. In a study of more than 100 small enterprises in two towns from Ger many an(prenominal), Rauch et al found that human resources are essentially important and an optimal utilization of skills and knowledge increases small busine ss growth. 18In order to harness this important resource and ensure it gives the best returns, an organisation needs to select its employees with care. It is expected that as firms grow, the skills and abilities required to perform various functions and activities no longer would be available from the familiar and informal recruitment sources preferred by the owner-manager19 isolated from recruitment, other functions such as Training and Development, Performance Appraisal, and formal procedures and documentation help the organisation in improving efficiency. According to Kotey and Slade, Benefits of formal HRM practices include showdown legal requirements, maintaining records in support of decisions in the event of litigation, treating employees fairly, and increasing efficiency. 20A study by Kotey and Slade involving more than 1300 small firms in Australia showed that as firms grow they tend to introduce formal HR practices and procedures. In the words of the authors, While the an alyses show that a significant percentage of SMEs implement formal HRM practices with growth, HRM remains informal in the majority of firms, particularly in small firms. It could be that implementation of formal HR structures and procedures necessary to support growth differentiates successful from unsuccessful SMEs.21In a small organisation, people need to be more flexible and undertake a greater variety of jobs. This needs both motivation and skills. In turn, many employees may get better exposure and greater opportunities to learn and shoulder higher responsibilities in a small firm. All of these underline the importance of Human Resources Management in organisations, particularly small firms.The HRM model is composed of policies that promote mutual goals, influence, respect, rewards and responsibility between employees in the organisation.22 These policies are promoted by practices such as team working, aligning performance objectives with organisational goals, and a flat organi sation structure, all of which can be achieved only through a proper Human Resources Management in the organisation.Survey Research findings have confirmed the theoretical position with the conclusion that good HR systems is a source of competitive advantage. One study has shown that higher performance in a number of areas is correlated to good HR systems and practices. Companies that had significantly higher ratings on their HR practices also reported better market value, higher accounting profits, higher growth rates, better sales per employee, and lower employee turnover.Another study has found that refreshfully started companies had a better survival rate if they had good HR practices. The probability of survival was found to vary by as much as 42% between the firms with the best HR practices and rewards, and those with the worst. Yet another study found that performance of the organisation was strongly linked with practices such as acquisition and development of skilled people , better job design, better autonomy, and positive employee attitude. All these studies clearly show that good HR could positively impact organisational performance practices, highlighting the importance of Human Resources in an organisation. asunder from improving performance good HR practices result in lower be, while poor practices increase the costs to the organization. One of the contributing factors for this is the cost of employee turnover.Interviewing and training recruits has significant out-of-pocket costs for the employer. Replacing an employee involves expenses for Separation, Replacement, and Training. 23Employee turnover costs can be divided into three major elementsSeparation costs These are the costs that are directly incurred when an employee leaves the firm, and include such costs as exit interviews, administrative and paperwork costs, disbursement of separation benefits, and revenues lost due to shortage of staff.Replacement cost These represent the cost of repla cing the employee who has left and include the costs of advertising, sourcing, interviewing and selection.Training Costs These are the costs that the company incurs for training and induction of a new employee. Apart from the actual expenditure on these activities, the costs of loss of efficiency in the initial stages, and the time lost during the training period should also be considered.Thus employee turnover could represent a fairly high cost to the organisation. Employee turnover can be classified into avertable and unavoidable turnover. Most of the avoidable turnover results from lack of proper HR initiatives.24How easily/Bad employees concern the firmA good employee is possibly the most valuable asset a small firm or SME can possess a bad one could ruin the enterprise.25 Any firm, and more importantly a small firm, can ill afford to have people who do not perform.Robert Townsend, a noted Management expert was once asked the secret behind his ability to take over loss making firms, and changing them into profitable ones. The reply that he gave will be of interest to anyone asking how good or bad employees make or mar the firm. Mr. Townsend identified three factors that contributed to his successReleasing the potential of employees so that they could perform at much higher levels by the practice of appropriate management stylesIdentifying people within the organisation who were blocking progress and preventing others from performing, and either changing their ways, or dismissing themIdentifying people who had the ability and drive to take the company to greater heights, and promoting them.It can be seen that this highly successful Management practitioner reduced success to three simple rules, namely, eliminating deadwood, promoting and encouraging those with potential and creating the right climate in the company. This clearly shows that apart from creating the right environment, the most important requirement for success is the quality of people. Good people could transform a loss making company into a profitable one.26Whether a firm is small or large, its only as good as its staff.27 This can be easily understood because the employees of the organisation make the vital difference between good and poor performance in every area. Apart from the demonstrated effect that this has on the firms performance, which has been cited earlier, this also stands to reason. A company depends on coordinated working by its employees towards a common goal to achieve its objectives. In order to envision these objectives, the organisation has to do what it does well.In other words, the competence of its employees should be good if it wants to achieve results. Secondly, the soft skills of the employees are important to achieve internal teamwork as well as to nurture customers with excellent performance and service. Thirdly, the employees of the company need to work efficiently if it is to have a healthy bottom line. All these objectives can be achie ved only with good employees who know their job and possess the necessary hard skills, have the necessary soft skills, and are committed to the companys success. In other words, a company needs good employees who have the right levels of knowledge, skills and attitudes.ConclusionHuman Resources Management in teensy-to-medium industries has been gaining a lot of attention lately. in that location is increased awareness among many of the SME entrepreneurs themselves about the importance of good HR practices and policies. It has been shown that organisations having formal Human Resources practices grow faster, and are more profitable, than those that do not do so.A comparison between SMEs in two countries, namely Taiwan and the UK, shows that the SME sector is more predominant in Taiwan, which is characterized by a culture that lays greater emphasis on group working, respect for authority, and mutual trust. This is contrasted by the UK situation where the SME sector is les pervasive, and the HR climate is characterised by formal and legal supports, collectivism, and social responsibility.Although the two situations are quite different from each other, the importance of formal HR systems in the SME segment is being recognised in both cases, and seem to affect performance positively, irrespective of the background.Works CitedA Causal Analysis. Entrepreneurship conjecture and Practice, 29(6) 2005 681+.Bennett, Roger. Small line of descent Survival Strategies for Delivering Growth and Staying bankable Second Edition. London, Financial Times Management, 1998.Burns, Paul. Entrepreneurship and Small Business. New York, Palgrave, 2001.Griffith, Roger W and Hom, Peter W. Retaining Valued Employees. London, Sage Publications, 2001.Gumbus, Andra, and Robert N. Lussier. Entrepreneurs Use a Balanced Scorecard to Translate Strategy into Performance Measures. Journal of Small Business Management 44(3) 2006 407+.Heneman, Robert L., Judith W. Tansky, and S. Michael Camp. Hum an Resource Management Practices in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises unreciprocated Questions and Future Research Perspectives. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 25 (1) 2000 11.Holbeche, Linda. Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001.HRD in Small Organizations, Edited by Graham Beaver & Jim Stewart. New York, Routledge, 2004.Hu, Ming-Wen. Many Small Antelopes Make a Dragon. Futures 35(4) 2003 379+.Kotey, Bernice, and Peter Slade. Formal Human Resource Management Practices in Small Growing Firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 43 (1) 2005 16+.Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun. Success Factors of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Taiwan An Analysis of Cases. Journal of Small Business Management, 36(4) (1998) 43.McKenna, Eugene and Beech, Nic. Human Resource Management, A Concise Analysis. Essex, Pearson Education Limited, 2002Megginson, David, Banfield, Paul, and Joy-Mathews, Jennifer. Human Resource Development. Kogan Page India Pvt. Lt d., New Delhi, 2001.Rauch, A., Frese, M., & Utsch, A. Effects of Human Capital and Long-Term Human Resources Development and Utilization on Employment Growth of Small-Scale BusinessesSatava, David. The A to Z of Keeping Staff hardly a(prenominal) Firm Employees Leave without a Good Reason-Heres How Not to Give Them One. Journal of Accountancy 195 (4) 2003 67+.1 L. Holbeche, Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001, pp.10-11.2 R.L. Heneman, T.W. Judith and S. M. Camp. Human Resource Management Practices in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Unanswered Questions and Future Research Perspectives. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 25(1) (2000) p. 113 HRD in Small Organizations, Edited by Graham Beaver & Jim Stewart, New York, Routledge, 2004, p. 81.4 Ibid, p815 Ibid6 ibid, p827 ibid, p 858 ibid, p 899 ibid, p 8910 A. Gumbus and R. N. Lussier. Entrepreneurs Use a Balanced Scorecard to Translate Strategy into Performance Measures, Journal of Small Business Management, 44(3) 2006 p.407.11C.Y. Lin. Success Factors of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Taiwan An Analysis of Cases. Journal of Small Business Management, 36(4) (1998) p. 43.12 M. Hu. Many Small Antelopes Make a Dragon, Futures, 35(4) 2003 p. 379.13 E.McKenna and N. Beech. Human Resource Management, A Concise Analysis. Essex, Pearson Education Limited, 2002, pp.4-5.14 ibid15 M. Hu. P. 379.16 P.Burns. Entrepreneurship and Small Business. New York, Palgrave, 2001, p12.17 A. Rauch, M. Frese & A. Utsch. Effects of Human Capital and Long-Term Human Resources Development and Utilization on Employment Growth of Small-Scale Businesses A Causal Analysis. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 29(6) 2005 p681.18 ibid19 B.Kotey and P. Slade. Formal Human Resource Management Practices in Small Growing Firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 43(1) (2005) p.16.20 ibid21 ibid22 E. McKenna and N. Beech, p34-3523 D. Satava. The A to Z of Keeping Staff Few Firm Employees Leave without a Good Reason-Heres How Not to Give Them One, Journal of Accountancy, 195(4 ) 2003 p. 67.24 R. W. Griffith and P. W. Hom. Retaining Valued Employees, London, Sage Publications, 2001, p1025 R. Bennett. Small Business Survival Strategies for Delivering Growth and Staying Profitable Second Edition, London, Financial Times Management, 1998.26 D. Megginson, P. Banfield and J. Joy-Mathews. Human Resource Development. Kogan Page India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001, p. 82.27 Satava, David. The A to Z of Keeping Staff Few Firm Employees Leave without a Good Reason-Heres How Not to Give Them One. Journal of Accountancy 195.4 (2003) 67+.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Who’s Responsible for the final tragedy in ‘A View from the Bridge’?
Nowadays, family committedness is not as common in families as in used to be. Think closely your family, does it revolve around loyalty or some topic else? In the play, A View from the Bridge written by Arthur Miller their whole family life revolves around loyalty and is an every(prenominal)day duty. exclusively evidently shown the pressure of family loyalty can push you to do things that might not be in your nature to do. It begins when Eddie and Beatrice give rubber to two Italian immigrants, whom are Beatrices cousins named Marco and Rodolfo.Once they arrive everybodys feelings of lust, jealousy and anger begin to become stronger and stronger. But this still leaves the question stretchWho or what is responsible for the final tragedy? Catherine joined the Carbone family when her mother died they willingly took in and dedicated their life to take care of her. Eddie shows to be a pity and protective father especi every last(predicate)y when Catherine fates to go out in a sh ort skirt, Eddie is not very impressed and says Youre walking wavy and he doesnt like they way men look at her in the candy store (I dont like the looks theyre givin you in the candy store. . He seems to withstand this lead on Catherine over what she does and how she does it. But when Beatrice (Eddies wife) has her cousins come over illegally from Italy Catherines childhood days and demeanor seems to slowly be drifting away as Catherine and Rodolfo begin to realize their love for each other but not if Eddie has anything to do with it. At the radical of the play, Eddie is clearly shown as an over-protective father figure over Catherine.At first his relationship with Catherine is publicized as a typical father-daughter relationship he disagrees with things she says and hes never content with her personal relationships. But Catherine also shows that she feels quite close to him when Beatrice reveals You still walk around in front of him with scarcely your slide and you sit of the edge of the bathtub talkin to him when hes shavin in his underwear This shows that Catherine is very comfortable with Eddie but it may be that its her being that comfortable that leads Eddie to want more than a father-daughter relationship with her.When Marco and Rodolfo arrive there is a clear attraction between Catherine and Rodolfo and this is only the start of a big problem in Eddies eyes. When Beatrice says if it was a prince came here for you it would be no different This shows that even Beatrice knows what Eddies doing but she said its going to be like this with every guy Catherine is with. Also that he will always love her, no matter who she loves. Beatrice is shown as a sensitive wo earthly concern in a aspect from a bridge, she may not be shown as a must needed character but in fact there is more to Beatrice than we think.In the play we get the feeling that once Rodolfo and Marco arrive she wants everything to be perfect so when Eddie gets upset with the relationship wit h Catherine and Rodolfo she starts to snap at Eddie a lot more. I know this from when Eddie says 2you didnt used to jump me all the time but it kind of shows a caring side to Beatrice she wants her cousins to earn a comfortable and amiable home to live in while they stay in America. Beatrice suggests that recently Eddie hasnt been treating her like a wife and their love life hasnt been all that it could be when Beatrice snaps at Eddie saying When am I going to be a wife again, Eddie.This lack of loving for his wife is probably because of his recent compulsion with his nieces relationship, he wants to be noticed by her because he detests that she has someone to love. Beatrice slowly starts to realize what Eddie is trying to and his involvement with Catherine when Beatrice says You want somethin else Eddie and you can never have her (Catherine) By this point in the play it is pretty clear that Beatrice is telling the truth.But I dont think Beatrice is stating what needs to be said, I think that she is attacked Eddie with this statement because she is annoyed of Eddie and jealous of Catherine because she is getting the loving from Eddie that Beatrice tries so hard to get, just a little bit of. Beatrice has a habit of egg laying out the truth to her loved ones, but in the end she sucks up to Eddie and does what he tells her to do I see this when Eddie doesnt want to go to the espousal and Beatrice makes her own decision to stay at home with Eddie and not go.At the beginning of the play Marco is shown as quite a chilled out person. As the lecturer we now he is a man devoted to her family and the loyalty that keeps them so close. He is so devoted that he had to leave his wife and children spikelet in Italy to come and work in America. One of Marcos first good qualities we see is a peacemaker he is constantly trying to calm the separate out atmosphere between Eddie and Rodolfo and in Eddies eyes his other good quality is being masculine and Eddies friend Louis describes as A rhythmic bull and says Hes a regular slave I think this means he works hard.He tells Rodolfo to be respectful to Eddie when they have arguments but I think this is only because he wants to makes his welcome as long as possible so he can work for his wife and children. But when Eddie snitches to immigration Marcos innocent feelings and peacemaker quality disappears. He almost turns into a completely different person. In the eyes Eddie, Rodolfo is an evil man who has only traveled to America to steal Catherine from him. When in fact he is just there to get money for his brothers family and falls in love with Catherine.We know that Rodolfo can sing but he tends to sing in inappropriate places, such as the house and down at the docks (these are places were they could easily get caught). We know a lot of good things about Rodolfo but not any bad thingsand thats what drives Eddie mad. So Eddie accuses Rodolfo of only wanting a relationship with Catherine to become an Ame rican Citizen. But when Catherine asks him (Would you still want to do it if it turned out we had to go live in Italy? ) he replies No I will not marry you to live in Italy.I want you to be my wife, and I want to be a citizen if Rodolfo really just wanted to be an American Citizen why would he reply with such an honest answer? His masculinity is tested when Eddie decides to teach Rodolfo how to fight (come on, Ill teach you. ) but Eddie takes advantage of him and boxes him straight in the face. Eddie thought that this showed that Rodolfo was gay but maybe he just didnt want to fight? But then Eddie kisses Rodolfo to try and say that he is gay, but it didnt work.In my touch it made Eddie look quite silly because there was no reaction. Catherine, the stunning seventeen-year-old girl She is in the middle of the love triangle. She is portrayed as a loving daughter. She loves Eddie He took her in a brought her up as his own and they are shown with a good father daughter relationship. E ddie Notices everything about Catherine her hair, new out fit (at the beginning of the play), she likes that hes noticed but she doesnt no that its really his secret desire fore her Whereas Beatrice notices this when her cousins arrive.This is when we see a different side of Eddie, when he starts to get really jealous. Eddie becomes persistent I decision ways and excuses with stopping Catherine from going out with Rodolfo this puts a strain on their relationship. But when Eddie kisses Catherine it just ruins the relationship, Catherine realizes what has been happening and is fuming at her uncle. Reputation is a big thing through this play and there are many things which let us know about this.When Eddie has a convosation with Beatrice and he talks about Rodolfo, he says Im ashamed. Paper doll they call him. Blondie now this shows that Eddie is worried and doesnt want to ruin his reputation down at the docks. Next big wrap that respect and reputation is a big thing in this family is when Eddie shouts I want my respect Eddie says this after he has turned in Marco and Rodolfo in my opinion he has probably anomic all respect for himself and is asking respect from other people in order to feel better.When Marco and Eddie are fighting in the street Marco shouts That one He killed my children That one stole food from my children when he says this in front of the whole neighborhood this destroys Eddies reputation with the community. Eddie replies Gonna take that back or Ill kill him this shows Eddie will do anything to get his reputation back and he is not joking. The long lasting respect Catherine has for her uncle in lost (You got no right to tell nobody nothing, Nobody The rest of your life, nobody ).
Don Juan by Gorge Gordon Byron
English poetry offers us an astonishing variety of p split up and scenes. Their striking scope and sophistication attract the readers attention from the first words. Its possible to find anything in this poetry- it answers even the most demanding taste. In an attractive and accessible style English numberss show different events or feelings which the authors are expressing. It depicts many astonishing scenes which help us to develop our imagination and give us an extraordinary basis for further intellectual development.There are many give awaystanding English poets whose works have very much attracted my attention but I was the most overwhelmed by Gorge Gordon Byrons works. His songs each appear masterpieces which strike us by their creative thought and meaning. George Gordon Byrons epic poem bust Juan has a very complicated plot, and thither are very many issues which are raised by the poem. In order to get a safe grasp of the poem, its very important to stop at all the brin y themes. Its impossible to narrow the scope of all the issues raised by the poem into a few of them because there are plenty of them.Even though many investigations of outwear Juan have been made, we are still incapable of answering what main meaning the poem carries in itself- whether its a poem about love and romance, or its an attack upon Lake poets against whom Byron was always fighting, or this poem is in the main a social commentary. Some critics argue that this poem may very well be the description of the Fall of the Man, or Byrons own begin of self-therapy because some scenes depicted by Byron is founding father Juan turn out to have analogy with scenes from Byrons own life.Don Juan in many aspects shows Byrons existentialist views. He goes away from Calvinist philosophical view of things and goes to a much more complex existentialist view which includes studying of a mans consciousness, his feelings and emotions, among which there is always alienation, anxiety, and ang st. However, unlike all the existentialist philosophers who are going to follow Byron in some time, his philosophy in Don Juan is expressed in a different way.If Sartre, Kierkegaard and other existentialists argue that there is no God because belief for him has died in peoples minds, that people are totally lonely in this cruel world, Byrons existentialist vision is a theistic one and he is encompassing a compassion for humanity as a great whole. Byron also deals with themes of alienation and angst which all humans are experiencing but he is not mad at the whole world for that, unlike other existentialists. The poem also deals very much with literature critics of Byrons times, and through his own creative work Byron does his best to show his attitude to some poets.Byrons badinage helps him to hit the target of the necessary poets very easily. Don Juan is a literary manifesto to Byrons age in which he vigorously attacks the literary pretensions of romantic poets of his time. Acco rding to Jerome J. McGann, The point of Don Juan is to clarify the nature of poetry in an age where obscurity on the subject, both in theory and practice, was becoming rearing and developed from the increasing emphasis upon privacy and individual talent in Romantic verse (McGann, 78).In the Dedication in which Byron provides all the attacks on the Lake poets, he shows lots dissatisfaction by the works of Bob Southey whom he considers very insolent and untalented, unable to create any outstanding works Bob Southey Youre a poetPoet-laureate, And representative of all the race Although tis true that you turnd out a Tory at Last-yours has lately been a common case And now, my Epic Renegade what are ye at? With all the Lakers, in and out of place? A nest of tuneful persons, to my eye Like four and twenty Blackbirds in a pye (Byron, Dedication) Bob Southey is not the hardly poet on who Byron performs an attack.He stands against all the principles on which the Lake poets poetry is based and argues that their creative work is useless I would not imitate the petty thought, Nor coin my self-love to so base a vice, For all the glory your conversion brought, Since gold alone should not have been its price. You have your salary wast for that you wrought? And Wordsworth has his place in the Excise. Youre tawdry fellowstruebut poets still, And duly seated on the Immortal Hill. (Byron, Dedication) One of the reasons of Byrons attacks upon Lake poets is that his Romantic contemporaries didnt not give trust to Pope who was Byrons idol.This attitude to Pope, according to Byron, showed those poets neglect of the rules of proprietary in verse, a neglect which carried over to the debasement of political and ethical ideas (Bloom, 1). Byrons exalted was traditional poetry and was fighting against any imagination which appeared in the poems of romantic Lake poets. He stood against depiction of romantic feelings in the poems and brining imagination into it. The satire turns out a very effective weapon in the hands of Byron because it serves as Byrons qualifying device for his theme of appearance versus reality, which is the opposite to the outlook Lake poets were expressing.The idea that things not always appear what they seem is central in Byrons outlook. This view of reality is shared by Kant, too, who was arguing that things were actually things-in-themselves, and we could see only the animadversion of them. Byron agrees in that with Kant and shows in Don Juan that we deposenot grasp the true meaning of reality, we dont know what the things are originally. This outlook which Byron represents gives us an idea that the alleged cynicism in Don Juan is only a facade which is covering a much more important issue.The idea that Byrons Don Juan is Byron himself and thus the poem turns out autobiographical, can be proved by some factors. In a letter to his publisher Byron said the following The truth is that the poem is TOO TRUE. Byrons childhood is very similar to the childhood of his character Don Juan. Even the characters in the poem are very similar to some people with whom Byron was connected- Byrons Father, Captain John Byron turns out Don Jose, while Donna Inez, like Byrons mother, becomes repression personified (Tate, 90-1).This leads to the conclusion that all the feelings which Byron was depicting in the poem as the feelings of Don Juan, can be considered his own feelings, as well as all the events which were going in the life of Don Juan. We can see Byron himself talking to us through the character of Don Juan. The hero of the poem is introduced in the Canto the First in the following way I want a hero an uncommon want, When every(prenominal) year and month sends forth a new one, Till, after cloying the gazettes with cant, The age discovers he is not the true oneOf such as these I should not care to vaunt, Ill therefore take our ancient friend Don Juan, We all have seen him, in the pantomime, Sent to the Devil somewhat ere his time. (Byron, Dedication) However, that is how Byron represents himself and what his comprehension of his own self is. He certainly takes the plot from the pantomime which is claimed to have appeared earlier than Byron wrote his Don Juan. At the same time, the resemblance of characters which we were talking about higher up is impossible to be argued about.In Don Juan Byron, according to Tates view, depicts the formative events of his life, his experiences as son and husband, but so thoroughfully rearranged as to raise a private chivalric into a public fiction (Tate, 94-5). The impulses behind some rearrangement of facts which Byron has in Don Juan are the key to the poem because in such a manner he is doing his best to do 2 things at a time first of all, show the events from his childhood and marriage, but at the same construct a cordial of an ideal, make all the events which happened to him more perfect than they originally were.Byron is trying to show the events not in the way they were happening in reality but in the way which he would like them to happen. This peculiar approach can be explained very easily- in such a manner Byron is trying to prove to himself that he is the master of his own life, that he can decide what is going to happen in his life and what he doesnt want in it. Instead of gift the story of Don Juan as a myth about which everybody knows, Byron makes a completely different attempt because his goal is to give a psychological delineate of the effects of environment on character.If Byron just decided to write a poem simply based in the famous plot which everybody knows, there would be nothing outstanding in that. On the contrary, his poem is a masterpiece because he has managed to show a complicated character which is influenced by outside environment. Don Juan appears to be manipulated by women and his tragedy is that he moves from the figure of one mother to another. Just like Inez was a social and psychological peer for Don Juan, J ulia becomes a parental substitute for him.Julia embodied the hatred of Byrons mother for her husband, and the hated husband is very willingly replaced by the more easily dominated son. Alfonsos relationship with Inez and the chance of his being Juans actual father, or at least old enough to substitute as the father symbol in the exclusive only mother, only son affliction, sets up an oedipal configuration between these three characters, which is further complicated by the possibility that Julia is sister-mother to Juan (Tate, 94-5).All the complications which happen in Juans life, when he is unable to understand what he is doing right and what wrong make him escape from the motherly manipulations of both women. Their attitude to Juan represents an external threat to his sexuality, so the only thing which is left for him to do is escape. The scenes of Canto 1 enable us to make a very important conclusion in Byrons poem Don Juan appears as an innocent man despite the traditional visio n of Don Juans character which is depicted in myths.If in the other versions of Don Juan plot the general idea about Don Juan is that he is the one causing troubles for women and making their lives miserable, Byrons Don Juan appears as a different image. He is the victim in the process, not the women depicted. He is the one who suffers and is forced to escape in order to find a happier future.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Expectancy Theory of Motivation
cart track head EXPECTANCY THEORY OF MOTIVATION antepast surmise of need Expectancy Theory of Motivation Companies need to visualize the practice of motivation for them to contact sound output from its employees which leave alone forgo to full output from the follow. The expectancy theory of motivation proposed by lord Vroom will help companies to understand how to achieve this motivation level. The theory of motivation states that employees motivation is the outcome of how much of individual wants a reward. The theory revolves around three distinct perceptions.The starting line chemical element of the theory is the Effort- death penalty relationship. The provability perceived by the individual that exerting a given amount of parturiency will lead to exertion (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p. 208). The second component of this theory is Performance-reward relationship. The degree to which the individual believes that performing at a particular level will lead to the attainment of a desire outcome (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p. 208). The ternion component of this theory is Rewards- somebodyal goals relationship.The degree to which organizational rewards run into an individuals mortalal goals or inescapably and the attractiveness of those potential rewards for the individual (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p. 208). The Expectancy Theory of Motivation had to very important beliefs that help effected the above model. The first base belief is that Effort-to- murder expectancy is the individuals sensation that travail will lead to above performance. The person will determine if the performance expected of them target be reached by an amount of case inside their ability.If this person obtains they tummyt achieve this performance level at bottom their abilities accordingly the outcome to regard the goals will be low. This will cause the person motivation effort to be low. If the person feels that the performance level that is required of them is in reach of t heir abilities then they be likely put the extra effort in and be motivated. The second belief connect performance to outcome through instrumentality. This is where a person is motivated when that person feels the performance is explicit and cook up instrument to fulfill their personal outcome. Therefore a erson will be motivated if the person believes that opposition the performance of organization will bring their in demand(p) outcome. The other chore arises if the person does not feel their in demand(p) outcome will not be achieved then they may not put in any or very little effort to meet the performance of the organization and will they will not be motivated in the first place. The company management mustiness caboodle goals that can be attainable for the person to be motivated and succeed and benefit the person outcome. This can be achieved through a promotion, indemnityes, and praise.The company from the given scenario has set the goal to produce goods of extra q uality and the company is expecting employees level to be very high. Few of the employees feed been able to handle these new processes. Then we read learned that the expectancy relationship has been fulfilled and is working. The problem with the given scenario must line somewhere within the instrumentality relationship. The given scenario shows there is no lucre difference between the workers who argon good performers and the workers who are the ruinous performers.One other point is that the bad performers bring penalties in their salary. The level of bonus that is offered for meeting the goal of the company is not high replete with the required effort according to the employees. Last social occasion about the scenario the amount of pay given for extra time is higher than the bonus given for performance and shut away overtime is created by because of the slow performance. The employees understand it is repair to work slow and get better instrumentality then through fast w ork. Looking at the given scenario there has to be some circumstances give up to be addressed.One item that needs to be addressed is the slow work with some of the employees must be possessed of strict salary penalties. The next item to be addressed is that with better performance the bonus levels need to be compensated higher. This will make the employees that are capable running processes put in place by the company put in more than effort to reach the performance desired as they will desire the new bonus. The employees that are not capable will put more of an effort and be motivated to reach the selfsame(prenominal) desired higher bonus and not see to it a penalty in salary.The last item to be addressed is management should reorganize the operations so that the bonus pay is higher than the overtime work performed this way employees will not see the benefit of working the overtime as the performance bonus will be more desirable. We have shown the key features of the expecta ncy theory that was proposed by Victor Vroom which illustrated a scenario which we implemented corrective hitch to boost the efforts of employees. Reference Robbins, S. P. , Judge, T. A. (2007). Motivation Concepts. In (Ed. ), organisational Behavior (pp. 208-214). Upper Saddle River, New tee shirt Pearson Prentice Hall.Expectancy Theory of MotivationRunning head EXPECTANCY THEORY OF MOTIVATION Expectancy Theory of Motivation Expectancy Theory of Motivation Companies need to understand the practice of motivation for them to achieve full output from its employees which will lead to full output from the company. The expectancy theory of motivation proposed by Victor Vroom will help companies to understand how to achieve this motivation level. The theory of motivation states that employees motivation is the outcome of how much of individual wants a reward. The theory revolves around three distinct perceptions.The first component of the theory is the Effort-performance relationship. The provability perceived by the individual that exerting a given amount of effort will lead to performance (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p. 208). The second component of this theory is Performance-reward relationship. The degree to which the individual believes that performing at a particular level will lead to the attainment of a desire outcome (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p. 208). The third component of this theory is Rewards-personal goals relationship.The degree to which organizational rewards satisfy an individuals personal goals or needs and the attractiveness of those potential rewards for the individual (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p. 208). The Expectancy Theory of Motivation had to very important beliefs that help complete the above model. The first belief is that Effort-to-performance expectancy is the individuals awareness that effort will lead to above performance. The person will determine if the performance expected of them can be reached by an amount of effort within their ability.I f this person feels they cant achieve this performance level within their abilities then the outcome to meet the goals will be low. This will cause the person motivation effort to be low. If the person feels that the performance level that is required of them is in reach of their abilities then they are likely put the extra effort in and be motivated. The second belief links performance to outcome through instrumentality. This is where a person is motivated when that person feels the performance is explicit and equal instrument to fulfill their personal outcome. Therefore a erson will be motivated if the person believes that meeting the performance of organization will bring their desired outcome. The other problem arises if the person does not feel their desired outcome will not be achieved then they may not put in any or very little effort to meet the performance of the organization and will they will not be motivated in the first place. The company management must set goals that can be attainable for the person to be motivated and succeed and benefit the person outcome. This can be achieved through a promotion, bonuses, and praise.The company from the given scenario has set the goal to produce goods of extra quality and the company is expecting employees level to be very high. Few of the employees have been able to handle these new processes. Then we have learned that the expectancy relationship has been fulfilled and is working. The problem with the given scenario must line somewhere within the instrumentality relationship. The given scenario shows there is no salary difference between the workers who are good performers and the workers who are the bad performers.One other point is that the bad performers bring penalties in their salary. The level of bonus that is offered for meeting the goal of the company is not high enough with the required effort according to the employees. Last thing about the scenario the amount of pay given for overtime is higher th an the bonus given for performance and still overtime is created by because of the slow performance. The employees understand it is better to work slow and see better instrumentality then through fast work. Looking at the given scenario there has to be some items have to be addressed.One item that needs to be addressed is the slow work with some of the employees must have strict salary penalties. The next item to be addressed is that with better performance the bonus levels need to be compensated higher. This will make the employees that are capable running processes put in place by the company put in more effort to reach the performance desired as they will desire the new bonus. The employees that are not capable will put more of an effort and be motivated to reach the same desired higher bonus and not see a penalty in salary.The last item to be addressed is management should reorganize the operations so that the bonus pay is higher than the overtime work performed this way employe es will not see the benefit of working the overtime as the performance bonus will be more desirable. We have shown the key features of the expectancy theory that was proposed by Victor Vroom which illustrated a scenario which we implemented corrective intervention to boost the efforts of employees. Reference Robbins, S. P. , Judge, T. A. (2007). Motivation Concepts. In (Ed. ), Organizational Behavior (pp. 208-214). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Pearson Prentice Hall.
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