Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Democratic and socialist approaches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
parliamentary and socialist approaches - Essay ExampleDemocracy should inevitably lead to always more local forms of government, and appears to get best when shareholders or stakeholders have some true value or worth accorded to their participation in governance. By this standard, the voting for a President every four years is merely a emblematic action, and in nation states with a huge population such as the United States, it is clear that the individualistic vote is often lost, viewed as inconsequential, or easily disposed of with by politicians. However, on the local level, the brilliance of the vote is much more valuable for those who are actively participating in their own governance. The classic city-state can be seen as a classic specimen of small-scale governance where the individual character is truly valued and participation can make a real impact. When power is decentralized to ever smaller and more local organizations of government, democracy works best, as it is u nder these situations when the people whose lives are genuinely affected by the decision-making process are actually given the opportunity to discuss and vote on the issues which concern them. This is the principle behind Federalism, and there is significant evidence that the Founding Fathers of America intended or hoped that the Federal government would be an extremely limited organization, lacking the power of income tax initially for example or restricted in its ability to raise debt or standing armies. What has become known as the modern democratic State is in fact little different from what is called an oligarchy?
Monday, April 29, 2019
Mission, Vision, and Value Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mission, Vision, and Value Paper - Essay ExampleThe social club is a leading player in the gum and mint category too (Hersheys troupe Profile, 2009).Continuing with the legacy of Milton Hershey, the order is committed to consumers, communities and children by providing high-quality products while conducting business in environmentally sustainable manner.At work tush, the company maintains safety and wellness for the employees fostering openness and inclusiveness making it a desirable place to work. Hersheys believes in sharing knowledge so as to grow together by not besides creating an environment of mutual respect but also unleashing human potential at the workplace.In marketplace, the company is committed to consumer well-being as well as fair and ethical business dealings. The company always strives for and creates a positive impact at the local community level where it operates (Listen, learn and act, 2011).Ever since Milton Hershey located the foundation of the company, the mission, vision and value statements have worked as a guiding spirit for the growth and cultivation of the company earning goodwill among its customers and local communities. The company is open to possibilities in all its endeavors, always ready to continue diversity seeking new approaches. The aim is to achieve continuous improvement in what they do. There is no doubt that the clarity of vision and values has helped the company reach to its present state.In 2011, the company had 15.6% of its gross revenue coming from out of doors the U.S. and as part of global expansion strategy the company is increasing its investments outside the U.S in the countries such as Brazil, Mexico, India and China.In view of the new growth strategy, the company needs to coif environmental scanning to assess external factors that might affect the Hersheys in the long plump (Sadler, 2003 p181). Numerous risks are
Sunday, April 28, 2019
An investigation into issues surrounding consumer online purchasing Dissertation
An investigation into issues surrounding consumer online acquire influenced by Facebook and Twitter - Dissertation ExampleA primary research method was used and a survey instrument with 30 questions based on the Likert scale was used. This was administered to a research sample of cc and the responses analysed using SPSS. Findings from the research indicate that fashion firms use a number of methods and tools for promotion. These include Facebook posts, online reviews, and posts about latest events, trends, celebrity wear, online galleries, discounts and promotion codes. In addition they use eWord of Mouth advertising, buzz marketing and viral marketing. Facebook has excessively introduced Facebook stores that are micro sites for small and medium enterprises and introduced the Facebook Commerce, which is similar to e-Commerce but based on the Facebook marketplace. Facebook users place a high level of reliance and trust on the online reviews and posts and base their purchase decisio ns on these reviews. The research concludes by indicating that Facebook has emerged as the new marketplace for fashion products since it brings together customers, sellers and hosts promotions and reviews that attract customers. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 13 1. Introduction 13 1.2. literary works review 15 1.2.1. Internet users 15 1.2.3 Online word of mouth 15 1.2.4. Social media 17 1.2.5. Social media marketing 17 1.2.6. Consumers purchase decision behaviour 19 1.3. Research Aims and Objectives 21 1.4. Time schedule 21 1.5 Resources 23 2. Literature Review 23 2. Literature Review 23 2.1. Decision making with Facebook 25 2.1.1. Items purchased with social media 29 2.1. 2. Facebook for selling and vitiateing 29 2.1.3. Emergence of Facebook Store 35 2.1.4. Emergence of Facebook F-Commerce 37 2.2. Word of mouth and e-Word of mouth 39 put down 2.1. Model for branding in eWoM (Jansen, et al, 2009) 39 2.3. Communication through social media 41 2.3.1. Buzz market 43 2.3.2. Viral Marketing 45 2.4. Summary of the literature review 47 3. Methodology 49 3. Methodology 49 3.1 Introduction 49 3.2 Research Objectives 51 3.3 Research Philosophy 53 3.3.1 deductive Approach 53 3.4 Research Design 55 3.4.1 Primary and Secondary Data 55 3.4.2 three-figure Method 59 3.5 Sampling 61 3.6 sight 63 3.6.1 Survey Design 63 3.6.2 Survey Limitations 65 3.7 Research Limitations 67 3.8. Summary 67 4. Findings and compendium 69 4. Findings and Analysis 69 4.1. Analysis of various groups in the survey 69 Q1. I use Facebook to look at fashion particulars that extol my own wardrobe. 71 Q2. I enjoy using Facebook because it gives me access to fashion ideas I would not other than have. 71 Q3. I use Facebook to look at celebrity styles and fashion items 73 Q4. The fashion item posts I see on Facebook inspire me to debase the same things. 75 Q5. I am compelled to buy fashion items to fit in with my friends who post their items on Facebook. 77 Q6. I use Facebook for fashion zeal b ecause it is free and I have constant access to it unlike fashion magazines. 77 Q7. I buy fashion items spontaneously 79 Q8. I am easily influenced to purchase items because of fashion posts 81 Q9. I follow fashion on Facebook because it is updated much quicker than any other modes of media. 81 Q10. Once I purchase a new fashion item I post the details on Facebook 83 Q11. I actively search for fashion advice posted by people and pages on Facebook 85 Q12. I mostly use Facebook to be able to see what everyone else is wearing 87 Q13. I trust in the recommendations on products through Facebook 87 Q14. I take advice from Facebook and research online before a purchasing decision. 89 Q15. I am likely to be influenced to buy a particular brand if it is
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Critical Psychology and freedom Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Critical Psychology and granting immunity - Term Paper ExampleFreedom performer being out of external coercion from all aspects of life. In most cases this coercion comes from the government. Globalization has been brought round by item-by-items desire to live better and to be scanty. The importance of a globalized arena is the mobility associated with it across the world. The hear attraction to globalization is exemption as suggested by Micklethwait and Wooldridge (2000). The nature of globalization overcomes the barriers associated with where to invest, what to buy or where to go thus giving case-by-cases the chance to make choice. This freedom associated with globalization is in terms of social, governmental and stinting freedom. In the case of political freedom, globalization provides for the best opportunities good governance and democracies. Globalization brings economic freedom in terms of free market competition for goods and services. Social freedom means that indiv iduals are free to move to all parts of world and interact freely without any kind of restriction. However some(prenominal) scholars According to Nikolas Rose, Freedom and its value is becoming principle of most of the political endeavor and projects. The free world where the individuals dwell is triumphed with free market economy brought about by globalization according to Rudnycky (2010). The aspect of freedom according to Nikolas Rose underpins individuals perception of how they want to be organized, ruled and understood in respect to their predicament. In the past, freedom in all spects of life was seen to eradicate social stability, order and morals of work, civility and the value of the family. Today with the growth of globalization, freedom is valued as it brings about social mobility. Individuals welcome desired to be free and are always on the motive of getting liberation. However political freedom appears to be paradoxical and is almost theoretical rather than practical . According to Rose, this is because the world today is characterized by the opposition existing between freedom and government. As suggested by Baum (2000), the value of current politics has been be by the value of liberalism. A allege which is liberal is limited in that the practices of the government are curb by individual liberty. With the issue of globalization freedom is understood as practical, material, governmental and technical. The principle of individual freedom is only moral aspect which has led to growing and advanced civilization. Protecting and enhancing citizens freedom secures the states wealth, productivity, health and its welfare. Nikolas Rose argues that freedom has been the governments objective. It is also perceived as governments instrument and means of promoting the interposition of various governing technologies. According to Zygmunt Bauman, Freedom refers to a situation whereby the motives of the individual shape their actions and the desired results of the outcome. respectable like Rose, Bauman is against the idea that freedom existing universally. Bauman argues that freedom in the modern world is constructed as a social creation and capitalism development resulting from privileges and power. In his discussion on the concept of freedom Bauman uses common chord different themes as suggested by Oksala (2005). One of these themes is relational concept freedom which implies that freedom to one individual is lack of freedom t anther individual. Secondly is the issue of the influence capitalism has on modern freedoms. Finally, he underscores the idea of government
Friday, April 26, 2019
My Ethical System and Its Justification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
My Ethical schema and Its Justification - Essay representativeDivine command is a system where feations be made in accordance with those of a high being, God, who is entirely-knowing. In this paper, I describe the ethical system which I ascribe to. Personal Ethical System My ethical system is one by which I live and recitation to decide which treats are object lesson or undecomposed. In my opinion, what is good is what allows my conscience to be clear and also what results in the greater overall good. My ethical system can be said to be an adaptation of the utilitarian and secureeousness ethical motive. The utilitarian ethical system attempts to maintain a balance between pleasure and pain, and in fact, rules that all actions should result in overall good (Rainbow, 2011). According to Rainbow, (2011), in case the moral consequences of alternative actions are not great, the utilitarian theory does not consider the choice a moral issue. While I ascribe to generally acting fo r good, the utilitarian theory sometimes does not help in distinguishing true situations which in themselves are wrong, but do result in good. An example is robbing the rich, to help the poor an act which is morally wrong, because while the rich man may not be significantly affected by the crime, it offers enormous relief to the poor. My theory therefore differs from the utilitarian theory, in that, sexual abstention moral philosophy does cater for such occasions where the right smoothg to do is a matter of great debate. Virtue ethics stress the building of personal character, without focus on external opinions (IEP, 2011). I therefore employ virtue ethics where my actions are based on what I feel is most in line with my disposition of what is right according to my assessment of the situation. In applying virtue ethics, one is encouraged to cultivate virtues resulting in the greater good of ones soul and results in happiness. In this way, I view the combination of virtue ethi cs and utilitarianism as a comprehensive effort towards the happiness of humanity. Justification of my ethical system My adaptation of utilitarianism and virtue ethics works very well and has assisted me in making many critical decisions. Utilitarianism considers what results in the greater good and then acts accordingly to promote this. Utilitarianism is most applic adequate in circumstances where the consequences of an action result in starkly different outcomes, where a decision has a significant match on the individual and the society. However, it may be difficult to apply in circumstances where there is a thin line between right and wrong, and either action does not make a significant impact on the individual or the society. In such cases, utilitarianism may not regard such a decision as an ethical dilemma, which may be argued to propagate immorality as one may justify even a wrong action. These cases in daily living are very numerous, and use of utilitarianism alone may be in sufficient. I therefore apply virtue ethics to be able to cover the loopholes which may be present the utilitarian theory. Virtue ethics involves making decisions based on what brings about the greater development of the person (Annas, 2011). This means that any decisions made must also reward my personal disposition of what is right. My decisions should result in greater achievement of virtue and progression towards achieving individual thriving,
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Critique and Development of Research Questions Essay
Critique and Development of seek Questions - Essay Exampleonsidered as a chief method of ensuring case security and the employment of Polygraph interviews as part of security clearance procedures in different branches of the American government has been widely criticized. Thus, in the desktop of ongoing debates on the utility of polygraph in national security, the scope and relevance of a profound enquiry on the topic is categorical. In this research paper, the focal attempt has been to make a scrupulous investigating on the utility of polygraph in national security. The psycho-physiological detection of deception (PDD) including polygraph exam should be stipulation more crucial attention in current researches. In stark contrast to the scientific literary works on forensic use of PDD, the use of FDD in employment and for screening, including screening for national security, is the subject of comparatively little published research. Initial commentary on the use of polygraphs f or national security screening cerebrate on problems that all diagnostic tests experience when attempting to diagnose a rare condition. (Granhag and Strmwall, 2004, p 118). In the oscilloscope of serious debates on the question, it is of central implication to have a precise analysis of the matters and to come up with the most sagacious findings on the question. Therefore, the importance of this research paper is greater and the potential findings of this investigation on the utility of polygraph in national security also justify the scope of the study.The utility of polygraph in national security has been a critical topic which has attained enormous focus and invited national interest in the modern American context. The paper attempts to undertake a profound investigation into the topic The Utility of Polygraph in National Security and come up with the most sagacious findings on the questions which attract the current debates. Polygraph testing has been a serious technique of sec urity assurance for a long time, in spite of the
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Annotated News Item Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Annotated News Item - Assignment physical exerciseThis lead to bitterness between the West and Iran and eventually the relationship between the West and Iran did deteriorate a lot. oer the stratums following the Islamic Revolution, the relationship of Iran with the US and the other Western powers did turn sour.2. Iran did go through a nuclear program that was initially cancelled after the Islamic Revolution in the year 1979. However, Iran did recreate its nascent nuclear program during the Iran-Iraq war to protect itself against any such future attacks on Iran. Following the revival of the Iranian nuclear program, the supranational community and especially the West did put such(prenominal) pressure on Iran to close down and shut its nuclear program. The Iranian government did respond to this international pressure by declaring that it was an attempt on the part of the West to keep Iran economically and scientifically retral and to prevent Iran from militarily guarding its inte rests in the Middle East. Iran used this international opposition to its nuclear program to revive the nationalistic sentiments amongst the Iranian people and to augment the support for the Iranian regime that was gradually losing support amongst the masses. Over the years the nuclear program of Iran did become a central issue in determining as to how Iran related to the West and the kind of relationship that Iran intended to have with the Western powers that staunchly opposed Irans nuclear ambition.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
The Meaning of Learning to Write Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
The Meaning of Learning to Write - Essay practice sessionGradually I fetch become accustomed to noting down stories or encounters I suppose are worth my precious whiles and record, taking plenty of concrete and accurate details into account. In the process, I have felt a significant degree of improvement as I proceed writing with the unbidden fluidity of thoughts. Since I typically make it a point to use a thesaurus and come constant engagement in reading literature, I keep discovering ways to write in a more creative manner. With an increased level of creativity and en largeed vocabulary, I observe being capable of trenchant self-expression when conveying sentiments and ideas through writing. Such joy and fascination lead me to establish writing as a hobby or a form of diversion by which to escape into a world of wonders and possibilities merely unknown. To an extent, it has even brought me to find delight in composing essays and poems I savor reading as well. Currently, howe ver, ascribable to rapid growth in the field of information technology where further developments have continuously conduct to the expansion of confederately net figure outing, I am at this stage of literacy confronted with a new set of challenges in writing. I see that the more I make electronic connections, the more that I gain approach path to various resources of learning. The diversity of the information obtained enables me to realize both my strong and weak areas in writing. Through the social networking site, for instance, I can often take the opportunity to view literary works by several(prenominal) different authors from whom to determine a certain standard or basis with which to evaluate my compositions and figure how else I may improve on my writing skills at the thought of present demands, trends, and whether former conventions can be made to suit our modern level of thinking and attitude. More exposure to the worldwide web convey more insights from people all over the world who can surf the internet and share ideas that bounce the substance of their cultures. This way, I believe that there would be separate perspectives available by which to equip me with rich knowledge pertaining to the language and literature of other societies or ethnic groups. I recall a friend whose writing style is nearly based on the general manner of her oral speech and there occurs much to be understood about her background just by looking at the autobiography structure of her work via the peculiar use of terms and construction of sentences. It may be inferred herein that socio-cultural influences touch a persons writing approach because then external factors bear an impact on the mind of a writer. In my case, I have had a number of attempts in experiencing techniques by other people and it appears, unless I feel or comprehend their situation, not a single strategy would work considering how our frames of references differ from each other.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Home Environment and Environmental Audit Research Paper
Home Environment and Environmental Audit - Research topic ExampleFinally, I would like to thank my parents for the warm influence and love which has been a source of intensity for me for the successful completion of the work.Home environment and cogency vigilance assumes great importance in moderne society as it ensures clean and hygienic surroundings and risk free environment. The environment in which large number live is prone to serious epidemic diseases that can cause deadly threats to human kind. The efficient focus of home surroundings protects home and its inhabitants from pollutants which contribute to the outbreak of serious illnesses to the people and make damages to homes. Similarly, goose egg management at home is also essential as it ensures savings of energy and money. The need for energy management is seriously felt in the pass day world because of high cost and dearth of energy. Management of energy saves the money and resources not only of individual doing it, but that of the whole society and agricultural as well. Thus, from macroeconomic point of view, energy management is indispensable for a country to sustain and adopt in a situation where resource shortage is a serious issue. The two main energies apply at home today are gas and electricity. It is indisputable that these two sources of energy are exceedingly essential in human life and are dangerous at the same time. This calls for an efficient management of energies and the emissions that come out of the usage of gas and electricity. The usage of electricity emits carbon dioxide and it is likely to have indecorous impact on human lives. A recent report documents that in the UK, carbon dioxide emissions fell by 5 per cent between 1990 and 2005 despite a 43 per cent increase in gross domestic product (The Challenges 2006, p. 2). Turing to the impact of consumption of gas energy at home, the environment is affected by Benzene, one of the pollutants of the present day world. It is found that in the UK, 90 of the environmental pollution occur as a resolve of benzene (Air Pollutants 2006, Table 2, p. 34). It is also estimated that Carbon dioxide contributed 85 per cent of the potential global warming
Medical law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Medical law - Essay ExampleDebates surrounding the law get been noted to have come from two major perspectives, the first of which is a legal and professional perspective, and the second being kind-heartedity and ethical perspective.1 It has been said that the controversies surrounding the laws have always arisen from a perspective where deal have looked at the law from a human and ethical perspective rather than from a legal and professional perspective.2 The causation much controversy is said to arise when the law is viewed from humanity and ethical perspective is that it gives way for people to judge the law mainly from how wrong and dehumanising it is to take organs from a dead soul, especially when the person did not leave any living proof of consent.3Meanwhile, there is the legal and professional perspective which as well as looks at the impact of a refusal to engage in the sum up of human organs for transplantation on the living. For example, the right to live has bee n argued to apply to the living rather than the dead and so it is important that as removed as there is a professional medical intervention that can save a living person rather than a dead person, that intervention must be applied4. In this paper, the writer combines some(prenominal) sides of the argument and critically evaluates recent changes to the law, while giving alternative responses that can help increase the supply of human organs for transplantation.The Human Tissue Act 2004 is the current set of laws regulating the supply of human tissue paper for transplantation in the U.K. The Human Tissue Act 2004 is generally in place to flummox the activities bordering on the removal, storage, use and disposal of human tissue5. The laws were established by the Human Tissue Authority, which currently puts accent mark on consent. By consent, reference is being made to the need for a person, whiles alive to agree that erstwhile he or she dies, there can be a supply of part of his o r her tissue for issues of medical purposes prescribed under the Act.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Foreign Market Entry Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Foreign Market entranceway Plan - Essay ExampleConducting PESTEL analysis is one of the congenital steps in scanning the problem environment of firms and attaining a complete overview of the various macro-economic factors that the company must take into consideration. PESTEL analysis describes the political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and reasoned factors prevailing in the industry or the firms business environment. The tool is particularly essential for businesses for making a thorough understanding and analysis of the growth or decline of merchandises, business positions, potentiality and direction of operations. PESTEL Analysis.Political Political conditions in Hong Kong seem favorable for conducting overseas businesses. Implementation of the Principal Officials righteousness System in 2002 was meant to bring about promptness and more responsiveness in the Governments actions towards peoples concerns. This is especially favorable for conducting bu sinesses because of the fact that any rising demand in the preservation would be catered to with immediate action and support from the government.The estate demonstrates an open and apologise economy where peoples rights are respected, courts can function independently and the rule of the law is highly respected in high society (US division of State, 2011). Economic Hong Kong represents one of the most open and dynamic economies. Recovering from the impacts of the global economic turmoil, the country attained high economic growth rates of 6.8%. Inflations rates have also gradually change magnitude from 0.5% to 2.4% since the pecuniary crisis. This was possible due to the governments aggressive initiatives and measures to control the risk of the housing market bubble due to low interest rates and high liquidity in the international financial dust (US Department of State, 2011). From the perspectives of conducting business operations also the economy looks favorable with a so und banking system and very little public debt. The economy has adequate foreign exchange reserves coupled with a grueling legal system. A rigorously implemented anti-corruption regime along with the above factors has also enabled the economy to adapt itself to the changing circumstances (US Department of State, 2011). The government has made a conscious initiative to provoke measures for improving attractiveness of the economy as a trading and commercial centre and has been constantly reviewing and finish the financial architecture of the economy. Hong Kong seeks to reduce trade barriers considerably. In fact it has recently included a free trade agreement with China in order to enhance potential benefits from trade between the twain countries. Its export of goods and services was highly on the rise since 2012 by about 17.3% which was attainable quickly because of the strong fiscal and monetary stimulus provided by the Chinese economy helping to recover from the impacts of the recession (US Department of State, 2011). Socio-Cultural The population of the country is steadily on the rise and has reached 7.097 million in 2012. It accounts for one of the most dumbly populated economies in the world. English accounts for the official language of the country and is spoken widely by a large group of the population. It is mandatory by
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Grossman's Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography, and Intervention Essay
Grossmans Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography, and Intervention - Essay practiceThe researcher states that cardiac telemetry helps in diagnosing the yield of arrhythmia and manages therapeutic caused by the consumption of antiarrhythmic drug drugs. They expected for arrhythmias to occur during post angiogram at approximately two hours. The cardiologists examined the condition of softness particularly on the femoral vein and the neurovascular observations as well as the rate of bleeding on both legs of the affected role in every hour of operation. It suggests that Popliteral Femoralie maybe had experienced numbness in his legs which could have resulted from the failure of line of descent supply through lunar or radial arteries. Since the cardiologists observed on femoral veins, therefore, they mostly think on lunar artery which is located in the legs. During angioplasty, femoral angiography is more efficient than radial angiography and this grammatical case that is why the cardi ologists opt to do it on the patients legs where the lunar artery is located. Cardiologists seem to have inserted the catheter through the lunar artery which is mostly associated with a lot of bleeding. Lidocaine is unremarkably injected into patients body in each through the arm or the upper leg close to the hip. It numbs the body but does non even off the patient to sleep. The catheter is threaded up to the heart through an artery with no pain. An x-ray camera although not mentioned, in this case, can assist in projecting images of the arteries on the screen where cardiologists can intervene approximately the obstruction in the artery. A contrast is by and by injected for it to flow up to the heart. If an impasse is found, a guide-wire is usually passed crosswise the narrowed segment which supports in placing a tiny balloon in that region. An inserted balloon catheter is later inflated many times where it flattens lamination inside an artery where the artery may crack, and t he blockage is gone.
Friday, April 19, 2019
Three most significant events in american history between 1877 and Essay
Three al almost significant events in american history between 1877 and 2014 - Essay ExampleThe shortchanging of the minority groups by judicial misinterpretations of the Declaration of license in the 1800s, the Watergate scandal in the 1970s, and the assassination of John Kennedy in the 1960s ar some of the most significant events that have shaped American history.Despite the promises heralded by the new laws after the infiltrate of independence, it is plausible that the former slaves, their descendants and all other ethnic and racial minority populations were not accorded competent regard and treatment under the law. As if to seal the fate of the Native Americans and African Americans who proceedd to be subjected to oppression, the highest court in the land delivered a landmark ruling in 1886 with the assertion that State politics had the power to separate people into different races. The major caveat here was that the insularity was justified provided that the separation f acilities remained equal. The apparent separate but equal doctrine was a clear demonstration that even though independence had arrived in the United States, people of color had to wait a bit longer to harvest the fruits of this freedom. The contradiction that persisted between the existence of slavery in America and the claim that all men are equal became a subject of debate when the Declaration was first published. As one media commentator wrote, the most truly ridiculous object in nature around that time was the countrys purpose to sign independent declarations with one hand and the other brandishing whip over its affrighted slaves (Armitage 77). Even to this day, the idea of equivalence and freedom remains as paramount as ever to American politics and culture. One function remains clear the story of equality and freedom in America remains forever unfinished. The morose populations in America can only remain hopeful that as new definitions of freedom continue to emerge in the twenty-first-century, the true meaning and intentions of the Declaration will become clear
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Critique about how a newspaper, news magazine, website or essay
Critique about how a newspaper, news magazine, website or reports or discusses a mental health issue - Essay ExampleAccording to the Diagnostic and Statistical manual(a) of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, (DSM-IV) the diagnostic features of Aspergers Disorder include challenges with social interaction, and the development of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities (p. 75). thither must also be clinically significant impairment in social, occupational or other important areas (p. 77). Although the information is not totally certain about Asbergers Disorder, the DSM-IV states that it appears to be (p. 76) more attributed to males. Freckelton and tend (2009) state that Asbergers Disorder is often called high functioning autism (p. 17) and that most of the tikeren or adults with this disorder do not show their emotions through facial expressions (p. 17). There are often sensory problems and gross go problems (Freckelton & List, 2009). Freckelton and List (2009) also state that males are more apt to accept the disorder than females and 20 percentage of fathers and only five percent of mothers may have the disease, thus making it hereditary.The basic issue raise in this articles was that this young boy was killed by the police on purpose. The initial gunshot was in the childs arm and it seemed that two other officers who responded to the call panicked, and shot the boy in the head. The mother states, they slay my boythey didnt have to kill him (Fox Chicago News, 2012, para. 5).The news reporters attempted to report the facts of the case as they knew it but there were two sides of the situation. The police said that the boy was lunging at them with a knife and they had no other choice but to shoot him. The mother and father state that the boy had a cover knife and that the officers could have shot him in the leg again or something, but that they did not have to kill him. Of course, an
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
A Personal Experiment in Renunciation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
A Personal Experiment in Renunciation - Essay ExampleI substituted with a plant-based diet inspired by Asian cuisine that is based on eastern traditions. Eastern traditions strike that food can be effectively used to attain balance and harmony within the body. On this day, I consume tofu laver soup and polenta. My craving for meet is quite evident. I exertion to refrain from eating meat and animal products which I am quite used to on the first off day. I do non realise any significant change in my body compose for the fact that I do not use a tooth pick to remove food particles stuck surrounded by my teeth.Day 2 July 24, 2014 - Instead of the usual tea, sausage, pizza and chicken, I consume spoon cabbage and tofu soup noodles on the second day of the experiment. Having ordered something that I construct never ordered from a restaurant in the past, my friends are quite surprised and amused by my choice of food. I have to struggle with my self-centred ego as I try to convince m y friends that I have not gone crazy. I almost swear that this is the last time I am eating show up with my friends during the period of my experiment.chicken that is clearly delicious. I am concerned about their amusement and greatly tempted to wee-wee up. I am also greatly attracted to the meal that my family members are taking....its far more tasty than what I am going to eat. I realise that my concern for external things is still high.Day 4 July 26, 2014 - I am greatly tempted to give up the exercise. Luckily, a friend of mine on vegetarian diet encourages and convinces me to go on with the exercise. I feel like I am missing meat and may not be able to resist a bite if it is offered to me. I am getting used to the insight of the vegetarian diet gradually. I feel that my breath has gotten fresher and I am more self controlled at the end of the day as I care less about what others think of my choice to go vegetarian.Day 5 July 27, 2014 On this day, quite surprisingly my two wi sdom teeth that have been making me
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Aesthetic Education Essay Example for Free
aesthetical Education EssayFriedrich Schiller wrote Letters on the artistic Education of human being in 1793 for his friend the Danish Prince Friedrich Christian who had provided him with a stipend to help him with an illness. In 1795 the earn were published and the provide a expenditurewhile consideration of the nature of Aesthetics for us still today. The collection of twenty seven letters is not an easy read but it is worth persevereing to gain the insights of this great poet and goldbrickwright, friend of Goethe and inspiration for Beethoven and many artists, particularly in the Romantic era. The nurse touches upon a broad range of topics, some of which you do not normally associate with aesthetics. However the letters do consider the nature of ravisher and its relationship to art and man. For Schiller beauty seems to arise as a synthesis between opposing principles whose highest ideal is to be sought in the most perfect practicable union and equilibrium of reality and form(Letter XVI, p 81). Schiller also discusses the nature of the ideal man and how the impulse for play interacts with mans nature, especially his rational and sensuous aspects which form a juxtaposition within him.This juxtaposition is discussed at continuance with a synthesis described in terms that suggest a transcendance that culminates in our very human change (Letters 18-20). Man and his nature is beta to Schiller as his reason, but The first appearance of reason in Man is not yet the beginning of his humanity. The latter is not decided until he is free, (Letter XXIV, p 115). Through give-and-take of the work of art and the fine arts Schiller brings us closer to a conception of what art inwardness to man and how important Homo Ludens is as a conception of man.Schiller admired classical Greece and its art and proverb the role of history and freedom important in the discussion of the nature of art. Above all some(prenominal) as a poet and a thinker Schiller held the ideal of freedom to be sacrosanct. According to Schiller, freedom is accomplish when the sensual and rational in man are fully integrated but his aesthetic disposal is seen as coming from Nature. These letters provide a rich vein of ideas from which the thoughtful and attentive lecturer may find inspiration in consideration of the aesthetics and the nature of the work of art.Friedrich Schiller menulis Surat Pendidikan Estetika Manusia pada tahun 1793 untuk rakan Christian Friedrich Putera Denmark yang telah disediakan dengan wang saku untuk membantu beliau sakit. Pada tahun 1795 surat telah diterbitkan dan memberi pertimbangan berbaloi sifat Estetika untuk kita masih hari ini. Koleksi 27 surat tidak read mudah tetapi ia adalah bernilai persevereing untuk mendapatkan pandangan penyair dan pengarang drama hebat ini, rakan Goethe dan inspirasi untuk Beethoven dan ramai artis, terutamanya di era Romantik. Buku ini menyentuh kepada pelbagai topik, ada yang anda tidak lakukan biasanya bersekutu dengan estetika.Walau bagaimanapun, surat mempertimbangkan sifat Kecantikan dan hubungannya dengan seni dan manusia. Untuk kecantikan Schiller nampaknya timbul sebagai sintesis antara prinsip lawan yang tertinggi sesuai perlu dicari dalam kesatuan mungkin yang paling sempurna dan keseimbangan realiti dan bentuk (Surat XVI, p 81). Schiller juga membincangkan sifat manusia yang ideal dan bagaimana dorongan untuk permainan berinteraksi dengan alam semula jadi, manusia terutamanya aspek rasional dan sensasi yang membentuk saling bertindih dalam dirinya.Saling bertindih ini dibincangkan dengan panjang lebar dengan sintesis diterangkan dari segi yang mencadangkan transcendance yang memuncak dalam kemanusiaan kita (Huruf 18-20). Manusia dan alam adalah penting untuk Schiller sebagai alasan beliau, tetapi Kemunculan pertama sebab dalam Man tidak lagi permulaan kemanusiaan. Terakhir ini tidak memutuskan sehingga dia adalah percuma, (Surat XXIV, ms 115). Melalui perbincangan kerja s eni dan seni halus Schiller membawa kita lebih dekat kepada konsep apa yang seni ertinya kepada manusia dan betapa pentingnya Ludens Homo adalah seperti konsep manusia.Schiller dikagumi klasik Greece dan seni dan melihat peranan sejarah dan kebebasan penting dalam perbincangan yang bersifat seni. Atas semua kedua-dua sebagai penyair dan pemikir Schiller diadakan ideal kebebasan untuk menjadi boleh dipertikaikan. Menurut Schiller, kebebasan dicapai apabila sensual dan rasional dalam manusia bersepadu sepenuhnya tetapi pelupusan estetik beliau dilihat sebagai datang dari Alam. Surat ini menyediakan darah yang kaya dengan idea-idea dari mana pembaca yang bernas dan penuh perhatian bolehmencari inspirasi dalam pertimbangan estetik dan sifat kerja seni. PENDAPAT NO 2 Although this type of reading can be dispute for the modern reader, I thoroughly enjoyed this thought-provoking book. If you enjoy philosophy and subscribe to a personal philosophy that an appreciation of beauty and learni ng through play are valuable, Schiller will appeal to you. Walaupun ini jenis membaca boleh mencabar bagi pembaca moden, saya telitimenikmati buku ini memprovokasi pemikiran.Jika kita menikmati falsafah dan melanggan kepada falsafah peribadi bahawa menghargai kecantikan dan pembelajaranmelalui permainan adalah berharga, Schiller akan merayu kepada kita. PENDAPAT NO 3SUMMARY A generic summary of the argument in Friedrich Schillers Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man would be in order for a person to become a honorable and rational being she must pass through an aesthetic commandment in which she harmonizes with herself and thus becomes escaped to exercise her rational will univocally.The passage often quoted as a summation of Schillers study(ip) theme in this work is It is through Beauty that we arrive at Freedom. This passage, since I first encountered it, has been superstar of the few essential thoughts I carry with me through life. My superficial knowledge of Schiller, through only this famed quote and the above general argument, has had a disproportionate effect on me. When Conor Heaton, a friend from Chicago, recommended Schillers Letters to me, I was thrilled for the opportunity to read the entirety of the work and to test my avouch modify version of the idea against Schillers initial conception.Schiller, a German Romantic dramatist, poet, and essayist, wrote his Letters during the height of Frances Reign of Terror. Like so many other Romantic thinkers across the globe, Schiller cried for joy at the french Revolutions liberation of the human spirit. But, like artists and thinkers generations before and after him, Schiller suffered great disappointment in the aftermath of the revolution when power and fear destroyed the ideals of Justice and Freedom that had sparked the revolution.In some ways his argument stems from the idea that if the revolutionaries were perfectly educated in the ideas of aesthetics they would have been able to escape their own power struggles and thus have been able to create a Just and Free French State. Instead, the French Revolutionaries, whose only education on and exposure to government came from the monarch they so despised, exponentially replicated the atrocities of the very kind they dethroned. In doing so they turned the country into an irrational, im good mess.It is a theme not isolated to 1790s France, and though Schiller was influenced by the events of his time, he is also picking up an ambitious argument first articulated in the Western tradition two thousand years before his time. The idea of an aesthetic education as essential to a moral and rational life was originally Platos. In setting egress to create the ideal refining in his Republic, Platos characters conclude that banning books and particular artists (including Homer) will be necessary to ensure that young men are properly trained to appreciate Beauty.Platos characters mat up that scenes from The Iliad about conniving a nd jealous gods were bad influences on young men, who may look to the gods as examples. And plant that espoused ideas or styles that did not create the harmony in the soul essential to becoming a fully realized Moral man were not worthy of being taught. While laying the groundwork for regarding Beauty as essential to the human experience, Plato also put forward the first argument for censorship.(If one finds themselves spoof at this idea or comparing Plato to Hitler, it may be wise to remember that a major component of Americas current education system assumes that those being educated cannot decipher the speech and tone of Huckleberry Finn without intolerable harm, or read of Holden Caulfields rampant moral downfall and cozy escapades without locomote into decadence, and that 12 year olds cannot be closer than 100 yards from a condom without instigating rampant uncontrolled sexual orgies.Platos excuse is that he didnt have the benefit of thousands of years of education researc h proving his instincts incorrect.) Schiller never grounds his ideas by discussing or suggesting particular textual matters that may be suitable for an aesthetic education. His tendency to let loose in shifting abstractions has cost him a more prominent position in the greater philosophical tradition. But if The Aesthetic Education of Man is read as it was written as an artist laborious to convince the world that Art and Beauty are essential to a Free and Moral civilization then it is a wonderful and essential work whose philosophical consistency is far less important than its general spirit.Schillers argument itself is also only a small component of why this text is so engaging. He never stops reaching. His every sentence embodies the Romantic belief that truth, pure Truth, is at our fingertips, and with persistence It can be held in our palms. His style fluctuates between art and philosophy. Schiller has no fear of counterpane his ideas, and his direfuliose style represents perfectly the abundance of thought that was flowing out of Romantic Germany during his lifetime.He makes grand and provocative historical claims The Romans, we know, had first to exhaust their strength in civil wars . . . before we see classic art triumphing over the rigidity of their character . . . And among the Arabs too the light of culture never dawned until the vigor of their unpeaceful spirit had relaxed (58). He states complex ideas in beautiful little statements We know that Man is neither completely matter nor exclusively spirit. Beauty, therefore, is the consummation of this humanity (77). And there is much more beyond this in Schillers Letters. He propounds a theory of Beauty and just how it can harmonize mankind and allow moral and rational men to flourish, and so on.
The Difference between Knowing and Understanding Essay Example for Free
The Difference surrounded by sagacious and Understanding EssayThis paper tries to point out the differences between what it means to bonk and to ensure. These two subjects ar preliquisite of one another in that it is impossible to understand what one does not know. The paper also outlines how these two subjects impart on teaching in our schools. Most of the schools teach by what is popularly known as, to victimize by rote, which according to Websters dictionary, is to learn by memory alone without comprehension or thought. recognize words Understanding, Knowing discerning AND UNDERSTANDING The Difference between Knowing and Understanding The difference between knowing and discernment is evident. Knowing is akin to simply memorizing something and is a precursor for consciousness. Understanding means that you asshole apply the knowledge that you wealthy person. Knowledge is absorption of data and understanding uses the knowledge as a foundation. It implies therefore, t hat understanding is absent without knowledge. Its possible to know something without necessarily understanding it.For instance one may know that for living things to grow, they require nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and others, but they may not understand how this nutrient brings about growth. Wiggins and McTighe (2006) explains that to truly understand something, we moldiness know it instinctively more than just being able to narrate facts or theory, and do it unconsciously. When we know something, we can understand the concepts through practice and gaining visit.The ultimate purpose of knowledge in school is to understand important concepts in addition to knowing them. Students should be given an hazard to practice the knowledge they have gained in class so that they can gain new skills and have an in depth understanding of the material that learn. This is because to understand something means that you can teach it, explain it and celebrate it. You can also connect any information that is related to it. This is only gained through practice and experience (Wiggins et al. , 2006).Teachers should teach their students to understand concepts, rather than presenting them with facts that are going to help them pass their exams. The reason for this is that the student is not able to grasp the concepts intellectually, and therefore they forget the material in long term. In order to understand concepts, we work against obstacles that limit our understanding such as beliefs, unproved theories and taboos set out by our ethnical backgrounds. KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDINGThe idea of education as a technique to sharpen intellectual discipline, to cherish higher cultural wellbeing or teach civic principals has simply vanished. To effectively deliver knowledge, teachers must ensure that their students understand the material. This can be achieved by setting up a curriculum that draws on an array of skills, stressing thinking and analysis over the rot e of memorization. According to Wiggins et al. (2006), there are six facets of understanding explanation, interpretation, application, perspective, empathy and self-knowledge.Any one of facets provides knowledge, but a masterly of all of them ensures understanding of any material. In midpoint teaching should be aimed at understanding, since retaining facts is much easier when you see how they fit into a larger picture that makes sense. To school is to deliver knowledge in an understandable form which should be our main role as educators. KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDING Reference Wiggins, G. , McTighe, J. (2006). Understanding by Design. (2ed. ). Upper Saddle River New Jersey Pearson Education.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Dantes Inferno Essay Example for Free
Dantes Inferno EssayOn the evening of Good Friday in the year 1300, Dante is travelling through a forest, when he gets lost. In the morning, he finds a sess and tries to develop it, except is stopped by a lion, a wolf, and a leopard. The spirit of the poet Virgil appears and offers to take him to the top of the mountain to Heaven when his love, Beatrice, is, simply the way first leads through loony bin. Virgil and Dante enter through the gates of Hell and let on a crowd of people along the banks of the river. Virgil tells Dante these are the souls who neither sinned nor worshipped God, and are therefore spurned by both Heaven and Hell. Charon takes them across the river. The Second lap cove resile is guarded by Minos and is the first of quatern rings in which souls are punished. In the Second Circle, the souls of the lustful are blown about by never-ending winds. In the Third Circle, the souls of the gluttons are soaked by heavy rain and clawed by the three-headed dog, Cerberus. Continuing downwards, they meet the entrance to the Fourth Circle, which holds the greedy. These souls must charge at each other with boulders repeatedly.Virgil and Dante pursuit drop dead to f the city of Dis. Dis is a city within the larger region of Hell, however the deuce guards refuse to open the gates. A messenger arrives from Heaven to force the gates open for Dante and Virgil. The Sixth Circle of Hell holds the Heretics, and in this circle that Dante encounters Farinata, a rival political leader. A deep valley leads into the graduation Ring of the Seventh Circle of Hell, where there are three inner rings. The first is where those who were flushed toward others croak eternity in a river of boiling blood. The second ring is for those who were violent toward themselves, and the third ring is for those who were violent toward God. The monster Geryon transports Virgil and Dante across a great abyss to the Eighth Circle of Hell, known as Malebolge, Here, there are to a fault many layers. The first is for the panderers and seducers, who receive lashings from whips. The second is where the flatterers must lie in a river of human feces. The simoniacs in the third layer hang upside down in baptismal fonts while their feet burn with fire.The quartern layer is for the astrologists and diviners, who are forced to walkway with their heads on gritward. In the fifth part layer, those who have accepted bribes are torn apart by demons. In the sixth layer, the hypocrites must walk in circles for eternity while wearing robes of lead. In the seventh layer, thieves sit in a tag of vipers and turn to vipers when bitten, and then regain their human form when they biteanother thief. In the eighth layer, Dante speaks to Ulysses who impart spend forever with those guilty of Spiritual Theft. In the ninth layer, those of scandal walk in a circle with wounds that open and close repeatedly. In the tenth and final layer, falsifiers suffer from plagues and disease s of all kinds. Through the Giants Well, Virgil and Dante proceed to the Ninth Circle of Hell, which leads to a great frozen lake named Cocytus. Virgil and Dante are picked up and placed in the worst region of Hell by the giant Antaeus.Like the previous Circles, the Ninth Circle of Hell also contains numerous different inner Rings. In the First Ring, those who betrayed their kin stand frozen to their necks in the lake. In the Second Ring, those who betrayed their country stand frozen to their heads. However, those who betrayed their guest are destined to spend eternity falsehood on their back in the frozen lake in the Third Ring. In the Fourth and final ring of the Ninth Circle of Hell, an eternity in complete icy submersion is given to those who betrayed their friends. In the midsection of this circle is the three-headed Lucifer. His body comes from the center of the Earth where he fell when God sent him down from Heaven. In each of Lucifers mouths are Judas, Cassius, and Brutus . Virgil instructs Dante to climb down Lucifer, and travel out of Hell and back onto Earth. They return to Earth on Easter morning.AnalysisIn the first canto, Dante uses the dark forest to show the flaws he saw in the world around him at the time Inferno was written. Also, when Dante encounters the leopard, the lion, and the she-wolf. The leopard represents fraud, the lion represents pride, and the she-wolf represents incontinence. Dante is close affected by the presence of the she-wolf because, while incontinence is the least severe category of sin, it is the one to which he is most susceptible.Christian symbolism is extremely prevalent throughout Inferno, and it is first introduced in the second canto. Hell is not just described as the underworld, but a place where sinners are punished for eternity. In the inscription on the gates into Hell, each part of the Trinity is represented. The potency divine represents God the Father, the scholarship supreme is Christ, and the primal l ove is the Holy Spirit. Along these same lines, the use of the Trinity is also apply in the last canto, when we areintroduced to the three-headed Lucifer. The three heads could represent the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as well.In the fourth canto, Dante explains that Limbo is for those who have not been baptized, thus addressing one of the great moral problems of Christianity. Baptism is considered necessary to go to Heaven, but it does not seem fair that people who do not know of Christianity should suffer for something they have no control over. Dante takes care of this problem by keeping those who are not Christian in Hell, but giving them a much less painful fate by giving them eternity in Limbo.The timeframe of Dantes Inferno is extremely relevant in terms of Christianity. Dante begins his journey through Hell on Good Friday and emerges and returns to Earth on Easter day. This means that he was dead for the time period following the crucifixion of Christ, and he has risen wit h him.To look further into the other religions represented in Inferno, the tower in the city of Dis that Dante refers to is a mosque, to further emphasize that anyone who does not believe in Christianity is a nonbeliever and should be in Hell. It is also interesting to look at the role Dante plays throughout Inferno. Throughout, it is clear that Beatrice has kept a careful eye on Dantes progress and is prepared to intervene when necessary to ensure that he gets to her. In the first canto, when Dante is lost, Beatrice sends Virgil to guide him, and when Virgil and Dante are not admitted into Dis, Beatrice sent a messenger to let them in.Without Beatrice, Dante would be lost. She is the only reason he has a chance at making it to Heaven. Dante faints and weeps numerous times, further indicating his weakness and his reliance on Beatrice and Virgil. He expresses fear of the wild beasts in the first canto and of many of the other demons in the other circles. These weaknesses emphasize h ow little he does for himself. He follows the path that is laid out for him by Beatrice and Virgil, and does nonentity more than that. In many contexts, Dante is held as a hero, but he is really just relying on others.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Formative Assessment and Secondary Higher Secondary Essay Example for Free
constructive estimate and Secondary Higher Secondary EssayMain subjectsEnglish, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Civics, Geography and Economics. Additional subjects (optional)Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kashmiri, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Manipuri, Oriya, Punjabi, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, French, Tibetan, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Nepali, Limboo, Lepcha, Bhutia, and Mizo. Continuous and comprehensive valuation is an education system newly introduced by Central Board of Secondary Education in India, for students of ordinal to tenth shapes. The main aim of CCE is to evaluate every aspect of the tike during their presence at the school. This is believed to suspensor reduce the pressure on the child during/before examinations as the student testament pay back to simulate for multiple tests throughout the year, of which no test or the syllabus covered will be reiterate at the end of the year, whatsoever. The CCE manner is claimed to bring enormous changes from the traditional chalk and talk method of teaching, provided it is implemented accurately.IntroductionImplementation of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation was one of the recommendations of the Indian Education Commission, 1964-66 popularly cognise as Kothari Commission. The recommendation was accepted by the Govt. of India under National Policy of Education(NPE),1968 which was formulated on the reason of the recommendations of the Kothari Commission. A humble beginning was made since then by introducing unit tests in place of bourne end exam or year end exam.Subsequently the NPE was re-formulated in 1986.The Govt. of India came out with Programme of Action in(PoA)in 1992.All the documents such(prenominal) as National Curriculum Frame work for School Education,2000 and the National Curriculum Frame work, 2005 also stressed on the implementation of the CCE.With the launching of the SSA, the CCE was introduced for the class es from Ist to VIIth.The RTE also speaks about the CCE.Thus CCE is implemented now during the kick upstairs of Shri Sibbal,Minister of Human Resource Development. This is the new valuation method introduced recently to decrease the accumulated stress of age exams on the students and to introduce a more uniform and comprehensive pattern in education for the children whole over the nation. CCE helps in improving students performance by identifying his/her learning difficulties and abilities at unfaltering time intervals right from the beginning of the academic session and employing suitable remedial measures for enhancing their learning performance. CCE is the modern method of evaluating all the prime dimensions of a students personality that of how much he has been through out.New scheme of evaluationAs a part of this new system, students marks will be replaced by grades which will be evaluated through a series of curricular and extra-curricular evaluations along with academics. The aim is to reduce the workload on students and to remediate the overall skill and ability of the student by means of evaluation of other activities. Grades ar awarded to students found on work experience skills, dexterity, innovation, steadiness, teamwork, public speaking, behavior, etc. to evaluate and present an overall measure of the students ability. This helps the students who be not good in academics to show their talent in other fields such as arts, humanities,sports, music, athletics, etc.Marks and gradesIn CCE, the marks obtained in an exam are usually not revealed. However, equal grades, which would be deduced using a special method by the teachers during evaluation would be revealed. This is considered as a drawback since a child with 92 marks will get the same grade as the child with 100 marks and their talents keepnot be recognized by anyone else other than their teachers. Though this system might have some drawbacks it instills this value that students need t o compete with themselves to get a better grade and not with others. The tearing down system is as follows- CGPAGradeQualified?Merited?Unlike CBSEs old pattern of only one test at the end of the academic year, the CCE conducts several. There are two different types of tests. Namely, the formative and the summational. Formative tests will incorporate the students work at class and home, the students performance in oral exam tests and quizzes and the quality of the projects or assignments submitted by the child. Formative tests will be conducted four times in an academic session, and they will deliver a 40% weightage for the aggregate. In some schools, an additional written test is conducted instead of multiple oral tests. However, at-least one oral test is conducted. The summative judging is a three-hour long written test conducted twice an year. The first summative or Summative Assessment 1 (SA-1) will be conducted after the first two formatives are completed.The second (SA-2) will be conducted after the nexttwo formatives. Each summative will carry a 30% weightage and both together will carry a 60% weightage for the aggregate. The summative assessment will be conducted by the schools itself. However, the question papers will be partially prepared by the CBSE and evaluation of the answer sheets is also strictly monitored by the CBSE. Once completed, the syllabus of one summative will not be repeated in the next. A student will have to concentrate on totally new topics for the next summative. At the end of the year, the CBSE processes the result by adding the formative score to the summative score, i.e. 40% + 60% = 100%. Depending upon the percentage obtained, the board will deduce the CGPA and thereby deduce the grade obtained. In addition to the summative assessment, the board will offer an optional online aptitude test that may also be used as a tool along with the grades obtained in the CCE to help students to watch the choice of subjects in further studies.The board has also instructed the schools to prepare the report card and it will be duly signed by the principal, the student and the Board official. Often during the evaluation of Social Science papers, the following concepts are observed. Investigation of the situation What is the question and what is to be explained. Deductive Method What does the student know and how can he use it to explain a situation. Co-relation with a real life situation Whether the situation attached matches any real life situation, like tsunamis, floods, tropical cyclones, etc. Usage of Information Technology support the problem be solved with the use of IT? If yes, how? In addition to that, various assignments can be presumption such as projects, models and charts, group work, worksheet, survey, seminar, etc. The teacher will also play a study role. For example, they give remedial help, maintain a term-wise record and checklists, etc.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Indus River Essay Example for Free
Indus River EssayThe Indus and Ganges river valleys are nonesuch locations for early settlements. Some of the reasons are good wet cater, good farm body politic, and rivers for trade. And those are just some of the reasons people choose to live there. Why were the Indus and Ganges river valleys ideal locations for early settlement? They were ideal because they were ideal because they were by rivers so you would always have drinking irrigate. The valleys too had some of the best farmland. The farmland was so fertile because, the setback on the mountains would melt and flood the rivers, so the silt would make the soil fertile. They were also ideal because you could use the rivers for trading.How were the Indus and Ganges river valleys affected by the land nearby? They were affected by the mountains because, the melted ice carried down from the mountains to provide a good supply of water. The mountains affected the Indus and Ganges river valleys in bad ways also. In the fall they got their heaviest rains so the rivers flooded destroying the crops on the banks of the rivers. other physical feature that is UNSUITABLE is the Thar Desert. It is unsuitable because the only time there is water is during monsoon season. Well, truly there is water but you might have to walk for days to find it. You also would be at risk of no regimen because the only animals that live in the Thar Desert are lizards, snakes, gazelles, quail, ducks, and geese.Another UNSUITABLE physical feature is the Himalaya Mountains. The Himalayas are unsuitable because fierce storms can dump ten feet of snow at a time on one area. Another reason is you have no food because nothing wants to live in the cold mountains. You also have no water, and when you get to the timberline you pass on need an oxygen tank.The Indus and Ganges river valleys are ideal locations for early settlements. Some of the reasons are good water supply, good farmland, and rivers for trade. And those are just some of the reasons people choose to live there. If I had to choose somewhere to live in ancient India I would choose the Indus and Ganges river valleys.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Compare the ways Old Man, Old Man and Warning Deal with the theme of old age Essay Example for Free
Compare the slipway middle-aged Man, Old Man and archetype Deal with the theme of sometime(a) age EssayThe U.A. Fanthorpe poem, Old Man, Old Man and J Josephs Warning, deal with the theme of sexagenarian age in very severalize ways. Both deal with similar issues, yet come out with very varied views. The first occasion we see in both poems is the immediate odour visualised. Old Man, Old Man, starts talking of someone who lives in a world of small recalcitrant / Things in bottles, with tacky labels, while Warning begins with the colourful kitchen stove t chapeau When I am an old woman I shall wear purple / With a red hat which doesnt go, and doesnt suit me. Purple and red tend to suggest a vivid and lurid tone, and the immediate phone line between the two sets the character in Old Man, Old Man as being privy and isolated, living in his own confined world, while in Warning we see the root smell forward to old age, seeing it a time for enjoyment of life.Old Man, Old M an continues to justify to the reader how old age brings deterioration and isolation to people, talking of how small things distress and having his hands make among clues, implying that old age brings more constraint and misery to a person, while we see that in Warning the coming of old age will give the author an excuse to break societys constraints, such as dressing strangely and wasting money on brandy and summer glovesand say weve no money for butter.A strong sense of bitterness and melancholy is created in Old Man, Old Man as the author describes a regimented, authoritarian past world, which has gradually worsened into a narrow, emotionless one. The man is seen to be confuse by small incidents, have a deteriorating sense of humour and vision, and, despite his age, is still attempting to impose format on his world with his timet opend cigarette. The mans previous interests are be brusqued by using sarcastic phrases such as Lord once of shed, garage and garden, showing us th at this man used to only be able to control his environment, and now he has lost the hammer, he cannot even do this.The traditional view of eccentricity is portrayed in both poems, however, Joseph also adds an element of independence, showing her rebellion against taste and fasting. Her excitement is shown in the talking to with the excessive use of the word and as well as the enjamberment, which stress the enthusiasm she has, and showing her to be breaking free of the rules of language in the same way she will break free from the rules of society. promote rebellion is shown as she talks of running her stick along the public railings and learn to spit. Sprawling sentences such as You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat / And eat three pounds of sausages at a go portray her excitement, as well as anticipation. Use of words such as I, and shall give a sense of force and individuality.Both poems have a similar structure, as they relocation from past to founder in their te nse. In Old Man, Old Man, we see a move to the present as Fanthorpe writes Now television has no power to arouse / Your surliness your wife could replace on the walls / Those picture of disinherited children. This not only suggests the man has rage pent up inside, but also poses the question as to why the children have been disinherited their fathers love. The description continues as Fanthorpe says Now you ramble / In your talkfretting / At how to find your way. We see here that the man is slipping into a loss of control, and a careen of personality.In contrast to this, we see Warning describing a present of constraints while she remains in the sobriety ofyouth. Joseph describes to us the way in which Now we must have clothes that keep us juiceless / And pay our rent and not swear in the street. The word must shows a lack of freedom and constraint in present existence. This verse is designed as a contrast to the previous verse, which had grueling on the promises of old age. A s ense of restraint is portrayed as Joseph lists all the constraints she has in her life. duration Old Man, Old Man had showed a deterioration from a more happy existence to a worthless one, Warning tends to show one that has begun with constraint and will end with happiness and freedom.In the make it verses of Old Man, Old Man, we see a turning points, where the daughter (and author) intervenes, showing that he has literally and metaphorically lost his way in the world with the phrase Where is Drury Lane? In the final verse, we see a slight raise of the grim tone, as we can see Fanthorpe prefers her father in this softer, less laboured manner, as the two have become more equal in terms of power. This is shown with the phrase I love / Your helplessness and Let me find your hammer. Let me / Walk with you to Drury Lane. This marks a point in the poem where the theme is now the relationship with the daughter and father rather than just the father.In a similar way, Warning changes in its theme towards the end, but not for the same tone. We see in the final verse Josephs confidence wane slightly, as she says Maybe I out to practise a little nowSo people who know me are not too shocked and surprised / When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple. This provides a relatively quiet ending, almost an anticlimax, to a colourful, liberated poem, as the tone becomes more restrained and the drive of her dream starts to lose pace. Circularity is also shown as the first and last lines of the poem both talk of wearing purple.In conclusion, both poems take different views in addressing old age, and even though some elements in structure are similar, both contain inherently different views, as Old Man, Old Man is a melancholy remainder of the deterioration the old go through, while Warning shows a more bright outlook, explaining the opportunities and liberation that will follow with the coming of old age. This may be to do with the fact that in Old Man, Old Man, Fanthorpe describes what she has previously seen, while in Warning Joseph is merely hypothesising what life may be like in the future.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Macbeth Article Critique Essay Example for Free
Macbeth Article Critique EssayOverall shadower is at fault for the tragedy of Macbeth. Most scenes in story were dark and held an shame atmosphere. A.C. Bradley adduced that with so much darkness surrounding the hero, (Macbeth), he was bound to be corrupted by it. The witchs prophecy, Lady Macbeth, and the constant spilling of blood both innocent and guilty. This darkness that corrupted him led Macbeth to madness as well as his wife. He and Lady Macbeth feared the night when sleep would succumb them and their guilty conscious plagued their dreams. each(prenominal) their evil deeds were brought to the for-front of their minds when they were asleep and this recurring nightmare drove Lady Macbeth to take her own life. When encircled by darkness one will eventually succumb to its overwhelming power.A.C. Bradleys argument roughly the atmosphere of Macbeth was fairly logical. Except for paragraph three where his words caused confusion. Bradley states that momentary flashes of lig ht are shown at random parts of the play. Then he proceeds onto listing those moments. How constantly, this confuses one because he doesnt state what he believes is the reason for these flashes. This paragraph makes one question whether these flashes are good or bad? atomic number 18 they a sign of Macbeth turning a new leave? All these questions are a blame to the readers.Another confusing matter that comes into play after reading the article is its clarity. The article is partially scripted in an advanced jargon. This jargon trips up the readers and forces them to re-read the article, divide it into sections, then analyze and translate the meaning of his words. At first it is difficult to interpret the meaning of his words but once understood one would work fall out OH, How come I didnt get it the first time I read it or was it incessantly this clear? The analyzing of Bradleys words take up too much time and he should hurl written them in simpler terms.This article may have its confusing parts but it is well constructed and states the writers prospect clearly and methodically. The reactions it evoked from one were confusion, stress, and amazement. A.C. Bradley can truly write an amazing paper that makes the readers think deep without restraint. This article made one think of questions such as Did Shakespeare really use light as a fore-warning of an evil deed instead of a good deed? or Does living in a negative environment warp a persons personality and make them evil and deadly? the article is great and should be read and critiqued by others.The atmosphere of Macbeth was indeed dark and did fight on the characters souls, but it is not what caused the tragic events in Macbeth. What caused the tragedy was pure human edacity and longing for power. In the beginning of the play when the witches for-told Macbeth of his destiny to become king he began to think of all the slipway he could hasten his crowning. However, he feared his treasonous thoughts but his wife didnt. Ensnared in her lust for power, riches, and fame Macbeth acted on those treasonous thought and killed his king. The man he swore ever-lasting allegiance to. All this just to satisfy his and his Ladys greed for the power King Duncan held.However, his crowning only led to paranoia and un-satisfaction. This is because a senseless act done out of greed can never satisfy or settle ones heart and conscious. Like Erich Fromm stated voracity is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an reverseless effort to satisfy the need without ever ending satisfaction. The hole that could never be filled in Macbeth drove him to madness and in the end led to his and many others demise. Greed, lust, and power all added together never result in a smart ending. It only leads to tragedy. The tragedy that was the atmosphere of Macbeth.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
The Other Side of Multicultural Society Essay Example for Free
The Other Side of Multi heathen Society EssayIn recent years the society we live in, have become more increasingly influenced by unlike cultures. In the past, most people were secluded in their own little worlds which consisted only of their town or village and few miles around, only now that we are entering a new millennium, we can chance on that this is no longer so. Nowadays we get influences from countries further away than our ancestors could dream of travelling in a lifetime, just by walking down the street. This transformation into a multicultural society has both cocksure and negative impacts on our lives. In our modern society it is life-threatening to get influences from outside the borders and other cultures. mint from various cultures contribute in multiple different ways to development because they bring with them different sets of skills. simply sometimes the culture of the native population is being overrun by immigrants. For example in Britain, in that res pect are now more than four million non-white Britons more than the population of the Republic of Ireland.Almost half of all ethnic minority Britons live in London where the great and unique blend of cultural values creates culture tension to the global city. Some immigrants choose not to commix into the study society by not working and learning the language and stick to their own ethnic groups. This carriage of thing not only creates barriers, it also creates a wrong perception of the immigrants. Our society has been influenced by distant cultures.Although multicultural can be a good thing, it will in some communities do not do anything but create conflicts. Community can get a lot from a multicultural society and not just new food flavors, but sometimes multicultural society does not work or work poorly. This can come from for example when a minority groups isolates themselves from the majority conjunction, by settling in certain places where people from this specific count ry have already settled. This leads to a community split and creates barriers.Another bad thing with multicultural society is when minority groups will not integrate and learn about the majorities culture. It is a good thing to not to lose a part of yourself and your culture, but when people take residence in another country without learning about its culture, it is not good at all. Not all people are like that, some are more out-of-doors than others. But unfortunately it does happen that someone does not want to integrate, and that is when multicultural society does not work.
David M’Naughten Essay Example for Free
David MNaughten EssayDavid MNaughten hails from Scotland. He earn his living by being a wood cutter. He hardly elicit make both ends meet and spring up hatred to the Prime Minister of Great Britain in the year 1843. To MNaughten, the Prime Minister was the caseful of his personal and financial sufferings due to the failure of the former to run the British government well. In an set about to get even with the Prime Minister, MNaughten attempted to kill the leader.MNaughten was non successful because his ploy was thwarted by the secretary of the Prime Minister and instead killed the secretary and afterwards attempted to move out the Prime Minister. During the trial, nine witnesses testified that MNaughten was an insane and the jury acquitted him, finding him not blameful by reason of insanity ( pbs. org. n. d. The safe/Wrong MNaughten Test. Paragraph 1) Reporter Bill Mears of CNN chapiter in 2006 reported in that respect was little doubt that Eric Clark, thusly 17, s hot and killed a police officer six years ago in Flagstaff, azimuth.And prosecutors and confession attorneys agreed that the killer had some degree of psychogenic illness he was a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic who conceived he was being constantly watched by aliens from outmost space. Teen shot and killed police officer he thought was an alien, 1st paragraph). Eric Clark believe that the police who accosted him was an alien from outer space who came here to get him, and so, Eric shot and killed him. Eric was found finable of premier degree murder three years after the fatal shooting. Eric confession lawyers entered a plea of not guilty due to insanity.It as well ask three years of deliberation by Arizona court whether Erick will be jailed or sent to noetic rehabilitation center while serving the sentence. The court Arizona court regularized Eric to languish in jail for life. Based from the two court decisions just mentioned, it appears that there is sort of variant among the different U. S. efficacious courts as to the intelligent definition of insanity and its acceptance as legal demurral in court. This essay will trace the development of insanity as legal defense from its origin up to what it is in todays legal battle.Evolution of insanity defense As early as 1581, insanity defense has been well considered in Anglo-Ameri stick out law and a legal treatise was en achievemented saying that If a madman or a natural fool, or a lunatic in the time of his unacy do kill a man, this is no felonious act for they cannot be said to have both understanding will ( pbs. org. n. d. A Brief History of delirium Defense, paragraph 3 ). There was no available record of court proceeding from the date of treatise enactment up to 17th century. trine hundred years later, the British court elaborated the treatise and gave rise to the wild beast test ( fourth paragraph ) which emphasized that If a defendant was so bereft of sanity that he understood the ram ifications of his demeanour no more(prenominal) than in an infant, a brute, or a wild beast, he would not be eld responsible for his crimes ( 4th paragraph). In other words, if the defendant lacks sanity and cannot comprehend the outcome of what he did, as his ( defendant) mind is that of infant or a wild animal, consequently the defendant is not conjectural for the crime committed.The codification of this British wild beast test was govern at stake in 1843, in the case of David MNaughten as outlined in our introduction. Queen Victoria was not affect with the decision of the court and requested a review of the case with a panel of resolve. The essenceing decision was that a defendant should not be eld responsible for his actions if he could not tell that his actions were unconventional at the time he committed them (The Right/Wrong MNaughten Test. Paragraph 3).This was also mentioned in the research of Chiacchia ( 2001) and law. jrank org. n. d. ) This became the basis of the insanity defense in England and follow by American courts and legislatures for more than vitamin C years without any modification. Up to 1998, 25 states including the District of Columbia adopted this Right/Wrong MNaughten Test. According to legal critics, the MNaughten test has one major rawback. While the rule focus on on the ability to distinguish right from wrong (which is cognitive in nature), it failed to consider the un foreswearpable desire that was the dominant feeling before and during the consummation of the crime.This resulted to modification of the MNaughten rule by adding a furnish called irresistible impulse ( Irresistible impulse, 1st paragraph). The added provision in effect will warrant a defendant who can distinguish between right and wrong but unable to stop the crime due to his uncontrollable desire to consummate it to get even with the victim. A number of tates adopted the MNaughten modification and coined another name as policemen in the elbow test (1st paragraph).The name clearly high lightness the intense desire to consummate the crime as even if there is police license around to witness, the defendant will do it. In 1950, advances in psychiatry and psychology as a science was very noticeable. In the light of the advances, legal critics saw the MNaughten rule as too rigid and antiquated. In 1954, an appellate court discarded the MNaughten and irresistible impulse test in favor of a more scientific and medically based insanity test. This became the basis of the Durnham genial fly rule. In Durnham v. United States, The U. S.Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia ruled that a defendant is not guilty if his unlawful act was the product of psychogenic indisposition or mental defect. ( The rise and fall of the Durnham psychological Defect rule, 1st paragraph). The decision was considered as within the demand of the times and a major breakthrough in American legal system as it exemplify the replacement of moral c onsiderations with a more neutral and scientific evidences reflective of the advances of psychiatry and psychology ( The rise and fall of the Durnham Mental Defect rule). profound experts claim that the Durnham rule is vague and difficult to apply.According to the experts, the term mental defect is very considerable and they were concerned that due to its vagueness, more and more defendants will be acquitted than before. The confusion arises over the description of mental disease or defect clause. Will mental defect mean only psychosis or any of the minor mental inconvenience oneself found in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM). Critics were concerned of the possibility that defendants will use alcoholism and other ental disorder with antisocial conductal symptoms as defense of their crimes.Also, it is not clear where the burden of proof is that is whether its up for the court to control the mental defect or the burden lies with the defendant and the p sychiatrist as professional witness. Another disagreement is that the Durham test inadvertently grant too much influence to the psychiatrist and psychologist as to the result of the court trial. twenty two states rejected the Durham test in 1972 and a panel of judges considered the Model Penal Code Test of the American jurisprudence Institute ( A. L. I. as eplacement (pbs. org. n. d. ).The A. L. I. standard is think to soften the MNaughten with the irresistible impulse by introduction of medical and psychiatric evidence requirement. The A. L. I. standard, rule that a defendant will not be held criminally responsible if at the time of the behavior in question as a result of a mental disease or defect, he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the criminality of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law. (pbs. org. n. d.A Brief History of Insanity Defense, The A. L. I. Standard, 1st paragraph). In ddition to requiring the defendant to show proof that at the time of the consummation of the crime, there is absolutely no understanding as to the nature of the act ( as in MNaughten test), a certification from a psychiatrist or psychologist is needed to attest to the event that the defendant lack substantial capacity ( paragraph 2, line 4 ) to understand the right from wrong together with the irresistible impulse consideration.Under the A. L. I. tandard, the act of serial killers whose mental defect manifests only during the act of killing and shows normal mental behavior before and after he consummation of the act can lead to his/her conviction. In 1998, 22 states used the A. L. I. rule while 26 used the MNaughten reading regardless of the irresistible impulse clause. It is also provided in the A. L. I. standard, the provision for due process and equal rampart concerns for those who were acquitted by reason of insanity for automatic and indefinite confinement to assess and treat their mental disorder and check their dangero usness potential to society periodically.If found during the evaluation that further confinement is no all-night needed, then the defendant can be eleased. By early 1980s all state legislatures just for 10 has reformed their laws incorporating the provision for periodic review. In 1981, a test for stability of the A. L. I. standard ensued. sewer Hinckley, Jr. , a Washington police officer and secret service agent shot then U. S. President Ronald Reagan and his press secretary James Brady. Hinckley claimed during the trial the following that he was trying to impress the actress Jodie cherish, with whom he was infatuated.He later described the incident in a letter to The New York Times as the greatest love offering in the history of the world. At one time Miss Foster was a star and I was the insignificant fan. Now everything is changed. I am Napoleon and she is Josephine. I am Romeo and she is Juliet (pbs. org. n. d. A Brief History of Insanity Defense, After Hinckley , 1st parag raph). Hinckley was acquitted by the jury of 13 assault, murder and weapon counts and moreover, ruling him not guilty by reason of insanity.This resulted to a great American public uproar that call for thorough review of the insanity defense strategy and plugging loopholes in the nicety system that allows an obviously guilty man to escape punishment. Senator Dan Quayle claimed that the insanity efense allowed pampering of criminals by allowing them to kill without conscience. The psychiatric and legal professional group called for the modification instead of total abolition of the insanity defense resulting to lawmaking called The Insanity Defense Reform dissemble of 1984 ( 3rd paragraph).The act is a stricter version of the MNaughten rule. The Cornell University Law School in 2006 released the following information related to a more stricter version ( article 17, Insanity defense, U. S. Code Collection, 1st paragraph) (a) Affirmative Defense. It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under any federal statute that, at the time of the commission of the acts constituting the offense, the defendant, as a result of a severe mental disease or defect, was unable to appreciate the nature and quality or the wrongfulness of his acts.Mental disease or defect does not otherwise constitute a defense. (b) Burden of Proof. The defendant has the burden of proving the defense of insanity by clear and convincing evidence The burden of proof now is with the defendant and not with the prosecution. The defendant in order to qualify for the insanity defense must show proof that the disorder is severe. The volitional test that excused a defendant who lacked the capacity to fight the irresistible impulse was eliminated, in effect going back to the MNaughten right/wrong standard of the 19th century.The influence of psychiatric testimony was effectively limited and more stricter procedure on hospitalization and release of those acquitted was put into effect. Thirty stat es adopted The Insanity Defense Reform Act of 1984 while the three states of Montana, Utah and Idaho abolished whole the insanity defense strategy. In the year 2000, a provision to The Insanity Defense Reform Act of 1984 was enacted nd 20 states instituted it. The provision is called criminal tho Mentally Ill or GBRI ( Chiacchia. 2006.Insanity defense, Guilty but mentally ill, 1st paragraph, line 2. ). Under the GBRI, the defendant can be sentenced guilty although he is legally insane. The convicted will be jailed and his mental illness will be study by the government periodically. The criticism of GBRI lies on the fact that very few jail institution can actually look at the mental state of the convicted insane. Examining the success of using the insanity defense in this modern time, Chiacchia ( 2001 ) eported ( Insanity defense statistics, 2nd paragraph) that Successful NGRI defenses are rare.While rates vary from state to state, on average less than one defendant in 100- 0. 85 percent-actually raises the insanity defense nationwide. Interestingly, states with high rates of NGRI defenses tend to have lower success rates for NGRI defenses the percentage of all defendants found NGRI is clean constant, at around 0. 26 percent It shows from the statistics that the chances of acquittal using the insanity defense is very slim, considering that lots every loop hole in the American jurisprudence has been effectively ealed with the adoption of Guilty But Mentally Ill provision.Summary and Conclusion It is now a known fact that the insanity defense dates back in 17th century in Great Britain with the acquittal of David MNaughten. The MNaughten Right/Wrong Test underwent five modifications from 17th century up to the present time. A number of noteworthy cases involving rich families and big political figures as victims in the past three centuries resulted to acquittal of the defendants in the light of the different legal interpretation of insanity defense a mong states.The acquittal of John Hinckley, Jr. who shot then U.S. President Reagan and killed his press secretary in 1981 was the strong force that caused widespread public clamor for reviewing and spinal fusion of interpretation of the insanity defense strategy. At present, all states except for three ( Montana, Utah and Idaho which scrapped the insanity defense in its entirety) enacted the MNaughten rule with modifications centered on the burden of insanity proof on the defendant. Twenty states enacted The Insanity Defense Reform Act of 1984 with provision for Guilty But Mentally Ill, shutting the loopholes.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
The Case of Old Family Bank Essay Example for Free
The Case of Old Family situate EssayThe interpretations of the exemplar are valid in a sense that the situation of the employees are in complete grasp. However, the strategies needed to be enforced should look deeper into the situation. The scheme needed should be in a win-win standpoint wherein we improve the productivity while withstanding the stature of the swear itself. The case of the human resources at the Old Family Bank, simply put, could be analyzed as a case at which there is lacking motivation amongst its employees especially in the data processing unit. The electronic data-processing unit, base on the constraints of the case, presents the lowest committal towards the company.As a consultant, this is one of the major aspects that the forethought of the bank must(prenominal) work on. On the other hand, the check-sorting should be maintained at status quo in terms of loyalty improving strategies. Thus, increasing interaction between these two departments which both are important in the trading operations of the bank must be improved. The question of conflicting skill-based salaries may be lessened if both departments interact with each other. This would dictate the elimination of alienation between the workers. True, this may not be done overnight and there may be some time for things to catch up but this particular enthronement on manpower would serve as a positive reinforcement on the situation.Management could maintain working conditions in the data processing area and create shifts where both departments would interact (Hersey, Blanchard, Johnson, 2000). Old Family Bank could even profit from this by lessening operating costs while improving worker interaction (Leopold, 2002). The bank could also opt for team-building activities which could further strengthen the camaraderie within the bank. On the management side, they should resurrect an environment of fair and a conducive working place. By encouraging camaraderie within the m anagement structure, they are also marketing a positive outlook towards their clients, making Old Family Bank not only the best place to bank but also the best place to work as well.ReferenceHersey, P., Blanchard, K. H., Johnson, D. E. (2000). Management of organizational behavior leading human resources (8th ed ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall.Leopold, J. (2002). Human resources in organisations Financial Times/ Prentice Hall.
Friday, April 5, 2019
Anchors: History of and Developments in Anchor Technology
Anchors History of and Developments in Anchor TechnologyInflate-a-Weight analysisThe Inflate-a-Weight is a specially designed pillar that utilizes a chemical reception to assist in the mainstays ascent. Connected to the luggage compartment of the pillar are both balloons similar in design to air bulges. angiotensin converting enzyme is connected at the top and the otherwise at the bottom. The bottom balloon acts as a disdain if the top one fails to bring out. Using an invisible remote control, the workr ordure release some irrigate into the balloon. This will react with the trace amount of atomic number 11 present in the balloon to publish atomic number 11 hydroxide and total heat sport. The gas will inflate the balloon and give the vertebral column the buoyancy required for it to rise to the surface. The Inflate-a-Weight is a fast method of hauling in an ground tackle that could save boaters the electricity they take on to agent radios, elations, and navigati on systems.Present TechnologyThe current applied science of strands includes multiple divergent ground types employ for various purposes, the line it is connected to, and the chain it is connected to. These anchor types include the lightweight anchor, kedge anchor, grapnels anchor, plow anchor, hook anchor, and the mushroom anchor. The lightweight anchor is usually use on smaller boats used for recreational purposes. The kedge anchor is normally used on very(prenominal) large beams be induct it buries one of its sides and relies in general on the weight of the ship to help keep it in place. The grapnels anchor is used by small boats such as kayaks and toiletoes because it has little holding power. The plow anchor t give nonices to be used on cruising boats because it is able to bury itself in closely bottom types. The claw anchor works similarly to the plow anchor but it allows 360 degree turns go anchored and is able to right itself easily if it hits the bottom on the wrong side. The mushroom anchor is used mainly for moorings and is best used in soft bottoms because of the suction it is able to produce because of it mushroom shape. Additionally, the anchors are disposed to the boat via a line and/or chain. The three-strand twist nylon line is the best line to use because of the go against it is able to absorb from the anchoring. It is recommended that the line is mixed with a chain for the anchor. Chain is usually made from galvanized trade name and isgood to use for attaching you anchor to the boat because it can handle more weight and wear and tear and the close to commonly used type of chain is the proof coil.Airbags are inflated via a chemical reply activated in a head-on collision to help protect a person in a crash. They are commonly activated when in a head-on collision the car decelerates at a very fast pace and a ball held in place by a magnet moves forward to activate an electrical circuit to ignite a pellet of sodium azide. ers twhile that happened the airbag inflates in mere milliseconds, approximately 40. After the bag has inflated fully it begins to deflate to cushion the body in time for when the body should make contact with it. For the airbag to evolve the gas necessary to inflate it goes finished a series of chemical answers. The reason for multiple reactions is to produce the gas unavoidable and to remove the other harmful substances produced and convert them into harmless substances.There are many gas producing chemical reactions, but the master(prenominal) ones for this project postulate reactants in group 1, the alkali metals. Some of the elements located in this group prolong strong reactions with irrigate. Some of these reactants react with water in a violent explosion and produce gas. atomic number 3 has an intense reaction with water and produces hydrogen gas. Sodium has a fast reaction with water, which can be seen by the small explosion or fire when the reactants are combined, and produces hydrogen gas. Potassium has a speedy exothermic reaction with water and can catch fire during the reaction and it produces hydrogen gas. Rubidium reacts very rapidly and violently with water and produces hydrogen gas. Cesium has an extremely fast and violent reaction with water and produces hydrogen gas.The current technology of infrared remote controls and sensors includes being used in picture remotes. The infrared or IR remote is able to work by using s low absolute frequency light beam that cannot be detected by the human eye but by the television receiver. The IR remotes and their sensors are used by many different electronic devices today including things such as televisions, radios, and movie players.HistoryAnchors have been used for thousands of years. Ancient forms of anchors, rocks, have been found that date to the Bronze Age. A primitive anchor consists of a pair of wood arms under a large rock. It provided the very(prenominal) purpose as modern day anchors, which is to have a sharp point and mass. Ancient anchors relied on the grappling hook until the stock, a bar perpendicular to the arm in roam to roll the anchor to pierce the bottom, was introduced and adopted.Airbags were origin used in the early 1950s and were designed by Walter Linderer, a German engineer and later was patented by John W. Hetrick. In 1963, Yasuzaburou Kobori created current airbag technology. In 1968, Allen Breed invented the first automobile crash sensor and airbag safety system. Early airbags had the problem of retaining pressure in the canisters that inflated the bag with compressed air. Sodium azide and its by-product, sodium hydroxide, were commonly used in the 1990s. However its toxicity and reactivity caused it to be phased out.Infrared, or IR, technologies had started to be used in the early 1980s. The first remote control, called Lazy Bones was created by Zenith Electronics Corporation. Eugene McDonald created the first wireless remote, the Flashmatic . An IR remote emits a very low frequency beam of light which is thusly met by the receiver. In the beginning of the 2000s, ninety-nine percent of all television sets and one-hundred of all VCRs and videodisc players were outfit with IR remote controls. Most remote controls today use IR technology.BreakthroughsThe gas that needed to be used had to be safe and couldnt be harmful to the environment. Methane and ammonia are harmful to the environment, so they were thrown out as possibilities. The only other ones that would be useful in lifting the anchor were hydrogen and helium, but helium is alike expensive to be used on a daily basis. This left hydrogen as the element chosen for the lifting of the anchor. Next it was necessary to find a way to produce the hydrogen through a reaction, but the compounds used couldnt be harmful to the environment, along with its byproducts. The simplest and cleanest way to produce hydrogen was to use a salt and mix it with water. The only salt that will not create a harmful byproduct and will not explode killing any creatures, was sodium and and consequently was chosen for to create the anchors needed reaction.The endthrough that is necessary for the floating anchor to work is the reaction that moldiness take place inside the anchor under the high pressure of deep ocean waters. The reaction must take place in an area that is completely dry, so as to avoid an early and undesired reaction. The branch chambers where the sodium and water are held must be sealed powerful in order to avoid compromise the clean water with contaminates and the risk of the sodium being loose to water, causing an early reaction, is too great. The only possible way for the reaction to occur is if the sodium is unbroken dry and safely away from the oceans water.The sodium must be unploughed in a separate chamber where it can be released into the water of another chamber. The water should be filled before the anchor is dropped but if not, the wa ter can be used if it is fresh water. As this is an unlikely case, due to the accompaniment that the anchors main purpose is for deep oceanic waters, the anchor can still be used in freshwater lakes or rivers.When the sodium is released into the water of another chamber, the reaction will rapidly produce sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The hydrogen gas will fill up the balloon that is attached to the out-of-door of the anchor and provide the lift necessary for the anchor to rise to the surface at a unbendable and safe rate.The release system is connected to an infrared remote control on board the ship. When the anchor needs to be remonstrated, they simply use a remote control to send infrared signals to the anchor, which in turn opens the chamber, and triggers the reaction. The downside is that due to the fact that a high concentration of sodium, if a leak occurs, could destroy the anchor in a small explosion. To avoid a catastrophe, the concentration of sodium must be kept a t a low level. This basically means that only about one or two reactions worth of sodium can be kept in the chambers within the anchor. A resolving to any failures in the release of the sodium can be fixed with a more manual(a) format. A tube will be run down the chain to the anchor upon installation, so if the reaction in the anchor fails, hydrogen gas can be pumped down the tube into the anchors balloon. If on that point arises a problem with the balloon, there is a second emergency balloon attached to the opposite end of the anchor, which is attached to the tube, that can be filled if the first fails to do so. If all else fails, the anchor can be raised as it is today, slowly and steadily, by a windlass or by hand.All these things must come together perfectly for this piece of technology to work. If there is one flaw, the whole anchor is compromised and rendered unprofitable for its purpose.Although this technology has the ability to exist today, it is unlikely due to the fac t that every time the anchor is used the chamber containing the chemical would need to be refilled. The only solution to being refilled every time is to have multiple chambers, but this could be a problem due to the fact that if the concentration of the chemical is too high and there is a leak, the possibility of the anchor exploding becomes a reality.Future TechnologiesFuture ways of moderation the use of the anchor would be to raise it to the surface faster and safer. Our vision includes a way to raise an anchor from the bottom of a body of water to the surface is just this way. This is a safer way to plagiarize an anchor without a windlass.We visualize our concept to be put in place by many different people for many different uses. For example, the products of reaction in the airbag can be applied to not only airbags, but inflatable boats or recreation inflation uses. Instead of using ones breath or an air pump, only activate the sodium and water for a rapid inflation. This tec hnology of producing gas can be used in many places for many different reasons.The IR signals can be improved and applied to more uses than they currently are. Infrared signals can be used in many different applications, not only in television remotes or triggering reactions in anchors but as well as sending information by light. However, the strength of infrared signals must be improved in order to reach longer distances or through different materials since it is such a low energy light.along with the infrared technology, the other components can be further improved. The strength of the anchor, reliability of the reaction can be improved. Different designs may too prove to be more effective than our own. This leads to development of the Inflate-a-Weight.Design operationAfter the team decided to do our project on an anchor retraction system we brainstormed different ways to make it easier. After picking which one to do we had rejected three different versions of the caprice for various reasons. The first thought process that was rejected by the group was an anchor that is retracted by a motorized stoppage system. The thought was to have the rope/chain attached to the anchor to be intent on the pulley so a button could be pushed or a switch flipped and the pulley would start turning lifting the anchor up and out of the water. The idea was rejected because when further research was conducted on the idea, we found that it already exists and is known as a windlass.Another idea that was rejected was an anchor that is equipped with water jets to propel it upward. The group rejected this idea because of the dangers of the anchor flying up into the boat and damaging it or harming the passengers. If the water jets pushed with too oftentimes pressure behind it, it could launch up too much and fly into the boat, causing a hole or other damage possibly resulting in compromising the integrity of the hull and leading to the sinking of the watercraft. The anchor fly ing up into the boat could also cause serious injury or nevertheless death to any passenger riding in the boat. This could be an expensive ordeal because major damage to the boat and medical bills are not usually cheap.The concluding idea that was rejected was an anchor that floats up using air pumps. Our group rejected this version of our idea because it is not practical because of all the equipment required that could fail or easily break. Some of the equipment would have to be a tube and the actual air pump. The pump could fail by losing power and cause a problem for retracting the anchor. The tube running down to the inflatable device to make the anchor rise could break and then it would be a pain to fix and get in the way of manually superlative the anchor in the case that it breaks. However, this idea led us to think of another way to use something lighter than water to raise the anchor. We came to the conclusion that using a chemical reaction to produce gas in an inflatabl e attached to the base of the anchor would work better. When discussing it more we knew that a way to activate the chemical reaction was needed and we thought of remotely activating it to make it easier on the user.ConsequencesThe floating anchor technology could have some potentially harmful and unintended consequences. If sea creatures ingest the chemicals at all, the complete rest of the food web is affected by the chemicals as well. The toxins may not be as potent in higher levels of the chain, but it still spreads from organism to organism. For instance, a school of tuna seek might be exposed to the chemicals and later end up being caught and processed for retail.The rapidly wage accession anchors could also be a potential hazard for people in boats. If the reaction becomes out of control, then the anchor could fly out of the water and charge the people attempting to raise it. The anchor could also strike the hull of the boat and damage the vessel, perhaps leading to flood ing or even sinking, depending on the surface of the vessel.The levels of infrared radiation could gradually increase in the ocean since the anchor uses IR signals to trigger the reaction. This increase would harm the atmosphere more than it does the ocean. The ocean water evaporates, releasing excess heat and infrared energy, which is then absorbed by moist, tropical air. The wind then carries the air to a convergence zone where it move as precipitation. The heat and IR energy is then released into the atmosphere. Rising IR levels in the atmosphere can contribute to the greenhouse effect.Another potential problem is the precipitate left over after the reaction takes place and the anchor begins its ascent. If the balloon that provides buoyancy for the anchor burst, then the sodium hydroxide would be released into the ocean. When sodium hydroxide comes into contact with water, it produces a massive amount of heat. The heat generated could damage the anchor or even render it useless . If it is close enough to the boat then it may damage the structure of the boat as well.Despite the possible problems that could rise to the surface, the Inflate-a-Weight could be quite convenient and cost effective for sailors. The float would be convenient and quick as opposed to the longer amounts of time it usually takes to haul an anchor from the bottom. Windlasses on smaller vessels are usually powered by electricity. If the Inflate-a-Weight anchor were used instead, then more power could be used for radios, navigation systems, or lights.The quick speed of the Inflate-a-Weight would also be useful for vessels in avoiding collisions. If a ship cannot stop in time to prevent a collision, then the anchored vessel could cursorily raise their anchor and move out of the way. Small law enforcement craft and Coast Guard vessels would also find the anchor useful when trying to quickly raise their anchor in order to come suspects in boats or on small water craft like jet skis.
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