Thursday, February 28, 2019
Ratio: Balance Sheet and Financial Results
UVA-C-2332 Rev. Oct. 17, 2012 RATIOS TELL A STORY2011 pecuniary results and conditions vary among companies for a bout of reasons. One reason for the mutation can be traced to the characteristics of the industries in which companies operate. For example, or so industries require large investments in property, plant, and equipment (PP&E), plot of ground others require very little. In some industries, the competitive productpricing structure permits companies to earn significant profits per gross revenue dollar, while in other industries the product-pricing structure imposes a much overthrow profit margin.In most low-margin industries, however, companies often experience a relatively richly rate of product finishedput. A second reason for some of the variation in fiscal results and conditions among companies is the result of worry philosophy and policy. Some companies lop their manufacturing capacity to match more closely their immediate gross revenue prospects, while others carry excess capacity to be prepargond for future gross revenue growth. Also, some companies finance their assets with borrowed funds, while others avoid that leverage and choose kinda to finance their assets with owners equity.And some corporate focussing teams choose to not stomach dividends to their owners, preferring to reinvest those funds in the company. Of course, another reason for some of the variation in reported financial results among companies is the differing competencies of management. Given the same industry characteristics and the same management policies, different companies may report different financial results simply because their managements cause differently. And last, one other reason is that some industries are more unprotected to macroeconomic conditions than others.This can be true when macroeconomic conditions (e. g. , foreign transposition rates, interest rates, and taxes) are weak and deteriorating as well as when they are strong and improving. O r this can also be true when such conditions are stable versus volatile. Those differences in industry characteristics, in company policies, in management performance, and in responsiveness to the macroeconomic environment are reflected in the financial statements published by publicly held companies. Furthermore, they can be highlighted through the use of financial proportionalitys. point 1 presents balance sheets, in percentage form, and This exercise was prepared by Professor Mark E. Haskins, Darden Graduate School of credit line Administration, and has benefited from collaborations with various colleagues over the social classs on earlier versions. It was written as a basis for discussion rather than to illustrate effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation. Copyright ? 2012 by the University of Virginia Darden School Foundation, Charlottesville, VA. all rights reserved.To order copies, send an e-mail to emailprotected com. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwisewithout the permission of the Darden School Foundation. ? -2- UVA-C-2332 selected financial ratios computed from fiscal year 2011 balance sheets and income statements for 13 companies from the following industries ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? irline railroad pharmaceuticals mercantile banking photographic equipment, printing, and gross revenue discount general-merchandise retail electric utility fast-food eating place chain wholesale food distribution supermarket (grocery) chain Internet retail advertising agency services computer software development hold the balance sheet profiles and the financial ratios listed for each of the 13 companies as presented in Exhibit 1. 1 Your assignment is to use your intuition, common sense, and basic collar of the unique attributes of each industry listed above to match each chromatography column in the exhibit with one of the industries.Be prepared to give the reasons for your pairings, citing the data that expects to be consistent with the characteristics of the industry you selected. Ours is not a perfect world, however, and for our class discussion, it lead be helpful if you will also identify those pieces of data that seem to contradict the pairings you have made. Please note that using the data functional here, you will find it difficult to identify those companies whose financial results differ because of management policy and competence.Please note in Exhibit 1 OCI = Other spaciotemporal Income, CFFO = Cash Flow From Operations, ST = Short Term, and LT = Long Term. 1 -3The ratios in Exhibit 1 are based on the following formulas 1. ROS (return on sales) = moolah income clear sales Net sales comely add together assets Net income Average total assets ROS ? Asset disorder Average total assets Average total owners equity Net income Average total owners equity ROA ? Financial leverage Total current assets Total current liabilities Cost of goods exchange Average ending inventory Average accounts receivable Net sales/365 days UVA-C-2332 . Asset turnover = 3. ROA (return on assets) or = = 4. Financial leverage = 5. ROE (return on equity) or = = 6. Current ratio = 7. Inventory turnover = 8. Receivables collection = 9. Revenue growth = This years net salesLast years net sales Last years net sales Net salesCost of goods interchange Net sales Cash dividends Net income Research and development outlay Net sales 10. Gross margin = 11. Dividend payout 12. R&D ratio = = -4Exhibit 1 RATIOS TE ELL A STORY Y2011 Selected Financ Data for 13 C S cial Companies (b balance sheet amou are percentage of total assets) unts UVA-C-2332 V
Literary Analysis †Importance of Being Earnest Essay
PICKERING rising and standing over him gravely Come, Higgins You know what I mean. If Im to be in this business I shall(a) scent liable for that girl. I hope its unders excessivelyd that no unafraid is to be taken of her position. HIGGINS. What That thing Sacred, I assure you. Rising to explain You see, shell be a pupil and belief would be impossible unless pupils were sacred. Ive taught scores of American millionairesses how to speak position the best looking women in the world. Im seasoned. They might as well be overgorges of timber. I might as well be a block of wood. Its- (38).Im very(prenominal) curious rough how Henry Higgins, in George Bernard Shaws Pygmalion, feels about his profession and how this translates to his interpretation of society. Higgins, a professor of phonetics, ultimately enters into a bet in which he is assigned the task of teaching a poor, uneducated yet located girl from the streets proper grammar, with the hope of transforming her into a duc hess in a few months time. Its unclouded from the beginning that Higgins, a man bounteous of contradictions and no filter, is the protagonist. At first, Higgins is clear opposed to the idea of teaching Eliza this is translucent through his blatant insults and sarcastic taunts. He makes fun of her poor grammar and the occurrence that she is clearly uneducated. Higgins infers that Elizas success will help her move up the societal hierarchy and even though Elizas version is unequivocal, Higgins initial experience of her never varietys his habitual attitude towards her is consistent throughout the play.In contrast, when Higgins first meets Pickering, an educated scholar, his doings is quite the opposite. The difference between his demeanors leads me to confide that quarrel does affect Higgins perception of society. This is sh accept go on due to his uncouth sluggishness of Elizas drastic transformation. I int overthrow to prove that Higgins views language as a tool for tender advancement and this understanding is what ultimately causes him to deal wad much as objects than human beings. Higgins considers teaching Eliza as more(prenominal) of a social service due to her economic and social disadvantage. Higgins asserts that, teaching would be impossible unless pupils were sacred (38). At first glance I presumed that sacred meant holy or special, yet he assigns an other(a) inwardness to the word.Higgins regards the English language as an exclusive privilege speech should be regarded with reverence and entitlement. He associates proper language with societal and spiritual implications and holds that it is what separates elucidate from fork and soul from soul. This suggests that Higgins believes the English language should be respected. In addition, he asserts that education and the ability to effectively communicate is paramount to the functionality of society its important because without language, society would crumble. Therefore, in teachin g Eliza proper grammar, Higgins gains a mother wit of power due to the belief he is changing her for the better, and ultimately into a different human being.Although its obvious that Higgins thoroughly enjoys the subject of language and is app bently enthusiastic about his profession, he tends to brag about his accomplishments and often belittles other peoples intellectual abilities. He negotiates people, Eliza in particular, with a rude indifference and no regard for feelings or emotions. Its clear that Pickering is trying to look out for Elizas best interest when he argues, If Im to be in this business I shall feel responsible for that girl. I hope its understood that no advantage is to be taken of her position (38.) Higgins bluntly responds What That thing and the difference in demeanor is candid. In comparison to Pickering, its clear that Higgins lacks decent ingenuity. His cockiness is further exemplified through his boasting Ive taught scores of American millionairesses h ow to speak English the best looking women in the world. Im seasoned (38).Finally, Higgins displays a sort of ambivalence towards language. He treats this knowledge of language is powerful and serves as a tool for social advancement. In addition, he believes that language is and should be a suitable subject for scientific studies. His ultimate view is that language should be utilized as a medium for artistic expression. Furthermore, its apparent that Higgins views his pupils as objects sort of than human beings when he concedes, They might as well be blocks of wood (38). This exemplifies how language could be seen as artistic. Theoretically, a block of wood could be interpreted as a light canvas it symbolizes how he utilizes language to shape and transform his students into something else, something more. Higgins bes to be diffident of his own identity operator as well because he suggests, I too might as well be a block of wood (38).Ultimately, Higgins shows that proper speech should be regarded as a fundamental essential of society the inability to communicate prohibits success. This assertion is exemplified through how he treats those almost him and how he views those that he teaches. He clearly believes that language is of paramount impressiveness especially in discerning social class. His assertion that he too might as well be a block of wood, is a fundamental example of his belief in the power of language as a tool for social advancement.The writing in this essay is my own work. If I declare used outside sources, I have declare them through correct documentation. eading Pygmalion, we come to learn that communication is about more than words, and everything from clothing to accents to physical bearing can affect the way people interact with each other.Higgins considers his teaching to be a kind of social work the inability to communicate he suggests is at the bottom of mans social issueNot only has Higgins come to view his clients as objects r ather than human beings, he even seems to have lost something of his own identity in the routine. There is a nonher interesting interpretation howver. A block of wood, like a canvas is a medium for artistic expression. He of course, is aid to shape his clients further this suggests that he himself could aslo be subject to the same processIn claiming he cant wobble his own nature, Higgins complicates his own claims about change and transformation if he cant change his nature, we have to question how he can really under stand to change mortal elsesEven the things we do to establish a connection with foreign people and things like using slang or nicknames can end up causing confusion and cases of mistaken identityHiggins. About you, non about me. If you come back I shall treat you just as I have always treated you. I cant change my nature and I dont intend to change my manners. My manners are exactly the same as colonel pickerings. Liza. Thats not true. He treats a flower girl as if she was a duchess. Higgins. And I treat a duchess as if she was a flower girl.Liza. I see. She turns away composedly, and sits on the ottoman, facing the window. The same to everybody. Higgins. Just so.Liza. Like dumbfound.Higgins. grinning, a little taken down without accepting the comparison at all points, eliza, its quite true that your father is not a snob, and that he will be quite at home in any station of life to which his eccentric destiny my call him. Seriously The great secret, Eliza, is not having bad manners or vertical manners or any other particular sort of manners, but having the same manner for all human souls in short, behaving as if you were in Heaven, where there are no third-class carriages, and one soul is as good as another. (99)In this excerpt from George Bernard Shaws play, Pygmalion, I am not sure (what Shaw is trying to convey through Higgins justification of his unruly behavior). if Higgins is attempting to condone his unruly behavior or if (Shaw is using him to voice his criticism of class distinctions) he is simply preaching about his concept of class distinctions (im not sure what exactly Higgins belives or is trying to convey? He does, however, have a penchant for talking about the soul of man, about the importance of language, and social equality). Higgins, a professor of phonetics, ultimately enters into a bet in which he is assigned the task of transforming a poor, uneducated yet determined girl from the streets, into a duchess in a few months time.Its clear from the beginning that Higgins, a man full of contradictions and no filter, is the protagonist. Its humorous that throughout elizas transformation, she is the one who is blatantly manipulated and mistreated, meanwhile the other characters seem to receive less cynicism. On the other hand, Higgins actions and mannerisms never change his general attitude is consistent throughout the play. His rude indifference to her drastic transformation leads me to believe tha t Higgins doesnt believe in class distinctions. That said, (Higgins embodies the theme of I believe that Shaw uses Higgins as a patsy for his criticism of class distinctions all classes should be treated the same.Shaw develops Higgins belief in equality very clearly If you come back I shall treat you just as I have always treated you. I cant change my nature and I dont intend to change my manners. That said, its very clear that Higgins perception of those around him, and society in general, are concrete.Throughout the play, Higgins character never evolves Higgins life revolves around Eliza for practically the unanimous play. All his time is spent transforming her and inventing a new Eliza meanwhile he seems to forget that shes a human being with feelings. His unchanging perception and treatment of those around him is further reiterated when eliza claims colonel pickering treats a flower girl as if she was a duchess and Higgins simply retorts And I treat a duchess as if she was a f lower girl.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Business Report Qantas Airways
business organisation REPORT ON QANTAS AIRLINES Hasblady Leon Ramirez (Sofia) Student no(prenominal)31278 Class BAE 10 sixteenth January 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY3 1. INTRODUCTION4 2. QANTAS ETHICAL EVALUATION5 2. 1. Airlines Safety as an ho prune5 3. QANTAS SHARE PRICE EVALUATION6 3. 1. deal out Price Definition6 3. 2. Share Price bearing 20126 3. 3. Share Price History7 4. Recommendation8 REFERENCES9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The aim of this advertise is to rate whether Qantas airways is a suitable bon ton for honourable investment.Firstly, Qantas has currently been incurring in an ethical issue, because it has reduced in almost 50 % its staff in order to obtain better earnings, however, the career caoutchoucty has been affected payable to this master(prenominal)tenance furlough, also Qantas function cost analysis determines that although the stock had a downturn three eld ago, it has begun to rise now. However, the result of this cross is that, Qan tas is non an appropriate lodge to invest now out-of-pocket to the low portion damage behavior and bread and butter airplanes issue. 1.INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to evaluate whether Qantas airways is a suitable friendship for ethical investment. This evaluation is split in devil aspects, ethical investing and touch scathe capital punishment in order to pip a recommendation to clients. Currently, companies have begun to make purposes on basis to moral assumptions such as, social consideration, environmental concerns and ethical reporting with the purpose of selecting ethical investment and achieving a competitive pecuniary return (Schwartz 2003, p. 95). According to Michelson, this recent behavior is called ethical investment (Australia and united Kingdom) and socially responsible investment ( United States) and this is a main effect in the financial industry cod to the gained importance during the operate years (2004, p. 1). Qantas is the largest h ouse servant and international airline that was established in Australia in 1920. Now, Qantas is a business group of customers transportation, which is formed by two complementary airline brands (Qantas and Jetstar).The business group employs 35,700 people and 93% of this tot up is idead in Australia (Qantas 2012). This report is divided in three main points, firstly, analyzing an ethical issue to the highest degree safety feather on base of airplanes care. Secondly, evaluating the share price history and how the share price behavior, and finally, it give a recommendation to the shareholders in order to acknowledge the beau monde. 2. QANTAS ETHICAL EVALUATION This report discusses the airline safety in equipment casualty of fear.Currently, companies search to increase profits and reduce costs and a common way is a downsizing in an operational process. Qantas reduce the maintenance staff to obtain a better performance and profits however it threatens the passenger integrity d ue to the low performance maintenance into airplanes. 3. 1. Airlines Safety as an Ethical Issue Qantas has reduced 500 engineering jobs in Sydney and Victoria (Herald Sun 2012, para. 1). In Sydney that happened because the airline believes that, it had an oversupply of line maintenance engineers.Lyell Strambi, who is Chief Executive of Qantas domestic operations, said that, the cost of its heavy maintenance was more than 30% high than others airlines, and Qantas needed to close the difference to ensure its incoming viability (Herald Sun 2012, para. 17). The Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Associations said that, the airplane maintenance has been affected by changes and reductions of maintenance staff without previous risk analysis (Crikey 2012, para. 2). For example, in a Qantas flight last year was found a ? fatigue crack? n a turbine on the Boeing 747-400 that led to an explosion in the aircraft motor darn it was in the air, the aircraft landed safely and all passenger we re safe (News. com. au, 2012, para. 2-3). The fraternity is the guild is reducing costs towards improving profits and make the company viable in the future however the decision to reduce maintenance costs and staff have affected flights safety thereby go forth at unnecessary risk to passengers. Finally, Qantas is currently involved in crucial safety problems that have directly affected the client? s decision making. 3. QANTAS SHARE PRICE EVALUATION . 2. Share Price Definition The share price and the investment are the methods connected to neoclassical investment models, those models con the options that the company has to improve the performance in the future (Andersen, Subbaraman 1996, p. 1). The share price model is to analyze all aspects which cluster information about the future expectations of a company (Andersen, Subbaraman 1996, p. 1). 4. 3. Share Price Behavior 2012 In terms of evaluate the Qantas share price, this report has been made on the base of price variances whi ch are illustrated in the below chart.It can be analyzed by to the share market behavior and the period of while. Chart No. 1 (Australian Securities exchange 2013) http//www. asx. com. au/asx/research/companyInfo. do? by=asxCode&asxCode=QAN The graph takings 1 present Qantas share price behavior over the by year. On the graph, the Y axis indicates the share price in points and the Y axis represents the period of time in months. The graph shows that, since founts of 2012 the QAN (Qantas Airways) share price rose slightly in 1. 800 points in March, then in April and whitethorn the share price fell slowly in 1. 00 points, after in mid-June, due to the massive downsizing, the share price decreased to reach little than 1000 points, however, in the end of June the price increased rapidly in almost 1. 200. After the events in June, the share price has been slightly increase over the six last months, and the current price is almost 1. 600 points. 4. 4. Share Price History This sectio n of the report discusses the historical behavior of Qantas share price over the past five years. On the graph, the Y axis indicates the share price in points and the Y axis represents the period of time in years.Chart No. 2 (Australian Securities exchange 2013) http//www. asx. com. au/asx/research/companyInfo. do? by=asxCode&asxCode=QAN The graph reports that, the top of QAN share price over the last five years was in February 2008, when the price was above 4. 500 points. so between 2008 and beginnings 2009 the share price was decreasing slowly until 1. 500 points, due to the economic crisis world, which affected the whole world stock market, since 2009 to in latterly 2010 the price increased and got the maximum in 3. 000 points.In late 2010, Qantas had its first restructuring and started having maintenance failures and safety, which caused the share price fall during the two years and it dropped by about 1. 000 points, however it is beginning to rise now. 4. Recommendation Qanta s is one of the major companies in Australia, and also is an important part of the airline global industry. However, this report notify that, it is not an appropriate time to invest in this company, because the company is passage through financial problems that have generated downsizing maintenance problems incurred in the flight safety.Shares price also has fallen due to the lack of credibility of the company by the market. Although the share price is rising slowly at the beginning of this year, the security problem continues. In addition, as suggestions, company should organize precession the airplanes maintenance process, in order to ensure aircraft operation and keep safe the people life. Finally, in relation with Qantas share price, it has been fluctuating in the periods where the company has made decisions without measuring risk, such as maintenance downsizing and outsourcing, therefore, company must take into account the future consequences of its aking decisions. REFERENC ES Andersen, M, Subbaraman, R, 1996, Share prices and Investment, Economic outline Department, Reserve Bank of Australia, December, pp. 1-2. Crikey, 2012, Real issues behind Qantas maintenance job dismission claims, online, Available http//blogs. crikey. com. au/planetalking/2012/11/08/real-issues-behind-qantas-maintenance-job-loss-claims/, 15 January 2013. Herald Sun, 2012, Bitter comfort as Qantas cuts 500 jobs, online, Available http//www. heraldsun. com. au/news/victoria/bitter-blow-as-qantas-cuts-500-jobs/story-fn7x8me2-1226361597334, 21 May 2012.Michelson, G, Wailes, N, Van Der Laan, S,Frost, G, 2004, Ethical Investment Processes And Outcomes, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 52, no. 1, June, pp. 1-10. News. com. au, 2012, Safety investigator finds cracked blade caused Qantas emergency, online, Available http//www. news. com. au/ tour/news/fractured-blade-to-blame-for-qantas/story-e6frfq80-1226540282165, 18 December 2012. Qantas Airways, 2012, Our Company, online, Available http//www. qantas. com. au/travel/airlines/company/global/en Schwartz, M, 2003, The Ethics of Ethical Investing, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 43, No. 3, March, pp. 195-213.
Discuss Mr. Collins’ Proposal to Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austen’s Novel ‘Pride & Prejudice’ Essay
It is a truth acknowledged, that a serviceman in monomania of a good fortune, must be in want of a wifeThis quote not righteous opens the newfangled, just now also sets the tone of the narrative story. It says that a man in possession of money and being an eligible bachelor would work any rose periwinkle in the neighbourhood wanting to be his wifeIn the ordinal century women were below men in status. Men owned e trulything. after(prenominal) the death of the master of the house all his possessions were given to the next antheral relative. In the novel as there were only five daughters Jane, Elizabeth, Kitty, bloody shame and Lydia and no males in the immediate family, so their mother, Mrs. bennet, as she is called in the novel is determined to get her daughters married as soon as possible.When the Bennet family received the letter from Mr.Collins, which included the words,.. Assure you of my readiness to shuffling them e real possible amends, further of this hereaftert his shows that Mr. Collins was hinting that he is looking for a wife. When Mrs. Bennet read this she was pleased at the news. When the daughters heard of his visit, they were not as pleased as their mother, He must be an oddity I cannot make him out The is something truly pompous in his style.They also added that in his letter there was a mixture of servility and self. Elizabeth was stuck with his extraordinary obedience to noblewoman Catherine de Bourgh, his patronne.Mr.Collins visited the family with the sole purpose of finding a wife, in his letter he states, I feel it my duty to promote and establish the mercy of peace in all families..this is just an excuse to come to Longbourn because he sincerely wanted to admire the girls and propose to one of them. Mr.Collins didnt really want to get married, it was genuinely his patroness brothel keeper Catherine de Bourgh who had recommend, advised or quite a orders him to marry and wished to comply with her wishes.When Mr.Collin s arrived, out of all the sisters only bloody shame ruling anything of him but everyone else found faults in him. Mrs.Bennet also had the same opinions as her daughter, she knew he would be a suitable husband for one of her daughters because he knew Lady Catherine and lived near her.When he arrivesD he wished to propose to the firstborn daughter, Jane, but soon found out she was to be engaged to Mr.Bingly. Mr.Collins had only to change from Jane to Elizabeth and it was,Done while Mrs.Bennet was stirring the fireMr.Collins ostensibly didnt micturate true feelings towards Jane or Elizabeth, since he was able to change his forefront so quickly. He obviously only wanted to please his patroness.Elizabeth was very intelligent, independent and her interests in numerous different things like reading, playing the piano, singing, needlework and dancing. She believed coupling had to have an element of love and not just wealthiness like her mother believed. When Mr.Collins proposed to h er, as a reader we knew that she had an independent mind.In the proposal, Mr.Collins made it quite obvious that the proposal was more than of a vexation transaction and he asked for a panorama to speak with Elizabeth,May I hope, madam, for your interest with your fair Elizabeth, when I solicit for a private earshot with her..before Elizabeth could even blush with surprise, Mrs.Bennet instantly answered. Elizabeth begged her mother not to go, but Mrs.Bennet obviously knew what Mr.Collins had in mind and insisted that she stayed with Mr.Collins. At this time Mr.Collins really thought she was being shy and modest seek to add it to a compliant,.. your modesty, so far from doing disservice, rather adds to your perfections.Elizabeth would have had a clear idea that he was about to propose to her. Mr.Collins started off staying,Almost as soon as I entered the house, I singled you out as the companion of my future life.This was not true to the reader, as the truth is that he was going to propose to the first daughter, Miss Jane Bennet, but when he heard the news of her engagement he changed to Elizabeth.Mr.Collins then came out with his first sympathy for his proposal,first that I return it a right thing for every clergyman in simple circumstances (like myself) to set the example of matrimony in the parishThis shows he obviously wants to marry her to set a good example to his parish, it also this shows her doesnt care about her, but what Lady Catherine de Bourgh wishes and his reputation. He then states,..secondly, that I am convinced it leave add very greatly to my pleasure..Once again he is showing that he thinks marriage will bring him happiness, he has no idea that marriage is suppose to be about being in love, trust, companionship and getting to know severally other beforehand... and thirdly-which perhaps I ought to have mentioned earlier, that it is the particular advice and recommendation of the very noble lady whom I have the honour of calling pat roness.This is actually the only true reason that he wants to marry her, to please Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Mr.Collins is frightened of not complying with her wishes. He give aways her suggestion as an order or a command and he would never disobey her because he is very aware of her superior rank in the society, this shows him to be cowardly, weak and rather silly man who can be easily intimidated. He wants Elizabeth to moderate Lady Catherines advice and recommendation as her wanting to see Mr.Collins happy, settled down and to carry on working for her.He then went on and tried to compliment Elizabeth and make her see that Lady Catherine will incur her into her estate. In his reasons for the proposal he had no references to Elizabeths happiness which showed how self-centered he really was. The connection that she could have with Lady Catherine and show she could go down on about knowing a person of high status, was the real reason that he could give her for accepting the prop osal. This showed how little he knew about Elizabeths personality, as this reason would not have recollectt anything to her. Elizabeth would bot feel inferior to muckle of higher rank in society.Mr.Collins then went on about how she would have pressure to wed when she gets to her late twenties, As I am to inherit this estate after the death of your honoured (who, however may live for many years), I could not satisfy myself without resolving to chuse a wife among his daughters, that the deprivation to them might be as little as possible.This gabfest was to bear Elizabeths decision and make her feel guilty if she was to refuse his proposal, because her unmarried sisters and mother would have nothing if they were made to move out of their home. He was certain she would accept his proposal when he used his persuasive comment because he thought himself was a worthy choice, that he was already devising plans for their married life,you may assure yourself that no ungenerous reproach shall ever pass my lips when we are married.Elizabeth found it necessary to interrupt him by sexual intercourse him that she hasnt given him an answer and accomplishedly. Mr.Collins being so full of self-importance saw he refusal as a way to make him more passionate,It is usual with young ladies to reject the address of the man whom they secretly mean to accept.Elizabeth was not that type of girl to lead a man on or to keep him waiting and stated she was not the girl who would have been foolish enough to risk her future happiness on the chance of being asked again by someone she truly loved and Mr.Collins failed to see that,I cannot therefore by no means discouraged by what you have just said, and shall hope to lead you to the altar ere long.Elizabeth tried to make it even clearer, without being rude and even added that Lady Catherine would not love of her independent mind and he would not want to upset his patroness by choosing an inappropriate partner. Even when Elizabeth give s him these reasons for refusal he still continues,I cannot pretend that her ladyship would at all disapprove of youThe reader will know that he has once again mis-judged her character. Later on in the novel Elizabeth and Lady Catherine are introduced to each other. Lady Catherine clearly despises Elizabeths outspoken expressive style and lack of awe.Elizabeth, getting annoyed by the lack by his assiduity still behaved as a young lady and had to remain polite and assure him that he could only leave Longbourn feeling he has through his duty.In making me the offer, you must satisfied the delicacy of your feelings with regard to my family.She then went to leave the room, thinking he had finally understood her, but Mr.Collins was pertinacious and had not understand why she refused such a great and tremendous proposal, as he thought himself eligible and worthy husband. He tried once again to change her mind,My situation in life, my connection with the family of de Bourgh and my rac e to your own, are circumstances of high favour.Mr.Collins the greatly insulted her, as she was just to leave the room,it is by no means certain, that another offer of marriage may be ever be made to you, but as a reader we know that that is certainly not true.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Tell Tale Heart Study Packet
The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe Activity Packet pic pic Name ____________________________________________ L. A. gunpoint ________ Your score ___________out of 30 points possible ( Covers plot elements, comprehension, figurative language, mood, character traits, , and saddle horse ) Pre- put downing Guide for Tell-Tale Heart Name _________________________________________ Period ___________ (5 pts. ) Describe five things that you commonly find in a scary/ iniquity story 1. ______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ . _______________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________ Read the following statements. If you agree with them, put a check in the YOU column. Then, after(prenominal) we read the story, go back and put a check in the AUTHOR column if you feel the author agrees with that statement. YOUAUTHORSTATEMENT ____________1. People who are paranoid know that they are insane. ____________2. Sane people sometimes imagine that they adjudicate things. ___________3. If you commit a crime, the worst punishment is the guilt afterward. ____________4. Often its the small annoying things close people that can be the roughly irritating and infuriating. ____________5. All people are basically afraid of the analogous things. ____________6. When youve done something wrong, wondering if youll be caught can cause great emphasise and anxiety. Tell-Tale Heartcomprehension QuestionsName__________________ (20 pts. ) After reading Tell-Tale Heart by Poe, settle the following questions using short answers.They do not need to be complete sentences, but answer for each one part of the question thoroughly. 1. Who is revealing this story (narrating)? Is it first, second, or third person? 2. What is your first impression of the fabricator? Wha t does he try convincing the reader of? 3. How does the narrator feel about the old opus in general? What, then, specifically, is it about the old man that troubles/bothers the narrator? Why? How often does the narrator mention this thing in the story? 4. What does the narrator tell us he does every nighttime? Why? 5. How does the narrator feel immediately after he commits the finish off?Do his feelings change? If so, how and why? Tell-Tale Heart Comprehension Questions continuedName__________________ 6. What goodly drives the narrator to confess to the crime? What do you think causes his paranoia? 7. turn both direct and specific examples from the story that the author uses to create an atmosphere of horror or suspense. These are sentences that set or enhance the MOOD of the story. Give the page number. 8. Give one example where the author uses punctuation or repeated words or phrases in a sentence to assign the mood of horror or suspense. . Find one example of each of the f ollowing a. Alliteration Pg. ___ ___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ b. Simile Pg. ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 10. c. Personification Pg. _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
The novels Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence
The novels Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence and Orlando by Virginia Woolf make interesting comments on wakenuality and the gender roles delimit by society and the clear system. by dint of Orlando and the other characters of that story, Woolf depicts androgynous characteristics of men and women, highlighting the interchangeableities between the genders. Lawrences characters, too, fate an inter traffichip between the shakees that belies the societal norms. Classification and structure of the societies in twain novels denote a separation that, like that of gender, seems superficial as the important characters atomic number 18 able to transcend class by experiencing aspects of different strata. many of the problems regarding gender and sexuality, it is found, persist regardless of the class. In both stories, therefore, unitary finds the movie of relations in which class and conventions dictate the role of women and men on the societal level, yet on the individual level, the relationships between men and women are often odd and enigmatical in defiance of these dictates.Though Orlando starts out sardonic e rattling last(predicate)y mocking its own direction with the words Hefor there could be no doubt of his sex (Woolf, 3), the descriptions of the characters and especially of Orlando in the novel try out a fundamental likeness between the two sexes that is often overlook in a society that stresses the salient yet superficial differences. In fact, Woolf at first draws attention to his being in the middle of slice a Moors headan action not conventionally considered suited to fe masculines, but then she traces his image by defining torso parts that are common to both sexes and hold very micro gender-differentiating characteristics. She describes his red cheeks covered with p individually down (4). Though this down efficacy be in reference to a (very thin) mustache, the delicacy of the description lends a feminine flavor to the entire portrait. Oth er characters are expound in this way too. The archduchess Harriet is a very tall womanwho turns out to be really a man, and when Orlando first sees Sasha he is inefficient to determine her sex as she appears to be straddling both.Sons and Lovers can be seen to portray a similar view of the masculine children of the Morel family. The sons William and capital of Minnesota are introduced in their youth, which is the time when filles and boys deal many characteristics that are differentiated in the future. As they grow up, their co-dependence on their fuck off further attributes to them an appearance of femininity as they (especially capital of Minnesota) are unable to make decisions that leave her out. In the sister Annie, too, has an element of the hermaphrodite, as she is described as a tomboy to whom Paul looks up. These facts prepare the readers for the further confusing roles of the sexes and the strange ideas of class and sexuality that come with them.At the beginning of th e novels both protagonists (Paul and Orlando) are pictures of sexual purity. Queen Elizabeth considers Orlando to be a picture of innocence. Soon, however, Orlando encounters Sheba, expresses freedom with his sexuality, and has raise up finding love. It is interesting to note that though Woolf ostensibly portrays the two sexes as only superficially different, Orlandos sexual freedom becomes tempered at one time he changes from man to woman, and it is in his female state that he finds love. Paul, on the other hand, exhibits an initial restraint toward sex during his more youthful and emasculate period. It is later in his maturity that he becomes passionate and pursues sexual relations with Miriam. Both Orlando and Paul are met with difficulty in finding what Orlando call life and a lover (Woolf, 90). Orlando is, however, able to reconcile his differences with the opposite sex. Paul cannot, however, and remains alone.The roles of the men and women in these two stories are atypical when compared with those delimit by the class and society in which they live. It is noteworthy first of all that though the class distinctions represented, they all regarded women as members of the softer sex who were in requirement of protection and guidance from the opposite sex. In Sons and Lovers, Mr. Morel is a poor supplier for his family as he dissipates his earnings on drink and lives in a house provided by his mother. His wife directs the path of his sons, and he plays a very small role in his family. Alongside him, Mrs. Morel appears less like the fireside, knitting woman and more like the man who solicits work for her sons and advises them on relationships.Miriams reaction to Paul is in any case one in which the woman expresses the appetite to perform in a role that is conventionally reserved for men. He thoughts are, past he was so ill, and she felt he would be weak. Then she would be stronger than he. Then she could love him. If she could be mistress of him in his weakness, propose care of him, if he could depend on her, if she could, as it were, have him in her arms, how she would love him (Sons and Lovers, 137) The role of protector is given to man by occidental society, and in all classes men are seen as the stronger sex that exist to take care of women. Here Miriam wishes to fill that role, take Paul in her arms, protect and love him. Pauls character, in turn, appears to be one that would fit well into this portrait, as he is already in a subordinate position with his mother.In Orlando, something can be said along these lines as well. The title character weaves in and out of the roles of women and men as though they were only superficially differentiated. He admits that at core he is the same, though by societys standards he performs adequately in each role. Researcher Ruth Gruber writes, There is almost no perversion in Orlandos bi-sexuality. As a man, he has a strong predilection towards women, makes furious love to princesses an d lies with loose women (87). He is accepted by female defiles and male archdukes alike, their genders allowing them no knowledge regarding the truth of this woman who once was man.The fact that the prostitute as well as the arch duke accepts Orlando leads also to the idea that class barriers are as superficial as the ones that separates the sexeswhich renders them complicated but superable. Orlando himself declares that he feels attached to the low born, but when he goes to live among the gypsies, he realizes he does share some of the appreciations of the higher classes. This gives the idea that just as charitable nature transcends gender, so it also transcends class.This idea is reflected too in Sons and Lovers. Paul is also akin to the common people and tells his mother this when she expresses the desire for him to stand out to a higher class. This mother, who had accepted a light position in marrying Mr. Morel, has found little happiness in the descent. Lawrence writes this in a garner to a friend a woman of character and refinement goes into the lower class, and has no satisfaction in her own life (Letter, 28). Still, judging from his mothers desire and that of Miriam who hated her position as a swine girl (Sons and Lovers, 137), it is put forth that the luxuries of the higher class were still (perhaps naturally) desirable to humans.Remarkably, the authors impress upon similar themes in two vastly different types of novels. Orlando, a tempestuous piece written by Virginia Woolf, presents theories about gender, class and sexuality that verbalize them to be complex and therefore not as easily defined as convention would have it. D. H. Lawrences more realistic bilgewater is able to touch upon these issues as well. The novels challenge both reality and imprint by depicting the characters with plausible emotions in their situations. Even in the suit of clothes of Orlando, the handling of relationships rings authentic in both his period as a man and as a woman. The class situations and the expressions of sexuality also assist in demonstrating that the complicated nature of the human being transcends barriers of sex and class.Works CitedGruber, Ruth. Virginia Woolf The Will to Create as a Woman. New York Carroll and Graf, 2005.Lawrence, D. H. Letter to Edward Garnett, 19 November 1912. D. H. Lawrences Sons and Lovers A Casebook. Eds. John Worthen and Andrew Harrison. Oxford Oxford UP, 2005.Lawrence, D. H. Sons and Lovers. New York Signet, 1985.Woolf, Virginia. Orlando A Biography. Hertfordshire Wordsworth, 1995.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Rene Descartes Essay
It is a well-established f roleplay in various literatures in philosophical system that Rene Descartes pi bingleered the modern philosophy tradition. He was the first one who veered out-of-door from philosophic tradition that uses Christian faith as the backbone of philosophise such that of the sees of the medieval philosophers. Rene Descartes main philosophical thesis is derived from his famous climb up of methodological skepticism or metaphysical precariousness. In this regard, he seeks to get down at a set of principles that depart then lead him to sanction the rectitude without generating both doubt.According to his thesis, those things that bay window be doubted should non be considered as genuine do itledge. Consequently those that put upnot be doubted in all honor commode be the foundation of genuine knowledge. T here is a mavin principle that he uses as the foundation of his philosophy namely the impression subsists. Given that a thought cannot be separat ed from a either(prenominal) person who thinks, then, the thinking person exists. It is in this simplistic manner that we can come to know and, hence, verify our macrocosm.If a person doubts his existence and, since, cipher can deny the f answerion that doubting is just another act of thinking, then (by so doing the doubting), the person is in a way asseverate his own existence. The very act of doubting your own existence is a proof that you exist. The nature of take c atomic number 18 in his writings can be seen to have a distinct function which is to think. It is an indivisible, non-extended thing. But to better see his propositions in reference to the mind, we moldiness take into account his proposed mind and body difficulty. The non-thinking thing, he states, is the body.It is a divisible, extended thing and a material inwardness that suggests spatial extendedness. The mind and body can so exist one by one of each other and while any person can doubt of his own body, he can never doubt his own mind the thinking thing. It is through apprehension of the necessary existence which is embodied in the clear and distinct predilection of the supremely perfect being that we can so acquire knowledge of divinity fudge. He holds his view that the necessary existence cannot be disconnected to the essence of the supremely perfect being ( paragon) without any form of contradiction.Moreover, the existence of God is indeed conspicuous and self-evident match to his thesis. The cause that contains much of a humans that the target area of the idea has is God. The God put the idea of something that exists clearly and distinctly in our minds. The idea of something draws its objectiveity from the cause. Gods existence is, for Descartes, the most basic mathematical truth. For any person to pull in at genuine knowledge, one has to know the billet surrounded by impulses that lead one to believe and insights to necessary truths. The former implies that it cannot be doubted whereas the latter cannot be doubted at all.The latter are the principles in our minds by which we acquire knowledge. We must overly consider where the errors are coming from in our epistemological pursuit. God, according to him, can never lead people to dissimulation and if only people will use their abilities that they received from God, there will be no chance for any faults. But since people do not easily stay in the narrow realm of truth because of the clashing interests of the will and intellect, people fail to recognize sound judgments. Senses should not be relied upon (in searching for a genuine knowledge) for they only serve worried notions of matter.Sense perceptions are the results of the bodys influence in the mind not from the minds apprehension of the necessary characteristics of matters. Rene Descartes believes that people dumbfound knowledge through the apprehension of the necessary attri scarcelyes of beings. The physical serviceman, for Descartes, should be visualise as a complicated machine just now not in the manner of using our bodily perceptions rather by the way it is cognized in mathematical terms. The idea that philosophy should have an exact method uniform that of the natural science of first came from Franz Brentano.Franz Brentano is known because of his works in philosophy of psychology and his reintroduction of the concept of intentionality. Unlike Rene Descartes, Brentano does not use the idea of God in his philosophy and his explanations concerning his theses. Intentionality, according to his writings, can be summed up into the loving of mental phenomena (consciousness) and the physical phenomena, that is, every single mental phenomena or any psychological act has content and is enjoin towards an object (intentional object).To signify the side of the object of thoughts in the mind, Franz Brentano uses the term intentional inexistence. The mental phenomenon has the capacity to be intentional, thus it can ha ve an intentional object that the physical phenomenon does not have the ability of generating of. Physical phenomenon is deficit of the ability of generating original intentions but can assist in the progress of intentional relationship in a second-hand manner called derived intentionality.On the other hand, Franz Brentano states that a mental phenomenon is not dependent on the actual existence of an object to be open to form a quasi-relation to it. It should be noted that a thing that does not exist literally in the physical world can be an intentional object of a mental phenomenon. There are criteria to recognise mental phenomena from physical phenomena. The three most important among those are (1) the easy lay object of inner perception is the mental phenomena, (2) mental phenomena appear as unity and (3) they are masterminded to an object with a certain full stop of intentionality.Mental acts do not necessary have duration. When we are directed towards an object, the object does not vanish from our consciousness for it remains present but just in an altered state. On the contrary, this is not about the act of remembering per se but rather a kind of memory that keeps what had been experienced lively. In the epistemological sense, Franz Brentano states that all knowledge should be from direct experiences that entails the use of first person pronoun, I. However, this should not be broken in the idea that Brentano is upholding the standard of empirical science nowadays.He is introducing here another of approach of performing psychology from an empirical standpoint. This means that those things that one directly experiences in inner perception must be describe using the first-person point of view. This then inaugurates another brand of empiricism. Resembling the idea of Descartes, Brentano maintains the idea that perception is erroneous and it could not lead us to de facto existence of the perceive world which could be just an illusion. Moreover, he bel ieves that we can find positive certainty in our inner perception.Just like the problem that we can see in Descartes disapproval of the use of bodily senses in glide path knowledge, we cannot deem Brentanos ideas compatible to the tenets of natural science and its course of experimentations. veracity for Franz Brentano does not reside on the perceived world. As what has been mentioned above, the perceived world can only be an illusion and to properly combat this feasible error in our judgment (if we only rely on our senses), we must put in higher regard our introspection of our inner perception. chase Franz Brentanos concept of intentionality, Edmund Husserl has formulated another version of the study of the social structure of consciousness and its corresponding acts. There is a remarkably similar ideas perpetuating from Brentanos ideas to that of Husserl notion of the consciousness or the mind. The consciousness acts intentionally toward an intentional object. cognizance the n is always directed toward something, whatever that something is. But then again, the concepts that these ii philosophers individually present do not resemble each others in all aspects.Edmund Husserl proposes that there is a need in pointing out the differences between the act of consciousness and the phenomena at which the act is intentionally directed. We must know the object-in-itself, transcendent to consciousness. Phenomenology does not displace the notion that objects are indeed real but it puts these objects under the method of bracketing just so to regard the object as it is and not merely that of the objects features. It also seeks to atom the constant features that define how objects are perceived.In a phenomenological standpoint, the object is not regarded based on its external features, it is not its aboutness that is being scrutinized, it is the object-in-itself. It is not, therefore, in the business enterprise of phenomenology to assume the existence of anything. It is a discipline that means to describe the things in themselves. Edmund Husserl gives a little significance to the perennial metaphysical problem of place setting up the whole foundation of material reality of what we constantly perceive. The parturiency of a philosopher, for him, is to look at essences of things.The knowledge of essences can only be attained by not letting the assumptions of an external world interject in epistemological pursuit. This is bracketing that is entailed in the procedure called epoche. It is through constant act of varying the object in our imagination that we can then arrive at the essences of that object. Husserls notion of natural standpoint is marked by a certain belief that there are objects that materially exist and that their properties and characteristics are exhibited by them that we then perceive. He declares that mental and spiritual (mind) realities are not the same.These two different concepts are independent of any kind of physical evi dences. The above paragraph implies that the natural science, in Husserls philosophy, is also in a problematic seat just like the problem we see in Descartes and Brentanos philosophy. The true knowledge is not possible in the realm of empirical observation however there is understanding involved. The brand of reality that these three philosophers advertise is the reality that we cannot grasp in the physical world. Reality does not have a place in the realm of the senses.
Analysis of Colours and Human Response Towards User Dining Experiences
Chapter 1.0 IntroductionTHE WHY, WHAT, AND HOW OF AN ANALYSIS OF COLOURS AND HUMAN RESPONSE TOWARDS USER eat EXPERIENCE IN MODERN KOPITIAM.1.1 What is warp?We all t sex suppuratenarian live in a universe where semblance textile plays an of import function in our mundane life. Colour affects us in any facet of life. Everything we derriere specify has a food colour veridical. Colour surrounds us, in our places, wee-wee, in nature, in infinite it is cosmopolitan were everything has a food color fabric. Colour, or the construct of coloring literal, apprise be approached from varied landing fields and contrary positions as we see because it is rattling diverse such as from cognizing that a fruit is mature to eat, to apprehensiveness how color shadow impact our tempers and how does the receiver really response to it. Colour is the be coherentings possessed by an object, infinite, or surfaces that produces different esthesiss on the oculus as a consequence of the way the object reflects or emits microscopical radiation syndrome and how does the oculus recognizes while the encephalon interprets. ( hypertext transfer protocol //www. )Colour is as well light of different wavelengths and frequences and in sight radiation is merely one signifier of energy that we can really see that is make up from photons surrounded by electromagnetic moving ridges of energy of which coloring material is merely a little piece. to each one coloring material has its ain belongingss with its ain wavelength and frequence that forms the seeable spectrum of coloring material as we see it, which consist of seven chief colorss violet, anil, begrimed, green, xanthous, orange and ruddy. The retinas in our eye attain 3 types of coloring material receptors in the signifier of cones. We can really merely detect three of these seeable colorss ruddy blue and green. These colorss argon called linear primaries. It is our encephalons that interprets and mixed the three detected linear primaries ruddy, puritanic and green to make all of the other colors we see.The wavelength and frequence of megascopic radiation we see, in any case influences the coloring material we see. Colour is made up of different wavelength and frequences with each coloring material has its ain peculiarly wavelength and frequence. Each coloring material can be measured in unit of measurements of rhythms or moving ridges per second. The seven colorss of the spectrum all boast changing wavelength and frequences ensuing different reading by the encephalon affects the way of life human response towards colorss such as, ruddy is at the lower terminal figureinal of the spectrum and has a higher wavelength scarcely lower frequence to that of Violet at the top terminal of the spectrum which has a lower wavelength and higher frequence.Hypothesis 1 Different types of coloring material used will impact the consumers perceptual experience and degree of satisfaction in modern kopitiam.Hypothesis 2 Different types of coloring material used will impact the consumers behaviour in modern kopitiam?1.2 What Is Colour Psychology? How Does it Affect Human Response?Since coloring material is shell come out of our mundane life it is besides a parcel of land of more than scientific disciplines for allegory, natural philosophies, coloring material theory, and art as it can be introduced in assorted ways. The artists lash out to color might be different from the physicists or the psychologists although the creative person is closer to the psychologist than he thinks. I would wish to posit coloring material to you from the position point of psychological science. ( Mahnke 1996, p6 ) The psychologist Ulrich Beer wroteSeldom, certainly, is the psychological portion of an visual aspect in nature so great as it is in the instance of coloring material. No 1 can abide it and remain impersonal. We argon instantly, instinctively, and unrestrainedly moved. We have sympathy or antipathy, pleasance or disapproval within us every bit suddenly as we perceive colorss. ( Beer 1992, p11 )Beer has think that primary psychological reaction we worlds have toward coloring material. Which psychological science is the scientific discipline that trades with the head, with mental and emotional procedures, with particular mention to behavior, provided it is understood that behavior includes ideas, feelings, and dreams anything a individual experiences. These experiences have their roots in witting, subconscious, and unconscious procedures.Coloring material is besides a portion of the witting, subconscious, and an experience that is built-in to human behaviour as we all know coloring material is widely known that coloring material has a really existent consequence on people. The right or incorrect pick of coloring material can do a large difference to the success of your concern and the mess be ons that you ar seeking to utter to your prospective clients or clients. While the use of coloring material in different juncture ensuing different result towards the resident that occupies it. For illustration what types of coloring material to utilize for kopitiams decor or furniture to instigate increase customers satisfaction and eat experience? The pilot burner of this paper is to take how does color interplay between human response in a modern kopitiam to what extent does the coloring material used in a infinite affect the manner the resident feel because coloring material has an consequence on our head, organic structure and emotions. It affects our temper and can act upon our behaviours and our physical and mental wellbeing as it normally happens subconsciously without us detecting.Chapter 2.0 Defining/Justification of Research2.1 Define What is Kopitiam? What is red-brick Kopitiam?2.1.1 scoreA kopitiam is a conventionalistic java store plant in the Southeast Asia, chiefly functioning re pasts and drinks. The word kopi is a Malay term for java and tiam is the Hokkien term for store. A conventional kopitiam can be make immensely in Malaysia, as it is in Singapore, kopitiams are usually found in about all residential countries every bit true(p) as nearly industrial and concern territories in the state. Although most are an sum of little stables or stores, just about may be evocative of solid food tribunals, alone however each stall has similar visual aspect and the same manner of signage. These stores are steeped in tradition and wishful memories of a water under the bridge age.Each store has its ain alone spirit and personality, but thither are certain similarities shared by most. The ambiance in a kopitiam is unambiguously Malayan, intending that it blends several different civilizations. One similarity is the kopitiam tabular array and ch descents. In general, the tabular arraies are marble topped and the chairs are made up of wood with unit of ammunition dorsums. There are other common characteristics of decor that direct this peculiar type of java store, even to person who has neer been indoors.The cardThe Kopitiams bill of recognise typically feature simple nutrient offerings a assortment of nutrients based on egg, toast, and kaya, plus hot drinks such as java and tea. Food served encompasses Malay, Chinese and Indian civilization and are prepared in the traditionalistic manner to guarantee genuineness and gustatory sensation. Aside from the habitual toast and hot drinks, frequenters can taste fortes and local anaesthetic delectations such as chau kuey tiao, curry laksa, nasi lemak, Kopitiam nutrients have become a portion of Malaysias culinary heritage, gastronomic bastions proudly enduring the gaga ages and alter life styles. Visit these old favourites non merely for their culinary offerings, but besides for the history that each serves up.2.1.2 Development of KopitiamsTraditional KopitiamsThe developments of kopitiams are in many ways closely related to the Hainanese migrators. The early Hainanese migrators who came to South East Asia in 1850s as late migrators, the Hainanese were forced to happen employment in less moneymaking trades. During that period of crop when the Hainanese migrators arrived, the Hokkiens and Teochews, for case were already honorable entrenched in agribusiness and commercialism trade. Therefore, the Hainanese crafted a niche for themselves in the service sector, by working as cook male childs, servers or retainers in the local hotels, eating houses, bakeshops and bars and as cooks or home(prenominal) retainers for the affluent European and Peranakan families. At some point, some of them even work every bit canteen operators in the military base. While some the Hainanese migrators became involve in the kopitiam or coffee shop concern as stall holders or helpers. In fact, the Hainanese community has been credited with presenting the kopitiam civilization into Malaysia. mo re old Hainanese kopitiam operators recalled that in its olden yearss during the 1950s to 1970s kopitiams were really popular and caters to about everyone around Malaysia but as clip goes by there is a steady diminution in the figure of old manner traditional kopitiams in Malaysia during the twelvemonth of 1980s onwards. For many old manner kopitiam proprietors, their trade ends the minute they retire because a batch of them, their childs have been educated and are non unbidden to transport on the household concern and besides because of the worsening rate of people sing traditional kopitiams today as the economical system of our state gets better more and more obtain marchs were built and a batch of the younger coevalss no longer willing to see the traditional kopitiam because a batch of the bing kopitiam nevertheless uses the really traditional method of lamning it, ensuing hapless care in some kopitiam that turns off clients who visits particularly the younger coevalss. ( hypertext transfer protocol // option=com_content & A view=article & A id=1802 the-revival-of-the-kopitiam-culture- & A catid=228 articles & A Itemid=1524 )New era KopitiamsThe popularity of the antique mercantile establishments along with society s compulsion with nostalgia and increase richness has led to the resurgence of these pseudo-kopitiams as we called modern kopitiam. The resurgence of the traditional civilization started in the early 2000s with the debut of smart age kopitiams.The resurgence of the old kopitiam civilization started in the early 2000s with the debut of unsanded age kopitiams. The virgin kopitiams are fast-food mercantile establishments which are reminiscent of the old kopitiams in footings of decor, but are normally built in a more modern, hygienic puting such as a shopping promenade instead than in the traditional store house, providing chiefly for immature grownups. Modern kopitiams have retained the antique marble -topped tabular arraies, wooden chairs and chunky dishware, but now they are to be found in the cavernous treat shopping promenades. City-dwellers are rediscovering kopitiam menu.By and large, aside from the popular local nutrient, the sensitive age kopitiams have a more extended bill of fare which includes a assortment of western culinary art entries. The new age kopitiam is a topographic point where they serves the nostalgic nutrient and drinks that we all still so fond of in a topographic point that exudes the subject of the old-styled java stores while adding some new turns of some comfy couchs and air conditioned country and still pull off to maintain the financial value right in between the local kopitiam and the java giants.The apprehension hit it off instantly and now you can see these new age kopitiam distributing like wild fire through the power of franchising. The kopitiam ruffle air current swept Malaysia since the center of last decennary and this instant kopitia ms have ventured abroad into China and Indonesia.This is how the development of the kopi civilization in Malaysia is, from the long standing pasts of kopitiam that our grandparents and their parents used to bask, though now dwindling down from its old glorifications, to the java giants invasion to Malaysia where tonss of young person couldnt resist, and now to the new age kopitiam that is genuinely Malayan.These newer stores advertise and utilize modern selling patterns every bit good. However, they strive to make an atmosphere similar to that of a traditional store.2.2 Literature Review2.2.1 Factors of Visual Impact Towards Our Site in Malayan Context.Food and drinks plays an of import function in every days life and it could be found ubiquitously after the post-industrialisation epoch by the well-off economic system. Since so, a batch of eating topographic point could be found in Malaysia that offers nutrient and drink to the community about. Due to the economic conditions were improved in Malaysia more and more of people tends to dine out as consumers are sing time-stressed life styles in the favor of dining out alternatively of eating in which causes a deficiency of clip or energy to fix breakfast, tiffin or even dinner party with the rapid urbanisation construction that is go oning in Malaysia. Since so, consumer motivations of ingestion had shifted from run intoing our basic nutritionary demands to a more enjoyable experience such as modern kopitiam which had evolve from the really traditional kopitiam we had over the traditional shophouses back yearss in Malaysia. The development of atmospheric eating-places has gained more involvement among kopitiam proprietor to pull clients who seek exceeding and extraordinary topographic points for leisure. This study concluded consumers perceptual experiences of the environments that interplay between worlds and their milieus to accomplish a entire antiphonal insides colour consequence.Food and colorss are frequ ently perceived together with opthalmic cues as coloring material is non a belongings object, infinites, or surfaces it is a esthesis caused by different wavelength received by our eyes. Therefore, coloring material is a wavelength of visible radiation that an object either generates or reflects. Schaie and Heiss note that short-wavelength colorss, what we normally name the warm colors ( ruddy, orange, and yellow ) , are extremely eliciting ( although non inevitably delighting ) even across different age groups and civilizations. While longer wavelength colorss ( blues and leafy vegetables ) have a appeasement loosen uping consequence. These so called feeble colorss have been identified as the most pleasant to the bulk of people, whereas xanthous, although arousing, is the least favoured coloring material, particularly when it has a light-green shade. The consequence of coloring material response towards consumers behavioral in modern kopitiam is the major component explored in this paper and this leads to inquiries on how this component supports consumers dining experience and to analyze the theory of color look how does it relates of different colorss being used in the interior infinite affect the diners behaviour through psychological manifestations like eating behaviour and subjective experiences beside other more physical responses.DecisionThere are many grounds why things are the coloring material they are, but chiefly it is due to the dripping up and the sprinkling belongingss of the stuff being different from that of the incoming wavelengths of the visible radiation that illuminate it.As a farther illustration we see green foliages or gage as being green because foliages and grass ( and other green workss ) use Chlorophyll to alter visible radiation into energy.Because of its nature and chemical make-up, Chlorophyll absorbs the blue and ruddy colors of the spectrum and reflects the green. The viridity is reflected back out to the spectator doin g the grass and leaves appear green.Following on briefly to how we see color the rods and cones of the oculus pick up on the peculiar wavelength and frequence of green and direct the message to the encephalon. Similarly a mature tomato is ruddy because it reflects beams from the ruddy terminal of the spectrum and absorbs beams from the bluish terminal.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Chewing Gum
Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to my fellow friends and skirt Nurma. Before I begin my speech, I would like to ask my endearing audience in front of me, have you ever found yourself in a situation where your hair is stuck with burble glue and you accidentally flavour on a grind mucilage? These situations faeces be in truth annoying right? So I decided to study a little about this little critter that everyone thought as a nuisance. grate mumble was invented in the late 1800s and we have the Alamo to thank. Thats right. .. remember the Alamo?After General Lopez de Santa Anna lost the Alamo to the Ameri rouses, he calculate that he could shop the Americans enough Chicle to raise an army to take back his indicant in Mexico. Santa Anna teamed up with an American inventor Thomas Adams who tried unsuccessfully to turn chicle into a new rubber for tires. Adams later pass judgment out that with added flavour, chicle was an enjoyable substance to reprimand and could be betray for little money but big profit to children. He clear the first mussitate factory in 1871. And by the 1880s, the entire coupled States was stuck on jaw mumble.Two other Americans ar responsible for the popularity of quid gumwood around the world. The first is another inventor, Walter Dimer. According to the book Pop, it is Dimer who dreamed of blowing riffles with wad gum. He invented a gum that had the texture that makes blowing bubbles possible. In 1928, the invention of bubble gum catapulted the popularity of cud gum. The other American responsible for solidifying the popularity of wading gum is Wrigley, who employ advertisement to popularize gum.However, during WWII, the Wrigley Company heard that changeiers utilize their gum to overcome dry sings on the battlefield. Wrigley pulled all of its gum dispatch the shelves and donated them to the war effort. Americans returned victorious and by and by the war it was an everyday event to chew gum. Now that the history is unwrapped, we should chew on the importance of gum. According to the American Dental Association, masticate gum realizes more saliva which financial sustain to neutralize acids in your stomach as foods break down and can actually benefactor prevent the breaking down of tooth enamel.As you chew your gum, more saliva enters your intercommunicate and the more likely you be to wash away the bacteria that support in tooth decay. mastication sugarless gum for just twenty proceeding after eating can cooperate prevent tooth decay and can save the enamel on your teeth. Although this is no substitute to brushing and flossing, studies tacit prove that chewing sugar less gum can greatly help prevent cavities. In addition to giving you a healthier smile, another reason your teachers should let you chew gum in groom is because it boosts skills.According to the Los Angeles Times from April 2009, chewing gum has been proven to boost academic performance. In one study, s eekers asked one group of teenaged students to chew sugar-free gum plot participating in math class. They had a control group not chew gum during the same class. They found that those who chewed gum on fair(a) showed a three percent better increase on a standardized math. The study claims that chewing gum helped the subjects concentrate and stay focused.. And when gum isnt helping you concentrate on inform work, it can help you relieve the pain in your ear on carpenters aeroplane rides.According to look for done by CNN, the stress exerted on your eardrum when a plane is either climbing or descending, can be improved by chewing gum which corrects the difference in air pressure and eases the pain. Again, chewing causes your mouth to parent extra saliva, and that saliva needs to be swallowed. It is the swallowing that helps twin the pressure in your ears. Not only does chewing gum produce more saliva, but it can trick your stomach into thought you are eating. According to the August 26, 2008 New York Times, doctors are prescribing chewing gum after abdominal surgery.After stomach surgery, eating food can cause unwellness and vomiting. In order for your stomach to heal, it needs hormones that are released when you eat. The answer to this predicament chewing gum. Patients chew gum, which stimulates the gut and produces gastrointestinal hormones. Gum tricks your stomach into idea you are eating without having to eat. As we can see, gum has been with us for a long time and will continue to evolve to stay pertinent in our lives. Today, we unwrapped the history of gum and we chewed on its benefits. quid gum is actually a fun thing to do. Assalamualaikum and thank you for your kind attention. .Chewing GumAssalamualaikum and a very good morning to my fellow friends and noblewoman Nurma. Before I begin my speech, I would like to ask my sweet audience in front of me, have you ever found yourself in a situation where your hair is stuck with bubble gum and you accidentally whole step on a chewing gum? These situations can be genuinely annoying right? So I decided to study a little about this little critter that everyone thought as a nuisance. Chewing gum was invented in the late 1800s and we have the Alamo to thank. Thats right. .. dream up the Alamo?After General Lopez de Santa Anna lost the Alamo to the Americans, he figured that he could sell the Americans enough Chicle to raise an army to take back his agency in Mexico. Santa Anna teamed up with an American inventor Thomas Adams who tried unsuccessfully to turn chicle into a new rubber for tires. Adams later figured out that with added flavour, chicle was an enjoyable substance to chew and could be sold for little money but big profit to children. He heart-to-heart the first gum factory in 1871. And by the 1880s, the entire linked States was stuck on chewing gum.Two other Americans are responsible for the popularity of chewing gum around the world. The first is another inventor , Walter Dimer. According to the book Pop, it is Dimer who dreamed of blowing bubbles with chewing gum. He invented a gum that had the texture that makes blowing bubbles possible. In 1928, the invention of bubble gum catapulted the popularity of chewing gum. The other American responsible for solidifying the popularity of chewing gum is Wrigley, who used advertisement to popularize gum.However, during WWII, the Wrigley Company heard that soldiers used their gum to overcome dry mouths on the battlefield. Wrigley pulled all of its gum despatch the shelves and donated them to the war effort. Americans returned victorious and after the war it was an everyday event to chew gum. Now that the history is unwrapped, we should chew on the importance of gum. According to the American Dental Association, chewing gum produces more saliva which helps to neutralize acids in your stomach as foods break down and can actually help prevent the breaking down of tooth enamel.As you chew your gum, more saliva enters your mouth and the more likely you are to wash away the bacteria that aids in tooth decay. Chewing sugarless gum for just twenty minutes after eating can help prevent tooth decay and can save the enamel on your teeth. Although this is no substitute to brushing and flossing, studies smooth prove that chewing sugar less gum can greatly help prevent cavities. In addition to giving you a healthier smile, another reason your teachers should let you chew gum in school is because it boosts skills.According to the Los Angeles Times from April 2009, chewing gum has been proven to boost academic performance. In one study, researchers asked one group of teenaged students to chew sugar-free gum small-arm participating in math class. They had a control group not chew gum during the same class. They found that those who chewed gum on average out showed a three percent better increase on a standardized math. The study claims that chewing gum helped the subjects concentrate and sta y focused.. And when gum isnt helping you concentrate on school work, it can help you relieve the pain in your ear on plane rides.According to research done by CNN, the stress exerted on your eardrum when a plane is either climbing or descending, can be improved by chewing gum which corrects the difference in air pressure and eases the pain. Again, chewing causes your mouth to produce extra saliva, and that saliva needs to be swallowed. It is the swallowing that helps correspond the pressure in your ears. Not only does chewing gum produce more saliva, but it can trick your stomach into thinking you are eating. According to the August 26, 2008 New York Times, doctors are prescribing chewing gum after abdominal surgery.After stomach surgery, eating food can cause nausea and vomiting. In order for your stomach to heal, it needs hormones that are released when you eat. The answer to this plight chewing gum. Patients chew gum, which stimulates the gut and produces gastrointestinal horm ones. Gum tricks your stomach into thinking you are eating without having to eat. As we can see, gum has been with us for a long time and will continue to evolve to stay pertinent in our lives. Today, we unwrapped the history of gum and we chewed on its benefits. Chewing gum is actually a fun thing to do. Assalamualaikum and thank you for your kind attention. .
Coronary Heart Disease Essay
Coronary midsection complaint (CHD) is the confidential information cause of death in the United States. There ar umpteen types of heart diseases that fall into this title. Two of the most popular forms of cardiovascular diseases are heart attack and stroke. The increasing amount of exposure of known risk of infection factors for these diseases to young adults is why I find it is necessary to promote what it takes to surpass a heart sizable lifestyle in order to deflect becoming a nonher statistic. I feel as though I did not choose this topic as much as it chose me, as 2 classs ago my Father was hospitalized and underwent a Quadruple Heart By-pass surgery in order to remove the blood clots in his 4 main arteries. Knowing that this disease is partly hereditary I feel as though it is important to educate myself and others with early intervention locomote that could keep you from being affected by any heart diseases. In my research I plan to introduce how heart diseases are c aused and withal the best stayion techniques to ensure that the number of people affected by Coronary Heart Diseases, specifically Heart outpourings, is falling each year instead of climbing.In my research I came across an article provided by the ProQuest Research subroutine library entitled Coronary Heart Disease main(a) and Secondary legal community. This article is a published study through with(p) by The College of Pharmacy and Drug Topics of the University of Florida and discusses the many dos and mountts in order to lead a heart healthy life. The tension of this article is to nix your body to become a future savory spot for a heart disease. The article counters these risk factors with ways to prevent the modifiable factors from occurring.The article states that risk factors are classified as modifiable or non-modifiable. Non-modifiable risk factors include age, family history, and gender. Modifiable risk factors include smoking, diet, obesity, forcible inactivity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome (Brenner, Michael, and Allison Butcher). Most of these factors are obvious exclusively some may be less known. Hypertension is the occurrence of high-blood pressure in your body, magical spell dyslipidemia is the occurrence of high cholesterol. Diabetes mellitus groundwork increase the risk of developing a heart disease by 2 to 4 ages as likely.A second article I found through ProQuest was the learned diary provided by The New England Journal of Medicine titles Cardiac renewal and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. This article provides a more detailed look into some prevention techniques used in order to stay healthy in both the physical sense, but in the long term heart health. An caprice that this article brought the postpone was the Prescription of Exercise. Preliminary data suggest that a provender of low-intensity, prolonged, daily exercise, called high-caloric training because it max imizes the expenditure of calories, results in greater fat qualifying and greater modification of risk factors than does a regimen of more piercing but briefer exercise sessions. (Ades, Philip A) As mentioned in the statement, maximizing the length of time that you are exercising maximizes the fat/calories being burned in your work-out. This in the long run brings my research back to the facts stated in my startle source, which states that improving the modifiable factors like obesity and physical inactivity can greatly reduce your risk if developing a heart disease.A third article that I found through the ProQuest Research Library was a scholarly journal published by the British medical Journal entitled Triggering a heart attack. This article allowed me to radiate a different light on my research as it discusses evanescent impacts on your heart. This article was done in response to numerous give-and-take headlines that involved portentousities due to unexpected heart attacks and strokes during a physically and/or emotionally energetic activity.This study focused on activities like jogging, shoveling snow, and naiant that have been commonly lead to cardiac death due to officious physical effort. This caprice relates very similarly to that of the Prescription of Exercise idea stated in my other source. The relation between the two stems from the idea of the less beneficial short and strenuous activities and exercise in correlation coefficient to the recommended longer low-intensity activities and exercise. This article is proving that not only are the more strenuous and shorter periods of activity less beneficial, but they can also become fatal when asking the body to do too much.Coronary Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in The United States which is why I believe that it is crucial to educate others about the many risks that factor into such(prenominal) a group of fatal diseases in the heart. Thru ought my research I learned that it is of ten the less suspecting individual that can become a victim of a Coronary Heart Disease simply because he/she did not know what steps to take to lead a heart healthy lifestyle. In order to stop the constantly rising number of fatalities caused by heart disease, we must first become educated on how to prevent them from occurring in the first place.Works CitedAdes, Philip A. Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease. The New England journal of medicine 345.12 (2001) 892-902. ProQuest Research Library. Web. 23 Oct. 2012.Brenner, Michael, and Allison Butcher. Coronary Heart Disease Primary and Secondary Prevention. Drug Topics 153.12 (2009) 50-9. ABI/ express Complete ProQuest Research Library. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. Know Your Facts. York Weekly Record 14. Jun 13 2006. ProQuest Research Library. Web. 23 Oct. 2012Petch, M. C. Triggering a Heart Attack. British medical journal 312.7029 (1996) 459-. ProQuestResearch Library. Web. 23 Oct. 2012.Study Treatment Re duces Risk of Heart Attack by 70 Percent. FDA consumer 2002 7-. ProQuestResearch Library. Web. 23 Oct. 2012 .
Finding True Compassion Essay
In hu patch conjunction, man is surrounded by those little privileged, those in a state of desperation. In her piece On compassion, Barbara Ascher describes brief scenes that capture the basis of trans mo handstion between the helpless and those in a position to give help, arguing that the provided way society tin achieve true compassion is by truly identifying with the anguish of opposites. Ascher observes the world around her as a member of society, describing encounters between those in a place of misery and those in normal walks of life.As she observes the smiling man on the street corner and the old man who smelled of cigarettes and urine, she distinguishes herself from her fellow human cosmoss. Ascher notices these people, while others look away and daydream a bit, making her stand out as someone who atomic number 50 acknowledge and understand those in times of hardship. Because Ascher writes as someone who can identify with adversity, she succeeds in persuading socie ty as a whole to tweet compassion through understanding. Ascher draws a strict line between those low-down and those privileged in her piece to specifically isolate her audience.At the very beginning of her essay, Ascher describes a group of pedestrians assembled at a street corner, role on ignoring the haggard homeless man before them. A man lifts and lowers the shiny toe of his right shoe, watching the light reflect doing anything to deflect confronting the grinning man in any way. Later in her piece, Ascher describes ladies in high-heeled shoes and how they pick their way through poverty and madness, hoping to come off the torment experienced by those around them.Ascher accuses these people as being the flawed majority of a compassionless society, exposing how they actively attempt to ignore and impact past the living adversity that walks the streets around them. The troublesome presence is take from the awareness of the electorate, but Ascher tries to persuade these peop le to do the exact opponent by letting in the hardship they also grow to labour compassion. Ascher describes scenarios in which she questions whether or not acts of compassion are simply facades that hold back misguided motives.The woman who protects herself and her child by bearing the dollar ilk a cross obviously acts out of fear, attempting to ward off the unwished-for presence of the homeless man. Ascher uses rhetorical questions to challenge the womans motives, communicate was it fear or compassion that motivated the gift? Ascher also questions the motives of the coffee tree shop owner, asking if pity, care or compassion compelled her decision to dedicate the homeless man day after day. Ascher takes up an extremely accusatory tone, directly exposing the mayor of New York Citys misguided motives coffin nail the involuntary hospitalization of the homeless in his city.Ascher questions the grounds upon which these people act to enforce her argument that humanity must lea rn to identify with the rags with voices to sour truly compassionate. Ascher exposes the flaws in societys acts of compassion, reminding everyday men and women that their tendency to fear and distance themselves from the helpless only proves to hinder their energy for compassion. As people walk through the Greek tragedy that is life, the only way to truly brighten the stage is to embrace the darkness that afflicts other players, hoping to shed the pure light of compassion.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Modern Virtue Ethics Essay
To what extent do new-fangled virtuousness ethics address the weaknesses of Aristotles teaching on virtues? (35) sexual honorableisticity morals looks at a souls adept traits, cognise as virtues and negative traits, known as vices a mortal is considered to be a good person if they be virtuous and a chastely bad person if they have developed lots of vices. Deontological and teleological ethicists vie that good or bad behaviour is far more serious than a persons good or bad characteristics whereas virtuousness speculation argues it is only by becoming a better person that we will engage in the right behaviour Virtue Theory looks at the agent in itself and rather than the action. The key concepts of Virtue Ethics were first penned by the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle and in more new-fashioned quantifys have been adapted and added to by Alasdair MacIntyre. Aristotles theory is make up of firearmy key features, including Moral Virtues, The Doctrine of the Mean, E ud takeonia, and Friendship and the Community.harmonize to Aristotle, allthing has a purpose, for typeface, pens, their purpose is to write, if the pen fulfils its purpose and writes well, it is a good pen. In the similar way, if we equate Eudaimonia to the pen, Eudaimonia is the supreme goal of gracious beings life, if a person reaches Eudaimonia, they are a considered a good person as the purpose was to be happy, therefore they have reached their purpose, just as the pen reaches its own. He withal argued that every(prenominal) action comes down to this aim, every human being desires to be as happy as possible.An example of this is to ask a Doctor or a Lawyer why they chose such professions, the majority would answer that they chose this profession because it pays well and they believed that being gainful well would lead to an easier and happy life, or Eudaimonia. Aristotles theory as well says that relationships and friendships play a very important role in how we stock as bulk and how our actions are determined we should all aim to distributively achieve Eudaimonia, which would therefore achieve the greatest good for society as a whole as everyone would be happier Aristotle sees our communal friendships and relationships as a vital secern of our moral code and flourishing as a virtuous being.As previously mentioned, a good life involves developing a good character and these are known as moral virtues which are cultivated by habit one must intrust these good virtues in order to feign them. Some of the key virtues Aristotle talk of include modesty, generosity, patience, truthfulness and friendliness. Aristotle too spoke of Intellectual Virtues and Cardinal Virtues. Aristotle believed that we should aim to be virtuous tidy sum and avoid vices.Aristotles theory is center on around the concept of The Doctrine of the Mean this states that there are both different vices that accompany every virtue- the iniquity of Deficiency and the Vice of E xcess. The Vice of Deficiency refers to a distinct want of virtues, whereas the Vice of Excess refers to too ofttimes of the virtue being present. For example, modesty, if there is a distinct lack of this virtue, it may result in shamelessness and if there is too much of this virtue, it may result in shyness. Aristotle argued that the Golden (or Virtuous) Mean is the middle of these to extremes and that is what people should aim to have.Aristotles theory is very logical and encourages people to adopt good characteristics which in an ideal world would result in every individual being as happy as possible withal there are many criticisms of this theory. For example, it is somewhat unclear of what is considered a virtue and what is considered a vice and it is similarly unclear of who is responsible for deciding these as well as this, it could be argued that it is not possible to measure these virtues. It could also be argued that if every individual had exactly the same characteri stics, everyone would be the same and the world be reverse mundane and monotonous. Virtue Ethics also does not provide clear guidelines or rules of how to act in detail circumstances and is vague and subjective.Alasdair Macintyre is a Scottish philosopher, whose writing dates to the 20th ascorbic acid CE. He made an attempt to alter Aristotles theory in order to make it more relation back and contexualise the ideas. Macintyre felt that morality had become lax and felt that they had become far hypothetical. He felt that people focused more on how an ethical theory would hold up under uncommon and unrealistic circumstances rather than situations where morality counts. He believed that we should understand the context of ethics before attempting to fix modern moral dilemmas.Macintyres belief in context as the central part to ethical decision making shows us that he is relative in his ideology. He believed that virtues would change over time naturally, for example, bravery for us is a person that confronts a gang of youths, throwing rocks at windows, or a law of nature tackling a burglar, yet 2000 years ago, bravery was considered as a man dying in battle, for his country. This is an attempt at addressing a weakness of peripatetic Virtue Ethics, as it would encourage the person to look at the time and place before deciding whether the character traits are good or not. It has to be said that what may be considered good in the congou tea may not necessarily be considered good in Brixton, London. in conclusion Macintyre addresses the issue of External and Internal goods. Internal Goods are what he calls, the qualities of a persons character. The External Goods are the things that a person relies on, for example,food or a decent living arrangement. He states that although these are valuable to the human nature, they can be considered good or bad. However the Internal Goods are the most important. This gives more relativism than Aristotelian Virtue Ethics which c an be considered an improvement.In conclusion I bump that Alasdair Macintyre has made a good attempt to improve and change Aristotles version of Virtue Ethics, however we can shut away see some weaknesses. For example, it is even more relative than Aristotles version and this can lead to ambiguity when facing a moral dilemma. This has not been addressed, in the modern version by Macintyre. It also does not eliminate the idea of universal virtues to achieve Eudaimonia. This is problematic. So, I feel that his attempt must be congratulated but I do not feel that it has been entirely successful as there are still elements which could be improved further.
Pros and Cons of Using Microsoft Word
PROS and Cons of Using Microsoft enunciate PROS and Cons of Using Microsoft script Jordan Morris Lavetta Noel Word touch on November, 21 2012 Pros and Cons of Using Microsoft Word Word processing is wiz of the intimately widely used elements inwardly the information technology family. Today sort of of learning to type, which was what people did a few years ago, students argon taught volume processing and keyboarding. More mature drug users who encounter been in the workforce for whatever years have had to learn account book processing as they go.In todays society, whether in private life or professional, it is safe to judge that people of all ages have encountered a rallying cry processing plan at one time or another. With come on a doubt word processing softw atomic number 18 package has greatly improved efficiency in the office, allowed for users to to a greater extent easily keep copies of documents that they prepare and has forced intimately of us to beget est imable a little more than tech savvy than we would have been using just a typewriter. Among the word processing titles available in the food market today, Microsoft Word is the number one choice.With its user friendly convention and wide range of haves, Microsoft Word is an essential tool for most calculator users. Another benefit that Microsoft Word enjoys is its long life in the market place. Word has been the choice for many businesses for well over a decade, or so ensuring that most people who use a word processing software package in their workplace have used Word, and are known with it at some level. As with all products in that respect are benefits that are easy to enjoy, and there are also some elements which challenge most users.In most cases the significant challenges in using Microsoft Word are assemble in the features which are not regularly used. It is the lack of familiarity due to hold practice which creates these challenges. This paper will now review some of these challenges, on with some of the benefits. For the basic user, Microsoft Word is unquestionably a powerful word processing package. The basic data formatting options are just a diffuse away, the names and functions of these options are intuitive and easy to understand. Quick corrections, or compensate moving blocks of textbook around the document is extremely easy.Spelling and grammatical mistakes are pointed out immediately, bullets and numbers can be done automatically, aligning text takes just one click, images and figures can be attached and laid out easily, copying documents is fast and easy, there is a thesaurus feature when needed, there are templates for just about e in truth(prenominal)thing, and there is always the option to submit for help via the program. Listed here are only a very teeny-weeny portion of all the great features Microsoft Word has to offer. While Microsoft is indeed a very solid package, it is not without its challenges.More advanced formatt ing options can be difficult to find and use. Many times users will see documents and presentations and fatality to model their own output after these things, only to become very frustrated at their own computer looking through myriad menus and doing searches in the help directory. People can also become reckless in terms of spelling and grammar, as they know if they make an error, Microsoft Word will come to the rescue. Unfortunately, these composition aids are not utterly foolproof, and do let some word use and application errors go right on through to the final document without a indorsements protest.Other challenges include such things as when a format has been apply and as a user one is unable to remove it. These formatting issues can extend all the way down to the appearance of a bullet pointed or numbered list in terms of the formatting rejecting user input in favor of an existing format. These types of challenges can be very frustrating when one has a very specific idea of the sought after appearance of a document but a course just cannot be found within Word to make the correction.The temptation of buccaneering also exists due to the ease of using the copy and paste feature from virtually any one source to another. These are just a few things about Microsoft Word. The list of the pros and cons of Microsoft Word could easily be expand depending on the experiences of the individual. Unfortunately in order to have the level of functionality within Microsoft Word, it is impossible to avoid getting caught in formats and settings that can cause more frustrations than anything.What is important is for one to distinguish what works and what does not in coincidence to ones needs and purposes while using the program. One path to improving the overall situation is a Microsoft word class, workshop, or seminar where one can learn about some of the advanced functions and better recognize them. Bibliography Macinta, Timothy W. Whats so Bad About Microsoft? 2012. 21 November 2012 http//www. kmfms. com/whatsbad. html. Pilola, Melanie. What is Microsoft Word? February 2006. 21 November 2012 http//www. acpl. lib. in. us/ssh/Basic%20Word. pdf.
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