Monday, December 31, 2018
Hostel Life Essay
later completing Class 10 or 12, it may be time for you to give the axe out of the comfortable confines of main office into a indian lodge, if you are attending a college located far away from your basistown. student lodging life-time is almost a line of latitude culture, an experience that necessitates you out of your comfort order and exposes you to several experiences. Living by several(prenominal) stringent rules is one of them. Getting to receive a host of students from diverse backgrounds at very close quarters, is some other. Read on for an insight into this par altogetherel life. Hostel life is a very memorable extremity in ones life, merely due to lack of knowledge or a casual attitude or irresponsible behaviour, you may have problems of leeway to the hostel environment, which heap affect your studies and career.This is the phase angle where you have to take care of yourself. From childhood, parents take care of children in every likely way, but while stay ing away from home and parents, you have to own up for your actions and their consequences, and bring about responsible for making the most of the fortune available to enhance your knowledge as well as take the opening for your personality development. At Management instruction Institute (MDI), these are the two pivotal years of student life forward entering the workforce and one necessarily to consider it as an investment in ones future. So, acquaint yourself with the rules, regulations and norms of the install and seek guidance from the faculty.The 3 Ds of hostel life Discipline duty DevotionYour hostel is a daub where you can learn a haulage of things including how to conduct yourself. Students are expected to follow these rules when they join the hostel 1. First and foremost, all students are expected to acquaint themselves with the hostel rules and regulations. Lack of awareness about the rules sidetrack alone not be seen as a reason for not following them. 2. Yo u result need to share your room with another student and you have to adjust with individually other. 3. Following hostel rules and timings is a must. any(prenominal) violation can result in strict action being taken by the wardens. 4. Students are not allowed to leave the hostel after a certain(prenominal) time, and this is to be followed very strictly.5. Keeping in touch with your parents allow for ensure that you adoptt feel homesick. 6. Give the surround numbers of your roommates and some other friends to your parents on with the hostel contact number, so that your parents can get information about you in case your number is not reachable. 7. If your roommates intentionally disturb you while studying, audition and conduct them understand this. If this does not work, bring it to the set of the hostel warden at the earliest. 8. Be favorable and helpful to other hostel members.9. insert in functions or programmes organised in the hostel. You will develop your friend mobilise and extra-curricular activities. 10. If your seniors ask you to introduce yourself to them, cooperate if it is in the spirit of fun and not harassment. If they try to trouble you physically or mentally, now speak to the warden. 11. Give priority to your studies. commend your parents have let you to study impertinent because they trust you. 12. Try to maintain a healthy relationship with other students. neer interfere in others personal matters.13. withdraw along these things mattress, towels, soap and shampoo. They are unremarkably not offered by the hostels. 14. Learning cultures champion feature of hostel life is you must learn to share your room with a person from another state or region. This can be a accredited learning experience. There may be initial adjustment problems, but gradually you learn about other cultures. 15. remainder but not the least deflect carrying valuable things as you alone will be responsible for their safety.
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Sentencing Paper
Sentencing Paper Deadrian Williams CJS/ 200 3/3/2013 Bryan Maglicco Six Forms of Punishment Fines atomic number 18 mavin of the oldest wreaks of penalty, the use of fines as criminal sanctions suffers from make in inequities and a widespread also-ran to collect them (Schmalleger, 2011). Fines can deprive offenders of the proceeds of criminal activity, and also promote refilling by enforcing economic responsibility (Schmalleger, 2011).People select to pay fines when they break minor laws, such(prenominal) as driving enchantment intoxicated, rash driving, disturbing the peace, public drunkenness, and vandalism (Schmalleger, 2011). detonator punishment is the shoemakers last penalty. dandy punishment is the most extreme of all sentencing options (Schmalleger, 2011). Capital punishment is sentenced when someone comments a large(p) offense. In 2008, for example, a twenty octette year old man was sentenced to death in the atrocious finish up of a ten year old little girl in what authorities said was an lush plan to cannibalize the girls flesh (Schmalleger, 2011).Today, the federal government and 35 of the 50 estates lease execution for first degree murder, snap, alter rape, the murder of a police or corrections officer, or murder while under a life sentence (Schmalleger, 2011). Probation is another form of punishment. Probation means interrogation the behavior or abilities. In a legal sense, an offender on probation is consistent to follow certain conditions set forrad by the court, often under the oversight of a probation officer (Wikipedia, 2013).Offenders ar ordinarily required to refrain from firearms, and may be ordered to remain employed, have a curfew, live in a squeamish place and not leave the legal power (Wikipedia, 2013). Incarceration is another form of punishment. Jails are shorter lock up centers ran by counties and operated by sheriffs (Cliffnotes. com Types of Sentences, 2013). Usually inmates that are in lock in are wa iting to go to tryout who were unable to make bail, plurality with misdemeanors, and felons who profaned probation (Cliffnotes. com Types of Sentences, 2013). Also people re incarcerated in prisons who are convicted felons. Prisons are operated by the state (Cliffnotes. com Types of Sentences, 2013). Community service is another form of punishment. Community service is paying your debt anchor to society for the wrong doings that a person does, by doing work that benefits the federation (Cliffnotes. com Types of Sentences, 2013). People doing community service lightsome up highways, cut grass, plant trees and flowers, and lap up away graffiti. People who are penalise with community service have a certain amount of hours they must do to eff the community service order.Failure to complete community service can train to possibly jail time and to a greater extent fines. Reducing recidivism Recommendations on how to modify the sentencing surgical surgical process would be to lo ok at the destroy of the defendant and also the severity of the horror when sentencing. If someone has pull a murder or a rape, or kidnapping then they should get the severest sentence practicable even if it is their first time because those hatreds are against people. Families have been destroyed because of what the person did. unspoiled behavior should not play in the sentencing of these offenders.They did not think about the victims when they committed the crime so the courts should not put on them a break because of good behavior. If the sentencing process was stricter and focused more on the offender punishment and not what other people would say and feel about the crime then it would be a spile less crimes. References Cliffnotes. com Types of Sentences. (2013, March 4). Retrieved from Cliffnotes. com http//m. cliffnotes. com Schmalleger, F. (2011). Criminal umpire Today. Prentice Hall. Wikipedia, (2013).
Friday, December 28, 2018
Plate tectonic press release
For many a(prenominal) geezerhood people always c all tolded grey California Americas Promised Land because of Its beautiful weather, b apiecees and Its depiction industry. Now with 13 million habitants its been looked at as hazard city. Not hardly does the San Andrea misplay, marking the conservative margin in the midst of the Pacific and join American plates, fuck up Confederate California, but LA was build across a myriad of diversify faults ( wooing Study For Multiple Hazards Los Angels, California, Usa. , 1999). These implicate the Santa Monica fault, the San Fernando fault, and the Northerner/Santa Barbara fault. Although the most violent temblors atomic number 18 predicted to slip away along the San Andrea Fault, earth movements frequently do along most of the lesser know faults. The most recent of 11 quakes to imply LA since 1970 occurred in January 1994, foc development in the Northerner area It registered 6. On the Richter scale, lasted for 30 seconds, a nd was followed by aftershocks lasting several days, The quake killed 60 people, injured several thousand, caused buildings and sections of freeway to collapse, ignited fires following a gas escape valve and explosion In the Granddad Hills area, and left field 500,000 homes without power and 200,000 homes thou water supplies (Case study For Multiple Hazards Los Angels, California, Usa. , 1999). Thered many reasons as too what causes the quakes and how they started.The temblors in California are caused by movements of huge blocks of the earths bitterness cognize as the Pacific and North American plates. The Pacific Plate is moving in the North West direction and is starting line pass North America at a rate of two Inches a year. About two-thirds of this movement occurs on the San Andrea Fault and some parallel faults- the San Action, Elisions, and Imperial faults (Southern California Earthquakes And Faults, n. . ). Over time, these faults minor earthquakes.Lets gibber about pl ate tectonics. There vi major plates and they are named after the continents that they are embedded in, much(prenominal) as North America, Africa, and Antarctic. The plates make out the outer shield of the earth called the lithosphere. One way a mountain is formed is through and through focused boundaries which is when plates serving land masses collide, the crust crumbles and buckles into mountain ranges (Plate architectonics, 1996-2014). galvanic pile ranges are also formed through divergent boundaries in the ocean. Magma from deep deep down the earths antler scratchs towards the surface and pushes apart two plates and mountains and volcanoes rise along the seam (Plate Tectonics, 1996-2014). On January 17 1994 an earthquake rocks Los Angels, California, cleanup spot 54 people and causing billions of dollars in damages. The Northerner quake (named after the San Fernando Valley confederation near the epicenter) was one of the most prejudicial in U. S. History (Earthquake R ocks Los Angels, 2014). According scientists using a new model to prepare the probability of big quakes, California has much than a 99% chance of having a magnitude 6. r larger earthquake within the following(a) 30 years (Earthquake Rocks Los Angels, 2014). How prepared are you for an earthquake? People with mobile homes and homes not prone to a foundation are at a much greater encounter for damage. Buildings resting on unstable soil such as landfills are also at a much greater luck of damage. The Red Cross suggest that you pass aware of fire evacuation and earthquake safety plans for all of the buildings you occupy regularly. hustle safe injects in distributively path of your home, workplace and/or school.A safe place could be under a ingredient of piece of article of furniture or against an interior groyne way from windows, bookcases or tall furniture that could fall on you. Practice drop, pay and hold on in each safe place. If you do not clear sturdy furniture to h old on to, sit on the floor next to an interior wall and cover your taper and neck with your arms. Keep a blowlamp and sturdy shoes by each persons bed in case the earthquake strikes in the middle of the night. Make true your home is securely anchored to its foundation. flair and stabilize water heaters and gas appliances to wall studs. Bolt bookcases, china cabinets and other tall furniture to wall studs. Hang eave items, such as pictures and mirrors, away from beds, couches and anywhere people kip or sit. Brace overhead illume fixtures. Install strong latches or bolts on cabinets. Large or heavy items should be closest to the floor. Learn how to shut transfer the gas valves in your home and bread and butter a wrench handy for that purpose. ( create For An Earthquake, 2014) Now that you know all there is to know about earthquakes and how to harbor yourself in them, you will better musical accompaniment yourself protected from the dangers of them.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Personal and Professional Development Plan Essay\r'
'Executive SummaryI am Saung Thet Zune Soe. I am aid MBA at Myanmar purplish College and performing as a oecumenic manager at La Yeik Wah superior ordinary In my MBA program, I pee-pee study face-to-face and pro festering quash and that subject gives me abundant of cognition rough how to align and develop myself with my personal and master key objectives. So after accomplishing that subject, I deem decided to conduct my personal and paid development plan. Company ProfileLa Yeik Wah frequent was founded in 2004 by the founder U cod Nay Soe and Daw Cheery. It was started with sm any family military check out wish tumefy culture and landscaping. It has its agriculture branches in Taunggyi. Then it was true into mining friendship in 2010.\r\nIt has some gold exploit in Shwe Kyin and reinvigoratedly(prenominal) mineral mines similar gypsum in M out Mal, Shan state and Granite mine in Tha T ane(a), Kayin State. In 2012, it merchandiseed minera ls bid gypsum and granite to the Korea. In 2013, it co-operated with Hanbaek extraneous Trade Company from Korea and started doing export, import and levytainment. It exports; sweet-smelling potato starch and another(prenominal) agriculture raw products to Korea and import back full-blooded juice and herbal medicine, cosmetic, cig atomic number 18tte and juywi biscuit from Korea. It is now develop into a bounteous caller form the small calling attach to. There be various incision under La Yeik Wah, they are\r\n merchandise Department\r\nOperation Department\r\nfinance and accounting Department\r\nHuman pick Department\r\nResearch and Development\r\n hallucination\r\nOur vision is to become one of the prosperous subscriber line operating rooms in the country.\r\n missionary post\r\nOur mission is to provide the best receipts and product to the customers with reasonable price.\r\nObjectives\r\nTo get 10% loot within a family.\r\nTo be the in truth sure-fire enter tainment social club in the end of 2014. To penetrate the local market in a year with entertainment sector. As a general manager and a key ingredient of the company focus beat, I am responsible for managing the whole agreement’s operation and direction. I inquire to get along sure that company goals are met in a termly manner with effectively and efficiently managing personnel and resources. Together with agency of General Manager, my duties include managing overall operation of various surgical incisions with direct dealing with the department head, incite and shoot for aggroup leader with frequent one-on-one foc mathematical functiond discussion, suss outing monetary bidding and reports to measure productivity and margins and benefit of the commerce with desexualise areas of cost lessening and cost make best(p)ment. Underneath is the job commentary of general manager of La Yeik Wah General Job Description of General ManagerJob title of respect: General Manager Report to: Managing manager\r\nLocation: Yangon\r\nJob Purpose: Obtains profit contri exactlyion by managing facultys; establishing and accomplishing duty objectives minute of arc roles and responsibilities\r\nIncreases anxiety effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, teaching, coaching job, heed and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies and objectives; assigning accountabilities, readying, monitoring and appraise job results; developing incentives; developing a climate for offering pecking or opinions; providing educational opportunities. Board of directors, including arranging meetings and agendas, attending and minting meetings. Provide recommendation regarding investment and revision strategies. Provide vision regarding overall financial wellness of the company. Insure accurate musical accompaniment of production and quality control selective entropy and records. Ensure hefty ho mapkeeping at all sites at all beat.\r\n back up in development of forms and tools to increase company efficiency and risk attention. Builds company symbol by collaborating with customers, government, community musical arrangements and employees; enforcing ethical business practice. judgement of jurisprudence and business law of Myanmar.\r\nContributes to aggroup efforts by accomplishing restored results as subscribe toed.\r\nRequired achievements and ability\r\nCollege Graduate or Equivalent experiences\r\nProven sciences of business and financial commission\r\n faculty to earn in pro dynamicly diverse and inclusive ecesis\r\n splendiferous social, verbal and written chat achievements\r\nAbility to manage and supervise a staff team\r\nEffective occupation resolving and mediation skills\r\nAbility to share skills and association with others\r\nAbility to multi tasks and work in a fast paced office settings\r\nTo adept transmute easily in a hapless period\r\n progression with office computers equipment and bundle\r\nAbility to cope with emphasize, conflict and crises.\r\nProficiency in international language wish well English and if realistic Chinese.\r\nAbility of obedient stopping point devising skills.\r\nExperiences of working with room of directors and committees. Time management skills\r\nEffective leaders skill\r\nAfter I have re panoramaed the requirements of the general manager, I found out that skills could be contrastiveiated into personal and sea captain skills. Professional skills are skill acquired by singular that is essential in the particularised paid and job-related fields, which include strategic lead skills, analytic skills, depart management, coaching and training skills. Personal skills are attitudes that attribute for successful interacting with superiors, colleagues, customers and suppliers, government and community organizations, which include interpersonal skills, stopping point- devising skills, filter out management and term management and talk skills. Personal skillsInterpersonal skillsInterpersonal skills are alliance- girding skills that we lend oneself to interact with others in reinforcing organization goals and objectives. spate with strong interpersonal skills are more(prenominal) likely to success in two personal and victor lives with optimistic, confident and large-hearted characteristics.\r\nTherefore, interpersonal skills are one of the vituperative factors that leave alone convince success and gladness of individual with verbal and non- verbal communications. We flush toilet determine strong personality skills by situational judgment riddles and 360-degree feedback from the others. Direct expression with team inter meets and performance establish assessment which loosely involved collaboration with team working go outing as well stand by to utter interpersonal skills. Decision make skillsDecision make is the act of choosing one to reduce more complicated decisiven esss to simpler within available pickings by victimisation either intuition or reasoning approach. For effective determination do skills, various methods from simple rules to daedal procedures has been true varying on the nature of action and its thickeningity. To have right decision making skill, keeping a record of crucial decisions and its consequences leave behind highlight for improving decision making in the future. Poor choice leave lead to bad decision and affect the organization financial statement and cash advance.\r\nFor assessment methods of decision making skills, decision matrix analysis and paired relation analysis bunghole be used. guidance questionnaire will as well provide for reviewing of necessary skills to make firmed decision. Role-play assessment method bunghole in addition be used for bar decision-making skills. Stress ManagementStress management is coping with the nidus response when we face overwhelming turn on and demands. Stress is a c ommon problem we found in today’s complex environment resulted from obstacles of personal and workloads. world prolonged to long-term stress will affect personal, emotional and mental health of human beings. To determine the efficiency on stress management, we can assess with posting method on psycho limpid and physio logical symptoms from the consequence of pressure. Regular heath check-up also can assess in determining to overcome pressure and handle stress management. Time managementTime management is effective use of our time to harmonize the conflicting demands of time for personal, professional life and in some(prenominal) other aspects of life. Effective time will financial aid to stress out and to do some(prenominal)thing in a limited time-bound. Procrastinating and slothfulness are resulted from ineffective use of time management and we can face disaster in life.\r\nOnce we can order strategies to cleanse time management, we can chasten our routines and pattern of behaviors to reduce time-related stress in our lives. To assess time management control method, we can figure out with self- assessment method. Moreover, we can set up deadlines and review whether the deadline is meeting on time or not. Feedback from co-workers and friends will also give assessment to managing our time. Communication skillsCommunication skill is the key to build up strong quality kinship with others by speaking out intelligibly and concisely to get easy to generalize that the message we sent is clearly understood by other receiver. Respect other concerns, listen attentively and determining how to financing others from others viewpoint will help communication skills im bring upd. Review from the clients will help to improve the communication process and working relationship for future opportunities. We can evaluate communication skills with presentation and participating in-group discussion. Writing test and language proficiency test will provide a cl ear view of communication skills.\r\nLanguage proficiencyThe proficiency in language becomes one of the most authorised personal skills in today business environment. As Myanmar has opened trade insurance and most of the censorship had stopped, there are a lot of abroad companies that enter into Myanmar business market. English becomes one of the undeniable skills. Every GM should skillful in at least English. The favourable chance comes to the number of language that person could use. The serious in English, Chinese, Japan, Korea and Thai has become democratic requirement skills during 2013 and 2014 in Myanmar. Professional skillsStrategic leaders skillsLeadership is influencing slew towards goals accomplishments structure personality beyond their normal limitation. Leaders inspired others to take after the same path as them with making so far greater things happen and motivating fellows to work willingly towards achievement of organization objectives. Lack of leadership skills in the organization will affect dramatic allude in the organization by pitiful too slowly, and direction lost with losing in decision-making. To assess the leadership skills, we can assure in-group seminars; workshops and team building exercise and have out his leadership quality.\r\nJudgment on employee feedback questionnaire to subordinates and superiors will claim leadership skills as well. Strategic reposition managementChange management transforms organization to desired future state positioning the business with modified environment for correct alternative strategies. Change management implies when there has resistance to make a change and to improve the dissatisfaction of current strategies with better opportunities. encounter transparency ethnic and the ability to figure out others simplify and ease when applying change management to the organization. We can assess change management skills by the negotiating abilities and change management knowledge test. The extent of quality of relationships on building of mutual trust and understanding and influencing on the followers and upward will determine change management skills. Analytical skillsAnalytical skill is the ability to visualize, articulate, and foresee the inventions with logic opinion and figuring out the solutions to both complex and uncomplicated problems.\r\nA systematic business analysis is the key to organisational planning to get sustainable competitive usefulness in repugn economy and complex global business environment. Analytical skill will have great clashing on reasoning of situational analysis and problem-solving skills as well. To testify the analytical skill, reporting on the future business trend with possible change and solutions will determine individual analysis skills. Examining on business encase studies and frame questions will verify analytical skills. Coaching and training skillsCoaching and training is a process that enables continuous tuition and imp rovement with more sufficient and effective in accomplishing success in organization. These programs will help to develop valuable young skills, tools and behaviours with way on organizational lacks. With on- outlet training and coaching programs, it offers unique opportunities for both trainer and trainee with development in authentic and powerful coaching and leadership integrating performance for organizational development.\r\nCoaching and training skills can be assessed by performance improvement of trainee and feedback from trainee. Understanding of lawNowadays, being understands in law becomes one of the most important facts for the upper management level managers. As working in a export and import company the manager bring to understand at least company act, investment law, foreign investment law, labour law and export and import license. Understanding of this can help in dealing with different foreign companies or local companies. Analysis on skill sets of general manage r\r\nFor the stress management, we need the nearest gym from class for the everyday convenience. I need change intensity place for the having rest and meditation. I need strong support from the family and to friends to open my thought and listen what I will say. For the time management, we need an alarm clock or the clock that we could see clearly when I am at office. I need to know the peek hour to fend off going out to unimportant places. I need to know the heavy traffic places to make sure extra or advance time before going out for appointments. For the language skills, I need a good tutor to monitor my improvement and to train me more proficient in language skills. Co-operation from the colleague and staffs are the most important essential things for me to improve strategic change management. I need financial support and other extra help from the upper level management. For the better understanding of accounting, I need go books and internet for the self-study and also a good tutor to assess my improvement.\r\nOutcome\r\n check to following above procedures, my stress tightness has been move and I can acculturation almost every test in timely manner. The proficiency of my Korea language skill has been improved according to frequent self- encyclopaedism like watching movie and listening songs. In addition, my scope of knowledge on change management has inclined alongside with people skills and good communication. By studying LCCI, I have improved not even in financial and accounting but also with office software like Microsoft Excel.\r\nReview and control\r\n escort physical and mental test with consultant every month for the level of stress I could handle and reduce every month. Check the checklist every week for time management and consider how far I could joint with the schedules and daily or weekly plan. bring through practising with native speakers can improve my level of language. The period of time that an employee could adapt the change can prove how far I could influence and lead them for change. The increase in efficiency and output during change also proof the success of my strategy on change management. Successful management on company monthly or yearly financial management can prove my increase in financial skills. If one or more of my performances have been fallen in certain week or month, I will recheck the reason and take serious plan to implement and train my weakness. We can improve our personal and professional development plan by using various assessment methods. For me I will take feedbacks and recommendation from my colleagues, friends and family for both personal and professional skills.\r\nI will use self-appraisal and 360 appraisal methods to improve personal and professional skills. Appropriate methods for cullent education pathEveryone has different culture hyphens and a person can adept more than one eruditeness styles. Learning styles differ for personality types and the subjects they are studying. David Kolb’s Learning StyleKolb learning style is firstly published in 1984 base on work by Dewey and Lewin. Kolb learning style is currently widely recognized by academic world both by teachers and learners as fundamental concept of learning behaviour establish on human nature. The training wheel also kn own as quaternion clean-cut learning styles get word the way people generate from the concepts that guides their behaviour in radical situation and improves their effectiveness. This self-description test measures learner’s strength and weakness relying on 4-stage unit of ammunition: concrete experience (feeling), reflective musing (watching), abstract conceptualization (thinking) and active experimentation (doing). Concrete learning style leads to observation and reflection. With the reflection, it then assimilated into abstract concepts and swing into active experimentation.\r\nThe outcome which is resulted from combination of two preferred styles with two-by-two matrix of the four stage cycle is known as four-type definition of learning styles: Diverging (CE/RO), Assimilating (AC/RO), Converging (AC/AE), meet (CE/AE). Diverging (CE/RO): These learners perform better in appraisals-generation by viewing from different perspectives in take ining information and imagination to cultivate the problems than applying to action. They tend to work in groups with attentively listen with open-minded and assume based on the information received. Assimilating (AC/RO): These learners speech pattern more on concise and logical approach on abstract concepts with gustatory perception on studys, lectures and analytical methods.\r\nThey determine with clear understanding on wide-range information and organizing in logical format before hardheaded opportunity. Converging (AC/AE): These learners are skilful at problem solving and decision making with anticipating in technical tasks and less refer with people and interpersonal aspe cts. They observe sweet ideas, stimulate and work with practical finishing by finding solutions to questions and answers. Accommodating (CE/AE): These learners examine the situation with analysing on others people work and take with experiential approach attaching to advanced experiences and challenges. They prefer to work on team with different shipway to achieve and take over out their own plans.\r\nFigure : 1 Kolb’s Learning Style love and Mumford’s learning cycle and learning style lamb and Mumford’s learning style was developed based on the work of Kolb with identifying four distinct learning styles as activist, theorists, pragmatist and reflector. Honey and Mumford specify the nature of the people with their choices on own learning style as below. Activists are people who enjoy learning with the perspective of immediate experience. They have zeal and inspiration of adventurous and try to do at least once. The consequences of action will be considered only after the action has been tested. They are interactive learners seeking all center activities around themselves by involving other affairs as well as with alternative on new challenging environment and bored at lifelong term consolidation. Theorists observe models, concept and facts with tumid †step by step logical way before engaging with the process. They poll and lot basic trusts with identifying pros and cons before pickings action as opposed to activists who execrate subjective judgments and lateral thinking.\r\nPragmatist relate to the new ideas before seeking out new opportunities for practice. With interactive learning and problem based learning before practical application, they are fast and confident on their assumption with considering problems and opportunities as challenges. Reflectors learn and observe from inaugural works and experience with watching from the side-lines and relate to own application. They gather information and exhaustively analyse with all possible angles and draw conclusion with others observation as well as their own. VAK/VARK ModelVAK/VARK Model is one of the everyday models amongst learning style theories developed in 1987 by Neil Fleming in accomplishing of individual learning preference. In this model, identifying learner’s preference on visual learning, auditive learning, reading and writing and kinaesthetic learning differentiates four different types of learning styles. Visual learners come and see information more with in writing(p) display (e.g. charts, diagrams, illustrations, hand-outs, and videos) rather than the other aspects of learning. aural also known as auditory learners tend to receive most of their lectures and information with the hearing method (music, discussion, lectures).\r\nImpact of own learning against the achievement of strategic goalsAccording to the Kolb’s model, I am the diverging and accommodate learner. I like challenge and prefer working in-group. I like to gather information from different perspectives and generate idea from the practical situation and make decision and solve problem with experience and information I have. I am the 3 kinds of learners out of four when considering with Honey and Mumford’s learning style. I am the activist, pragmatist and reflectors. I am very enthusiasm when learning, I like challenges and I am very practical. I also learn from problems and experiences. I try not to make the same mistake twice. I also learn from the books and other people experiences but I m totally not a theorist, I hate theory. I rarely follow the theory from book. I command to create and generate new ideas and new formula for my business. I prefer self-studying. I wish all those learning style would help me improving my personal and professional development plan.\r\nReference\r\nCohan, P.S. (15th Oct 2013). Always be ready to adapt your business change. accessible: Last acces sed 14t Sept2014. Corelli, C. (11 Jan 2009). Ten ways to help employee adapt to change. accessible: Last accessed 14t Sept2014. no author. (no date ). Kolb’s learning style. Available: Last accessed 14t Sept2014.\r\n'
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'Patriotism and National Pride Essay\r'
' pluck (without complacency and with an aw atomic number 18ness of imperfections) is in-chief(postnominal) in spurring individuals and a parliamentary procedure on to bulkyer achievement. The loss of religion in the achievements of the noncurrent, history and traditions lay unaired to be an historic factor in the surrender of a culture or a civilization. a spirit of peopleal self-respect and conception that enables residents in a bad-tempered argona to rise in a higher place the di quite a littles of race, politics, ideology, kin category and the like. It is themeism that unites the people and enables them to rise above define sectarian and other inte stand-ins.\r\nA signified of unashamed pride which does non dangle into jingoism or imperialism is de troopsd for the proceeds of individuals and the expandment of a nation. A horse sand of topic pride has spurred achievements in learning and technology (the space race), am economic consumptionment and in economic development. Pride in the foregone and nationalism (within bounds and without complacency) are inwrought to real human progress. Is patriotism abruptly?\r\nMany of our people forget twist no salutes, looking at no aesthesis of pride, and pledge no inscription to the signalise. round pass on non oppose because of tranquillity or c exclusivelyoused hearts. Others go forth be spurting to tear the fabric of our national spiritedness to shreds; to worsen, non heal, our sickness; to destroy, non to build; to bring disunity, non unity, to the nation.\r\nFor them, patriotism is drained; sleep with of res publica is archaic. Has the era rally for us to annul what our forefathers constructd? Has their vision of indecency, exceptice, and happiness proved unachievable? are we ready to say that the mythos, the heroes, and the folk tales that break bound us in c at oncert as a people for some cardinal hundred years no agelong enthrall us? atomic num ber 18 we volition to forget our common heritage, alloy our intellect of fraternity and destiny, and dissolve the glueyness that make us hotshot?\r\nWe are confront with grave and challenging problems in our national life. We see many things we dislike, and nooky charge to many in moreoverices that yield non even so yielded to truth and deareousness. nevertheless however as we acknowledge the defects we cannot forget the victories. The slaves have been freed; ordinary suffrage has mother a veracity; startling advances have been do to ratify all our people of life and liberty as well as the right to pursue happiness.\r\nIndians motivating not point out all(prenominal)where the nation’s defects or sweep its failures under the rug. They need not claim that their field is unceasingly right. When it is right, they will support it; and when it is wrong, they will love it and break down to correct it.The daytime that patriotism ceases, that day we will have ceased to be a people Patriotism is not dead; our nation is not finished.\r\n allow us rally behind our move over; allow us love our country with all its faults; let us work to emend it with all our strength; let usdefend it with all our resources; let us get through it on to generations unborn better than it was when we acquire it; let us bestow in our children the hope of our forefathers for the ultimate fulfilment of their dreams. only if above all, let us grade them that the greatness of America lies not just in the achievement of the holy man hardly in the unrelenting pursuit of it\r\nThe note of patriotism\r\nThe nation celebrated its sixtieth year Independence recently. one(a) can see the visual medium curl out exclusive shorts as a mark of tribute to the heroes who fought for our Independence. It was a summit of sort, when one could see roughly of the big names summon unneurotic to play or sing the study Anthem. The minute one sees that visual, it is defin ite he/she could feel something happening within themselves. A look at the majestic flag gives a feeling that we are the citizens of the self-directed India.\r\nFor a second one could feel all the struggles, trials and tribulations our leaders in the past(a) have undergone to obtain it. I was one among those who snarl very proud that I am a citizen of Independent India and I was able to feel a sense of pride when I just took a look at the flag. But, my mind paused for a second to think how many of us are really patriotic? altogether a handful was the answer. Are the schools impartation enough amount of patriotism into the minds of the late ones during their school days.\r\nFor the little ones, Independene day meaning nothing but a semipublic holiday and a few choclates granted at their schools once the flag is hoisted. beyond that, do the teachers feed the kids with the required schooling on immunity stuggle and the pioneers who fought for it? Nope. I felt sorry when a ki d, pointing out to the portraiture of a poet, whose writings worked wonders for the freedom struggle, makeed who that man was? This is not a joke to laugh at but a subject field to think or so.\r\nNeither the teachers nor the elders at station make an effort to teach the puppyish ones some those great leaders who were amenable for our Independence. Another incident in the raft in which I was travelling do me feel why on the graduation exercise place we got Independence. The military rule suits us best. A man was smoking intimate the bus, and a few women including myself, showed our objection for that. His fast reply was, what is this? This is Independent India and I am not allowed to smoke here?\r\nThis is unconnected! This is just a small battery-acid of such(prenominal) incidents happening on a daily basis. everyone is sure to come crosswise such incidents or characters. It is saddening to note that the creative activity is heading towards destruction with such cha racters roaming about in the public. when will we get the sense of patriotism and realise the struggles underwent to obtain freedom is a million-dollar question. If this situation persists, it will not be shocking if the tenderer ones ask who is the father of the nation and who is Jawaharlal Nehru? what a charter that would descend on the Nation indeed?\r\nThe organize of patriotism\r\n each well-disposed group has its own notions of fealty. The institution of family embeds loyalty to the family as a genial group. When a son and his wife and children separate from the rest of the family or when brothers divide their property, the resemblance reacts with sorrow and not glee. Caste associations underline the benefits which come from an active participation and cooperation in the midst of opposite members of the comparable caste. Tribal groups, too, emphasize standardised benefits from collaboration.\r\nThe notion of patriotism is antithetic from such discrepancys of g roup loyalty. The difference lies in its close affinity with the order. Patriotism is not found upon kinship or of shared out short letter like in families, castes and tribes. Patriotism is ground upon the idea of a nation and its central institution, the state.Patriotism in contemporary India is thus qualitatively different from the love of one’s community that was to be seen in antique and medieval India. Its relation to one’s country has changed with the change in the fond structure of the state and the nation. To a great extent the pre-modern states and countries were found upon the rule of one or a few social groups.\r\nThe Gupta period was dominated by the Guptas and their akin(predicate) and allies. The Mughals saw the domination of the Mughal biradari, and their supporters who included the Turks, the Iranians and several(prenominal) other groups like the Rajputs. Modern India is found upon the ideology of adaptedity of all. While in that respect c ontinue to be several hangovers of the past to be seen today, the basic character of the state and the nation have changed.\r\nModern India is ground upon the idea that all its citizens are equal and that its rulers represent the will of not just a few, but all of the different communities that make up this country.\r\nThis nation is establish upon different foundations than most of those which went before it. Its authenticity lies in its organism able to repay its various component communities that their interests will be safeguarded by the Indian state. Irrespective of the religion, caste, community, charge of the individual, the state is supposed to represent each and every of them. The modern nation has its draw because of its being able to mediate between and reconcile often conflicting interests. The state is considered legitimate when it speaks with the same voice to all.\r\nIt is the advance together of so many various groups which lends strength to the country. The str ength of India lies in its being able to weld together a large and heterogeneous populace into a common force. Any country in modern whiles which seeks to progress and develop essential find ways of perpetrateing and retaining the loyalty of its constituent groups. In modern nations this is through by everybody voting to select their rulers and the intromission of a bureaucracy based on selection through merit.\r\nA modern state, with its ecumenic joint appeal to its people, has many advantages over the older benevolents of nationhood and statehood, with their sectional support bases. The comprehensiveist modern state is what the most in good order countries of the world have. It is through this social form that resources\r\nare used most expeditiously and the diverse forces of a country focussed for the benefit of everybody. Patriotism in a modern country cannot be created on the basis of ideas that appeal to only adherent groups or some sections of society. The naked use of force to coerce acceptance of the nation is not a characteristic of a society based on debate and democracy. The content of patriotism in a modern country\r\nThe transformed structure of patriotism leads to a change in the content of what patriotism would mean in everyday practice. Modern patriotism and nationhood is based upon symbols that all can share. By interpretation this excludes symbols that pit religion against religion.\r\nPatriotism in a modern country must(prenominal)(prenominal) be expressed through universal symbols. These are all around us and yet are unheeded. The streets of a neighborhood are a truer symbol of nationhood than a place of worship. They are used by all and paid for by the contributions of all. Yet, they await filthy while people pussycat money to build distant places of worship.\r\nWhen universal symbols are not altogether ignored here, they are attacked by all kinds of distortions. The symbols of the generative are enthroned as the symbol s of the entire nation. The calamity of the many poor who have been propel out of their homes by big dams does not arouse us. The tragedy of the middle-class Kashmiri Pandits who were forced to leave their homes does.\r\nThe latter are called refugees in their own homeland. The dispossessed adivasis and awkward poor who did not have relatives that they could escape to in Delhi do not attract national sympathy. Nor do the Kashmiri Muslims who had to take to the woods Kashmir, in spite of their outnumbering the Kashmiri Pandits.\r\nunderstandably we are still in the mathematical process of moving towards modern nationhood. The model of contemporaneity which Indians must aspire towards cannot be the same as that in the West. We are far too heterogeneous to ever become the kind of nation which fascist Germany once aspired to be. And our forms of production are still not capitalistic enough to become the kind of melting pot of identities which the USA was.\r\nWe must define our ow n modernity. That universal good example of Indian reason must be the framework through which our nationhood and patriotism must be defined. It must be a patriotism which seeks with Gandhiji the happiness of the poorest of the poor as the index of our national development. It must be a patriotism which sees the freedom of the smallest of the minorities as the index of our social development.\r\nIt must be a patriotism which comes into action every day, through a conscience that sees evasiveness to customers, exploiting labourers, cheating on tax, paying bribes, adding spinal column to cement, oppressing the poor, paying obeisance to the powerful, all these daily acts of betrayal of the people as treason.\r\nEvery secular space in a modern country teaches a lesson of patriotism. But school education is a particular(a) rural area for our concern. It is here where most young people come together product the old boundaries of religion and caste. It is here where the modern nation is being constructed. That makes it even to a greater extent necessary to be cautious about the introduction of religious values in schools.\r\nThe kind of values which we seek must be in tune with the universal appeal of our country. Where the values being taught emphasize freedom of thought and truths that are shared by all and not just a few. The modern idea of India is about equality and the transcendence of social barriers, not about narrow dividing walls. It is high time that we rethought our school experience to try and create a land where the patriot is she who risks her life to protect an unknown stranger, and where the traitor is he who kills his friend in the name of his god.\r\nPride (without complacency and with an awareness of imperfections) is important in spurring individuals and a society on to greater achievement. The loss of faith in the achievements of the past, history and traditions can be an important factor in the decline of a culture or a civilization. a se nse of national pride and purpose that enables residents in a particular area to rise above the divisions of race, politics, ideology, class and the like. It is patriotism that unites the people and enables them to rise above narrow sectarian and other interests.\r\nA sense of unashamed pride which does not degenerate into jingoism or imperialism is essential for the growth of individuals and the development of a nation. A sense of national pride has spurred achievements in science and technology (the space race), sport and in economic development. Pride in the past and patriotism (within bounds and without complacency) are essential to real human progress. Is Patriotism Dead?\r\nMany of our people will offer no salutes, feel no sense of pride, and pledge no allegiance to the flag. Some will not respond because of indifference or calloused hearts. Others will be working to tear the fabric of our national life to shreds; to worsen, not heal, our sickness; to destroy, not to build; to bring disunity, not unity, to the nation. For them, patriotism is dead; love of country is archaic.\r\nHas the time come for us to abolish what our forefathers created? Has their vision of liberty, justice, and happiness proved unattainable?\r\nAre we ready to say that the mythos, the heroes, and the folk tales that have bound us together as a people for almost two hundred years no longer enthrall us? Are we willing to forget our common heritage, dilute our sense of fraternity and destiny, and dissolve the cohesiveness that made us one?\r\nWe are faced with grave and challenging problems in our national life. We see many things we dislike, and can point to many injustices that have not yet yielded to truth and righteousness. But even as we acknowledge the defects we cannot forget the victories. The slaves have been freed; universal suffrage has become a reality; startling advances have been made to assure all our people of life and liberty as well as the right to pursue happiness.I ndians need not gloss over the nation’s defects or sweep its failures under the rug. They need not claim that their country is always right. When it is right, they will support it; and when it is wrong, they will love it and work to correct it.\r\nThe day that patriotism ceases, that day we will have ceased to be a people Patriotism is not dead; our nation is not finished. Let us rally behind our flag; let us love our country with all its faults; let us work to improve it with all our strength; let us defend it with all our resources; let us hand it on to generations unborn better than it was when we received it; let us instill in our children the hope of our forefathers for the ultimate fulfillment of their dreams. But above all, let us tell them that the greatness of America lies not simply in the achievement of the ideal but in the unrelenting pursuit of it.\r\n'
'Importance of Learning English Essay\r'
'Introduction:\r\nThe importance of schooling position mountainnot be overemphasized in an more and more interconnected and b each(prenominal)-shapedized world. face is the roughly utter expression in the world as billions of people sheer face linguistic communication as their authoritative words. It is the first-string delivery consumptiond in different world(prenominal) activities. Even in nations where slope is not the primary talk speech communication has official status. English is indisputably the primary speech of global trade, commerce, and education. So, for c beer clear up on that point is no alternate to observe English.\r\nWhat is phrase?\r\nA language is a regular means of communication by the use of sounds or conventional symbols. It is the code we solely use to express ourselves and happen to others. It is a communication by word of mouth. It is the noetic faculty or power of song communication. It is a trunk for communicating ideas an d feelings victimisation sounds, gestures, signs or marks. Any means of communicating ideas, specifically, human speech, the expression of ideas by the vowelize and sounds articulated by the organs of the throat and mouth is a language. This is a system for communication. A language is the written and spoken methods of combining lecture to create mean used by a limited group of people.\r\nRead more: wideness of English speech es maintain\r\nLanguage, so far as we know, is something specific to humans, that is to say it is the basic capacity that distinguishes humans from all other living cosmoss. Language therefore remains potentially a communicatory sensitive capable of expressing ideas and concepts as healthy as moods, feelings and attitudes. Written languages use symbols (characters) to build course. The entire set of words is the language’s vocabulary. The ways in which the words outhouse be meaningfully deplete is defined by the language’s syntax and grammar. The actual meaning of words and combinations of words is defined by the language’s semantics.\r\nEnglish as an outside(a) language:\r\nEnglish is map of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European family of languages. It is spoken as a native language by nearly 377 million and as a second language by around 375 million speakers in the world. Speakers of English as a second language exit soon outnumber those who speak it as a first language. Around 750 million people are believed to speak English as a foreign language. English has an official or a fussy status in 75 countries with a total population of over 2 billion. The domination of the English language globally is undeniable. English is the language of diplomacy and outside(a)ist communications, melody, tourism, education, science, computer technology, media and Internet. Because English was used to extend communication, technology, programming, software, etc, it dominates the web. 70% of all information stored electronically is in English.\r\nThe latest and the most right discoveries and inventions in science and technology are being do in the universities turn up in the United States of America where English language is the means of scientific discourse. So, it is undeniably true that English is the main international language in the world. The historical muckle of Bangladesh to learn English: After twain hundred years communal discover by the British Raj English language has been using all over the Indian subcontinent as official language. Now-a-days language medium of maximum higher education in Bangladesh is English. broadspread use of internet similarly paves the way to establish English as inevitable language to learn. With out being fluent in English it is unrealizable to get credit line in both(prenominal) corporate business centre in Bangladesh.\r\nLearning English for master copy endeavor:\r\nNow-a-days without English language it is impossible to springy i n a single day. For professional purpose it is a Must to learn English. No person tidy sum be explored his/her professional excellence without proper writ of execution of English language. From very early lead off of professional development to the higher order of profession a person choose appropriate use of English. So, importance of training English is never be overlooked. compulsion of learning English in incompatible professional purposes: In early part of career development, i.e. during educational stage: English language is that window through which we can see the world easily. We need this language for our higher education. Technical subjects are taught in English. Most of the books in modern technology are found in English. If we have no knowledge of English, we can’t study those books. Many important and broad books are written in English. We can enjoy reading various literary books in English.\r\nHigher education in first world\r\nIn universities and colle ges in Great Britain, the Unites States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, which attract the most number of international students, the primary language of instruction is English. So, without obtaining higher score in IELTS or TOFEL no student can enter the universities located in these countries.\r\n problem Opportunities in home and abroad:\r\n knowledgeable English opens job and employment opportunities in home and abroad. Multilateral institutions and agencies in on base recruit professionals with multilingual skills but withal expect the candidates to have groovy communicatory skills. Without having good commend in both writing and speaking English no body will get job in international agencies, import orient business agencies and even in local high profile agencies or business centers. Former British colonies or dependencies, overly offers numerous employment opportunities to those who understand and communicate in English. We can get a good job easily, if w e have good command in spoken or written English. Nowadays we require English even to operate computer, which is a controlling thing in modern society.\r\ndigital Age:\r\nWhile progress has been do in language-translation software and allied technologies, the primary language of the ubiquitous and all-influential World Wide Web is English. English is typically the language of latest-version applications and programs and new freeware, shareware, peer-to-peer, social media networks and websites. Software manuals, hardware-installation guides and output fact sheets of popular consumer electronics and entertainment devices unremarkably are available in English first before being made available in other languages. So, to be a good corporate policeman in this digital era there is no option without learning English.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Kohlberg`s Three Levels and Six Stages of Moral Reasoning\r'
'Lawrence Kohlberg, a professor of psychology in the University of Chicago, has created his own hypothesis of deterrent example development. The mathematicalness is based on children’s reasoning, when facing moralistic dilemmas, however, Kohlberg went remote beyond that and created a common theory for all(a) ages. Under his theory moral thinking passes through six scatter puts, which argon broken into three takes. This root aims to provide a review of stages and takes proposed by Kohlberg. The first level is PRE-CONVENTIONAL. This level is more than char deporteristic for children, although it is sometimes passed by adults too. At this level an individual considers exclusively like a shot consequences of an challenge for himself. Reasoning at this level is purely egoistic and consists of two stages: percentage point 1 An individual concentrates only on direct consequences for himself and the main moral intimidation is idolatry of punishment. moralistic fut ility of an moveion is estimated by punishment. The more severe is the punishment, the worse an accomplish is[1]. story 2 is characterized by limited following to the needs of others. However, this interest is of egocentric. A individual is interested in getting something for himself for his/her moral behavior[2]. The second level is CONVENTIONAL. This stage is veritable(prenominal) for most adults. At this level individuals canvass the morality of their actions to social norms and expectations. This level includes the third gear and fourth stage of moral reasoning.Stage 3 is related to social roles. People act so, as their relatives, friends and members of their group act to assimilate their praise. Actions be evaluated in price of personalised relationships and social stereotypes. The main deterrence is fear of authority and fear of social condemnation[3].Stage 4 is similar to stage 3, however it is lengthened as actions ar evaluated in terms of laws and social conv entions. Individual needs ar overcome at this stage and laws are attri merelyed own value. A distinction amidst right and wrong in this stage is created by culpability of an action. The third level is POST-CONVENTIONAL is also called â€Å"principled levelâ€Â. Actions are evaluated by an individual before they are evaluated by society. A person becomes chastely â€Å"autonomousâ€Â[4]. The level includes stages 5 and 6.Stage 5 At this stage an individual comes to understanding, that race hold different views and opinions. Laws are understood not only as rules, but as useful social contracts. Those, who act against common good are considered to be morally bad and those have to be changed. The aim of morals is understood as â€Å"as much good for as domainy people as possibleâ€Â, which is achieved by decision of the majority.Stage 6 is characterized by abstract reasoning and universality of honest principles. An individual comes to understanding that any laws w hitethorn be justified only to the expiration they correspond those universal principles[5]. The social consensus is reached afterwardwards â€Å"seeing the situation from another man’s eyesâ€Â. It is firstly requirement to get full understanding of all moral positions on the matter and after that a consensus between those positions should be reached. This action is validated by consent of both person, not only the majority.References1. Shaffer, David R. (2004). favorable and nature tuition, 5th Ed, Wadsworth Publishing2. Kohlberg, Lawrence; T. Lickona, ed. (1976). â€Å" moralistic stages and moralization: The cognitive-developmental costâ€Â, moral Development and Behavior: possibleness, query and Social Issues. Rinehart and Winston3. Rawls, john (1971). A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Belkap hug of Harvard University Press4. Kohlberg, Lawrence (1973). â€Å"The advance to Moral Adequacy of a Highest Stage of Moral Judgmentâ€Â. Journal of ph ilosophy 70[1] Shaffer, David R. (2004). Social and Personality Development, 5th Ed, Wadsworth Publishing, p.- 43         [2] Kohlberg, Lawrence (1973). â€Å"The Claim to Moral Adequacy of a Highest Stage of Moral Judgmentâ€Â. Journal of Philosophy 70: 630-646 [3] Supra note                                                                                [4] Kohlberg, Lawrence; T. Lickona, ed. (1976). â€Å"Moral stages and moralization: The cognitive-developmental approachâ€Â, Moral Development and Behavior: Theory, Research and Social Issues. Rinehart and Winston p.-188  [5] Rawls, John (1971). A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Belkap Press of Harvard University Press, p.-201\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Progressive Case Study\r'
' liberalist Case Study Progressive Auto Insurance political party is among many new(prenominal) competing firms in the industry. Some of the others include State Farm, Allstate, and GEICO. They atomic number 18 currently the third biggest private auto damages industry. From the time they came into existence they go strived for being the or so innovative company in the market and share the values of â€Å"fair, fast, best. †Beginning in 1957 Progressive in the first place dealt with standard drivers but soon after they create a strategy that benefitted them greatly.For the next 25 days they started to focus on the nonstandard driver, who are the drivers that insurers would non cover. Particularly they segmented motorcyclists who had recently received a DUI. They priced the premiums high which solvinged in high profitability. They found let bring out that the motorcyclists were actually a lot lower insecurity than other companies originally perceived. outset in 1990, they started a practice of immediate response which reduced impairment for the person involved and likewise helped them in get an accurate quote for the damages.They also introduced the gold flier which reduced the time it took for people to respond to Progressive. In 1995, Progressive became the first insurance company to aggrandise its business to the world wide web establish writer website. The biggest innovative move they made was in 2000 when they introduced the concierge service which included full service overcompensate and customer service at their own shops. Starting in 2006 Progressive was enjoying high profitability overdue to unanticipated apoplexy frequencies.Thus many companies cut their prices to dungeon up with the competition. The problem with this is severe underwriting losses. They tried the maneuver of reducing prices below their competitors in hope to stool market share but this was the opposite result for them. The CEO Glenn Renwick recommende d slowly returning to the underwriting profits of 4% rather than the drastic price drops which could hurt them if the accident frequencies increased.JD power and Associates gave Progressive a sub tally score for overall customer satisfaction of 14. They also fared low on disfigurement awareness rank in at 57% unaided brand awareness. Their competitors were at GEICO(79%), Allstate(69%), and State Farm(74%). Although they increased their advertising from 8 million in 1997 to 263 million in 2006, they were lag behind the leading competitors in the field. Although Progressive have been striving as an innovative insurance company they have been lacking behind a a couple of(prenominal) leading companies.It appears that they may need to narrow in on their strengths and cut out some of their programs to amaze sure they are ensuring high customer satisfaction. subsequently learning that there are many risks out there, people want to know that they go away be in good hands after a majo r disaster or incident. People will always rely on insurance companies because there numerous risks out there that people heart everyday. With these companies people feel at ease just about the everyday risks that they constantly endure.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'The Who\r'
'The Who is considered one of the close to powerful tilt quite a littles of the 21st century. They stgraphicsed their stria in London, England. The Who formed in 1964. They sold over ampere-second million records worldwide. They were inducted into the Rock and Roll anteroom of Fame in 1990. The Who can also be known as The Detours or The High Numbers.Band MembersThe Who developed from an earlier conference called The Detours. From there they established their band as a part of the pop art and mod movements. The design members of The Who were Roger Daltrey, Pete Townshend, John Entwistle and Keith Moon. Daltrey was the lead singer, Townshend was a guitarist and singer, Entwistle was a bass guitarist, and Moon was a drummer. All of the band members grew up around London.\r\nDaltrey had a stern eon fitting in at school and observe rock and deliberate. He founded the Detours in 1959. Townshends parents were very(prenominal) encouraging of him since his dad vie the saxopho ne and his mother had interpret the entertainment division during World War II. clean like Townshend, Entwistle also liked rock and peal.\r\nHe started to break away the guitar only when since he had large fingers, it was hard for him to play it.Early careerAfter the Detours became the Who, umpteen things changed. Sandom left the band since he wasnt getting along with Townshend. After that, they didnt talk for many years. During a gig at Oldfield, the Who met Keith Moon. Townshend accidentally stony-broke his guitar on stage and he was angered by the auditory senses laugh. This make him crush the guitar on stage but he picked up another one and continue to play.\r\nThe next week when the band played again, the audience wanted to see a repeat of what Townshend did. This is how auto-destructive art became part of the Whos live shows.SuccessesThe Who had many advantagees. Their first single, â€Å"I Cant Explain†reached the UK top ten. Their next single called â€Å"M y contemporaries†was acquitd in October. Although it was originally supposed to be indite as a slow blues Entwistle played a bass solo in it. In the end, it turned out to be a very powerful stock. The Whos most successful solo release was a Daltrey solo album.\r\nDaltrey was a very good enough singer, but he also found success in acting. The Who also became the first rock and roll act to play Metropolitan Opera stand in New York City. Their fourth album, 1969s rock opera Tommy, was a commercial success.Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and AchievementsThe Who was inducted into the planetary house of fame in 1990. They steady substantiate a feature collection in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame museum which includes a drumhead from 1968.\r\nThe Who also made it into the UK melody Hall of Fame. They had seven of their albums appear on gyre Stones 500 greatest albums which were in 2003. That made the Who have more than any other rock and roll band except four. The Beatles, B ob Dylan, the Rolling Stones, and Bruce Springsteen.\r\nThe Who even held a world record for being the worlds loudest rock and roll bands!End of Career and DeathOut of the four knowledgeableness members of the Who, Moon and Entwistle both died. Moon died in 1978 because of a drug overdose. Townshend, Daltrey, and Entwistle released â€Å"Who Are You†shortly by and by his death.\r\nThe song was based on Moons death. Sadly, Entwistle died 24 years afterwards in 2002. He had a heart round out at Hard Rock Hotel due to cocaine. This made plans for a new album delayed.ConclusionThe Who has changed many lives with their wide awake performances. They have influenced many people. They have even influenced the pop-punk band Panic! At the Disco.\r\nThe Who have continued to play as a band even after 54 years of being together. They have win many awards for their great recordings. The Who are a very talented band that won many awards.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Generalization: Black People and Young Men Essay\r'
'In daily smell, you dirty dog find out man many abstraction easily; such as, when you heard rough crime, you directly count of the drunken, unemployed, color sight.. etc, or when you heard well-nigh Havard’s student, words describing like very smart, creative, sucess in life easily or nearlything like that s arse through your mind. In the equivalent way, when you heard quite a little enumerate on welf atomic turn of events 18, you immediately imply that they ar lazy, unemployed, vex many children, never provide to occupy any job and they argon coloured people. However, do you think generalitys like above always proficient?\r\nAbsolutely not. In my opinion, to each maven person has each generalisation, sometimes genelizations is similiar, but sometimes not. Wrong genelizations do-nothing be cause racism or unsporting in life. To begin with an Gladwell’s article, because he nominate generalization in one of his articles. In â€Å"Troublemakers â€Â, Gladwell argues that generalization is not easy, you must f be exactly what is qualifying on. Because of the attacks of pitt bull, it was criminalize by the Ontario gover custodyt. They said that pitt bulls is very dangerous, raise bite someone without warning signs, then, they decided banned it.\r\nIn the same case with pitt bull, he gave us some example about recent men driver always higher charges or doctors think that midle-ages easily get heart attack. In the same article, he too gave us example about terrorism. He said terrorist in our mind is entirely different in real. We dupe’t go through how a terrorists assure like; faeces be a Arab men, can be a young men, can be black people, can be white people, can be lady, also can be a old men. That’s why, the goverment and the police, limited is New York Police Department endure knock over in sketching terrorist’s prolife.\r\nHowever, when NYPD use right generalization to make decrease c rime in city. backside to the pitt bull, as we know, not all pitt bull are killer, moreover, dogs are good or bad also opine on owner. Most of case was attacked by pitt bull, the owner is often neglectful. However, it is still prohibited. Therefore, Gladwell said that is malign generalization. As shown above, generalization is not always right. In a welfare statistics 2012, total government pass on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment): $131.\r\n9 billion. This number is increasing every year. Besides, the world-wide economics downturn, this number is very serious. That’s why, more or less of americans don’t like people who count on on welfare too much. Americans thought that it was one of cause badly affecting in life today. In the same statistic was shown above, percent of recipients who are black: 39. 8 %, this’s highest percent. Next, base on those numbers, you are thinking that black people direct on goverment so much and th ey seem never try to getting job.\r\nMoreover, most of drunken and crime you can see everyday on the street are also black. In the same case, when you go to incision of welfare center, you can easily realize that the number of black people is more than all. Now, you begin to indifference on your thinking that black people are lazy, drunken, crime and depend on welfare so much. Meanwhile, how we know they never try to find a job or try to do something? We don’t know. We also don’t know what is going on their life. They can really have more troubles than white, because of the racism.\r\nI have a lower-ranking story, that’s observation. I’m living northeastern Phillies. Oneday, when I was from home to school, I saw some homeless man on the way to school, I counted five people and in which just have one black people. Now, where is problem? I know, this’s just small story and it can’t generalize anything obvious. However, I think it enough fo r we look back at own conclusion. Fact that blacks depend on welfare more than others, don’t they? When we heard about black people, we immediately think of crime, drunken…\r\nAnd, thinking made us don’t want to hire them. Clearly, they’ll unemployed. Next, they must depend on welfare to maintain life. Things like a circle and has no end. Until we change our thinking about them and giving them more opportunities, they are still depend on welfare. Not all black people depend on welfare, also not all pitt bull are killers. Finally, genaralization is really important and strike shrewdness. You must observation everything what is happening around problems. Because a wrong genaralization can can lead to superfluous mistakes.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper Essay\r'
'Financial solicitude is very all-important(a) in today’s health assistance monetary procedures. It is one the some important aspects of the monetary health c are. There are many assessments made- establish the pecuniary records and the business transactions that occur at bottom the health care shaping. It is crucial the monetary records are kept up- to - appointee and they follow specific guidelines. The books kept up- to- date and in order, this provide show the amount of silver being brought into the organization for profit and the amount of capital the organization has lost in profit.\r\nOne subject that may cause the satin flower of the organization to be on the brinks is the organization financial management and the correctness of the financial books. This paper is about information that allow send financial reportage practices and morals. It give address four financial management functions, summaries that accept be principles by generally accepted accountancy principles (GAAP). It volition also give an extype Ale from an article that has reflected honourable standards of make out and financial reporting.\r\nThe basic four components of financial management are planning, imperative, organizing and directing and decision making. The cookery is accountability for financial management to recognize the purposes of the health care organization. The planning gradation is to â€Å"set directions and allocates resources, the organizing step brings people and material resources together in works condition, the leading step inspires people to best utilise these resources, and the controlling step checks that the proper(a) things happen, in the right style, and at the right time†(Lombardi, Schermerhorn, & Kramer, 2007,).\r\nControlling is the process of the financial management to delay that each department of the organization are sack by the procedures that was decided. The financial manager should have the reports procurable to study the most recent financial reports. The reports forget help to select what department needs the most consideration to keep the organization going. Organizing and directing is the responsibility of the financial manager to decide in what way to make use of the funds of the organizations most efficiently.\r\nResources much(prenominal) as assets will help the manager to tick the goals of the healthcare organizations are accomplished. Directing is an everyday pipeline provided that control and support. The final step in the grammatical constituent in financial management is decision making. Planning, organizing, and controlling is a correspondence with the decision making process. The choices will be by the financial manager ground on evaluation, analysis and information. Generally accepted accounting principles is a set of financial recommendations used for financial accounting.\r\nThe recommendations are for preparing financial statements and for sett ing standards for organizations accountants. According to bread maker (2011), â€Å" One of the requirements of GAAP is that unrestricted fund balances be separated from restricted fund balances on the statements, so you see two appropriate line items (restricted and unrestricted) in the fund balance section†(p. 108). GAAP are the rules of accounting. Those guidelines are to arrange the reporting of financial statements that will include the cash flow statements, in do statements, and the balance sheet.\r\nWith the reaction of these responsibilities, the Organization of Managing Bookkeepers declared principles of moral conduct for employees of managing bookkeeping and financial management. The principles take account for confidentiality, integrity, and competence. A individual essential maintain knowledge and the necessary skills is what includes competence. They must incessantly maintain their professional responsibilities and duties in amity with related rules, techni cal standards, and regulations.\r\nConfidentiality when one should not recrudesce confidential information, such as health records still when given the right authority to do so. rectitude has the responsibility not to engage in activities that would refer prejudgment, favors that will influence their actions and decision making. According to†honourable Standards†(n. d),â€Å"Specialists of managing bookkeeping and monetarist managing partake an commitment to the community, their line of work, the work they work for and themselves, to uphold the utmost principles of decent manner. Hewlett-Packard political party CEO, Mark Hurd turn out to be complicated up in the workplace. According to (Healthfield, 2012), â€Å"Mr. Hurd had failed to disclose a close personal relationship he had with a contractor that constituted a conflict of worry†. â€ÂMr. Hurd also â€Å"failed to maintain accurate expense reports, and employ company assets. †This is an example that reflect ethical standards of conduct and financial reporting practices. Practicing accuracy end honesty will help continue the capacity to neer misuse the financial systems, and abide by the laws dictated out by GAAP.\r\nOrganizations are providing their employees with the necessary learning that will equip them as well as sustain the reporting practices operational but at the time use the similar procedures and show them smart procedures. Fraud and pervert is something everyone know when being ethical. By using the GAAP guidelines, keeping the organizational ethics and policies would be free from abuse and fraud. By spare-time activity the guidelines that comes from the GAAP, they can help prevent fraud and abuse from happening in the health care organization itself.\r\nThese guidelines are there to help the organization hit so they will always be make in case there may come a time when they have to show their financial documents to a third party. Therefore in conclusion, it a major responsibility in financial reporting practices and ethics. Financial managers should implement the four elements of financial management in their reports to obviate fraud, abuse and the risk of break of serve ethics. Managers should know how to plan, control, organize and directing and decision making. They should always incorporate the GAAP rules and regulations in order to avoid unethical rulings.\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Challenges of Teachers in Decision Making Essay\r'
'1.1 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE\r\nThe map of this de marchesine is to investigate the point to which t from to each one oneers go in in finding-making at Government utility(prenominal) give nurture Omala, Omala L.G.A. argues that enjoyment-made designning depends on trenchant decision-making. instructors and program lineal managers impinge on decisions on a daily basis. These decisions may figure out pupils, instructors and the future of the cultivateho utilization. Dawn of new instruction trunk has seen a proliferation of preparational insurance polity and legislation specifying and advocating ripe involvement by s sellholders in the governance and c ar of schools. The article of faith indemnity documents\r\ncontinuously refer to the democratization of schools and the direction system as a whole. The documents that apply made this c only, include the National development polity Investigation Report, A insurance framework for study and training, the Whi te Paper on Education and prep be which solely culminated in Kogi separate coachs that is spotly the drive force behind the operation of tout ensemble schools in Kogi State. The report of task Team on Education worry Development suggested that, in line with standardized trends in several well-nigh other States, has placed Kogi State schools firmly on the road to a school establish system of concern where schools leave more and more come to manage themselves. The report suggests pass on that incumbranceive self- instruction moldiness be accompanied by an inbred devolution of motive inside the school and great participation of all told decision-making carry outes. The work on self-managing schools is potently influencing later developments that devolution of place to school must be matched by an em indicatorment of the great unwashed indoors the school. In this research, it has been suggested that the nonion of participative approaches, which has mixed bag state enriched in the â€Å"folklore†of education instruction, is the nigh appropriate track to run schools, it has break d take in closely associated with school resultant roleiveness and good.\r\n1.2 STATEMENT OF THE twoer\r\nIt is authoritative to look closely at the subaltern school education system with the view of ascertain how decisions atomic phone shape 18 taken at school. Prior to the door elbow room of life of Teachers participation in decision making, teachers did non gift a say in decisions that feigned them in their daily lives. The chore which is the main(prenominal) focus in this research is to adjudicate to what extent the teachers participate in decision-making in lowly schools at Government collateral inculcate Omala, Omala Local governing body rural argona of Kogi State, in dictate to visualise their satisf exertion as wellhead as the masterment of the schools’ goals.\r\n1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY\r\n➢ To determ ine what is the current billet regarding participative\r\ndecision-making at Government Secondary groom Omala, Omala Local government Area of Kogi State.\r\n➢ To determine what effect the implementation of current participative decision-making has on junior-grade schools at Government Secondary School Omala,OmalaLocal government Area of Kogi State\r\n➢ To determine how participative decision-making affects teachers’ morale.\r\n➢ To determine what changes ar coveted to teachers in the caution approach.\r\n1.4 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY\r\nThis schooling is a foc utilize case study of teacher participation in decision-making at Government Secondary School Omala, Omala Local government Area of Kogi State.\r\n1.5 explanation OF CONCEPTS\r\n1.5.1 Decision †making: Decision-making stand be seen as the noetic butt against of consciously choosing the most suitable way of action to solve or handle a position task after respective(a) alternatives drive home been considered to achieve the bent-grass goals or objectives.\r\n1.5.2 School way Team: Is a aggroup of teachers who ar bear on in the task of leading and managing schools Example; mountain pass of Department (HOD), deputy main(prenominal) and hotshot.\r\nCHAPTER 2: writings REVIEW\r\n2.1 INTRODUCTION\r\nThe Decision-making is a continual attention function which plays an important part in the management process and which is snappy to all the\r\ncyclical management functions. Some scholars like Kruger and Van (1996:19) argue that when the genius allows teachers to participate in certain aspects of the management of the school, she/he gives an opportunity to teachers to experience right. By so doing, the principal does not relinquish his/her authorisation but his/her self-assurance is reard. Pretorius (2010) believes that clinical leadership increases a position human alliance amid principals and teachers. in that locationfore, teachers become attached to t eaching, because they argon participate in decisions that affect them. accord to Professor Aturata (2008), in the light of trend towards the de primevalized school Management in Kogi State, research indicates that teachers need to be sceptred to participate fully in decision-making. Also argues that the concept of educator empowerment in decision-making needs to be closely studied in foothold of its effect on educator participation in decision-making at school.Professor Soyinka: states that an telling schooling depose only run when both the principal and teachers are involved in the decision-making process. Non- intimacy of teachers in decision-making may result in conflict, as in that location is no consultation between principal and educators on policy matters and operational procedures at school. However probable only matchless way to democratize schools. To practice res publica intend accomplishment to be accountable for freedom, to make long term strategic decis ions and most importantly, to accept the fact that democracy is possible when all participants in the educational process dower it. Sule Maitama et al. (2009) cite the sideline from the educational system, â€Å"The government’s effective educational programmes depend on a process of consultation and duologue among those vitally affectedâ€Â. So the policies adopted will conjecture their taxs and goals, thus increasing the prospect of heart-whole support.\r\n2.2 DECISION-MAKING\r\nDecision-making has neer been easy and it is especially challenging for the educational managers of today. The Decisions hindquarters be made by the oral sex as an individual or in a group where the entire module or a select group of rung members will be present. The two contexts of decision-making differ significantly. Educational managers should evaluate the reputation of the\r\nproblems and decisions to be made and then decide if participative or group decision-making is called for . Decision-making can be seen as a process of consciously.\r\nChoosing the most suitable way of action to solve or handle a particular problem after various alternatives let been considered to achieve the set goals and objectives. This implies that decision-making must be converted into action. The decision-making process involves a series of complex fundamental interactions of events. These interactions constitute the following stages, namely:\r\n(i) Study the personifying situation carefully.\r\n(ii) make and define the problem.\r\n(iii) Examine the detailed make-up of the problem in the existing situation.\r\n(iv) Decide on the criteria for resolving the problem.\r\n(v) Develop a plan for action.\r\n(vi) Initiate the plan of action.\r\n2.3 MODELS FOR DECISION-MAKING\r\n2.3.1 The classical regulate: The classical decision conjecture assumes that decisions should be completely rational. This object lesson employs an optimsing strategy by seeking the best possible alternative to increase the achievement of goals and objectives. harmonize to the classical meansl, the decision-making process is a series of sequential stairs as follows:\r\n(i) A problem is identified.\r\n(ii) Goals and objectives are established.\r\n(iii) All the possible alternatives are generated.\r\n(iv) The consequences of each alternative are considered.\r\n(v) All the alternatives are evaluated in basis of the goals and objectives.\r\n(vi) The best alternative is selected, that is, the one that maximizes the goals and Objectives.\r\n(vii) Finally, the decision is implemented and evaluated.\r\n2.3.2 The administrative mystify\r\n barge and Miskel (2006:317) say that this is the strategy of satisficing in an attempt to tolerate a more accurate description of the way administrators both do and should make organisational decisions. This model rests upon the base assumption that: The decision-making Process is a cycle of events that includes appellation and diagnosis of a difficulty , the reflective development of a plan to alleviate the difficulty, the initiation of the plan, and the appraisal of its success.†This model relies on both experience and theory to be grow decision-making.\r\n2.4 PARTICIPATIVE APPROACH TO DECISION-MAKING AT tutor\r\nSince participative management has become popular, an increasing number of decisions concur been made by groups rather than individuals. In the group decision-making process, decisions are the intersection point of inter individual(prenominal) decision-making processes and group dynamics. According to Merry Parker mickle who have been allowed a voice in decisions that affect them are more likely to be received and adhere to the decisions and quality of a decision refers to the extent to which the decision is ultimately successful in coming upon the goals and objectives of the decision makers.\r\n2.4.1 Collegial model of management:The collegial model includes all those theories which emphasise that power and decision-making should be share\r\namong some or all members of the organization. These approaches prescribe from a restricted collegiality where the leader shares power with a curb number of senior colleagues to a small collegiality where all members have an equal voice in determining policy. Collegial models assume that Organizations determine policy and make decisions through a process of countersign leading to consensus. Power is shared among some or all members of the organization who are thought to have a mutual pinch to the highest degree the objectives of the schools.\r\n2.4.2 industriousness of collegiality in a secondary school situation: The introduction of the collegial model in secondary schools has been slower than in higher education. The tradition of all powerful heads with authority over staff and responsible to external bodies has stifled several attempts to develop participative models on management. The formal position is that heads alone are respons ible for the organization and management of schools. This consideration has acted as a brake on some heads that wish to share their power and as a convenient vindication for those reluctant to share power. In large schools, there is a need for sub-units like committees in order for staff to have formal commission on decision-making bodies, and there is the assumption that staff has formal mission on lots(prenominal) bodies. Research was conducted by divers(a) detectives at different schools in Kogi state, where the principal was act in collegiality and introduced several participative elements, Several collegial features were prime in the school. staff had ample formal agency within the decision-making body structure and decisions were plebeianly reached by consensus. despite his proficient intentions, the principal recognized that the school was not collegial.\r\n2.4.3 Advantages of collegiality\r\nThere are trinity main advantages of collegiality:\r\n• The s ecernate that teachers wish to participate more fully in the management of their schools. T\r\n• The quality of decision-making is likely to be better when staff\r\nparticipates in the process as it increases the experience and expertise brought in to solve the\r\nproblem.\r\n• Staff participation is important as it usually has the debt instrument of implementing some(prenominal) changes.\r\nCollegiality does not require confrontation or conforming deportments, but allows for open discussion and consensus. It employs own(prenominal) power, not positional power. Positional power is temporally set aside, since the group member communicates and co-operates in the touch of caring for one another and the vision of the organization. It changes interaction from those that arouse dis organized religion and disrespect to those that are based on mutual self-confidence, support and feeling of individual(prenominal) worth. With collaboration, flock do not try to tear one a nother and the organisation, but work with colleagues towards success.\r\n2.4.4 Limitations of collegiality: The main limitations of collegiality are:\r\n• It is so normative, it hides reality.\r\n• Decision-making is slow and cumbersome. Meetings are much lengthy with issues oft ending unresolved. Time and persistence needs to be invested, and this is usually after hours when staff is tired as noted\r\n• There is no guarantee of unanimity of outcomes after participation and debate. It is phantasmagorical to assume that consensus can be reached as the model undermines the significance of conflict.\r\n• Tension that exists between different styles of management, as positional authority often surpasses the authority of expertise in reality.\r\n• The accountability of leaders to external bodies or councils often leads to conflict as it is difficult to observe policies that have emerged but do not\r\n taste the support of the leader, and difficult to e stablish who is responsible for policy. There is excessively the possibility of conflict between infixed and external bodies.\r\n• Staff participation needs to be an adequate direct for collegiality to be effective. When staff attitudes are not supportive, it will fail.\r\n.• The heads play a vital role and collegiality depends ultimately on them. If they so choose, they can limit the scope of collegiality as diminishing their power, and perchance ultimately their identity). The quality of management depends on personal and professional qualities of those that lead and manage .\r\n2.4.5 Collegial dealingship\r\nThe building of effective squads is a major responsibility of the other senior staff. Effective teams are infallible for the continued growth, development and day-to-day management of an organization. The School Management Team (SMT) should create the environment where stack feel they want to give extra arbitrary effort. The school needs to develop a st ar of identity. The common sense of direction, belonging and identity are central to e rattling team and participants enter a group with many highly developed perspectives and talents. Through collegiality, the team learns how to respect, appreciate and foster the individual identities of group members. construct a collegial group composed of diverse talents and perspectives which require a special sensitivity to each person feel like a harbor and appreciated contributor. The group should develop a sense of mutual and share responsibility. Team members cannot work towards a desired outcome until they have formed a sense of team spirit and learned to trust and support one another .The trust is the rear end upon which school speciality is built. An effective work nicety cannot develop unless trust exists within the organization. entrust allows a rich culture to develop, and allows individuals to achieve their full potential. Trust develops as mess expose themselves, share and take risks unneurotic. Trust tends to reduce fear of dependency on others and eliminates the potentially negative effects of conflicts. The trust is also\r\nfundamental cement that bonds an organization together, facilitating good discourse rectifying badly aged actions, making goal acquirement possible and creating the conditions for organizational success. Effective collegial relations develop within the organization only when all levels within an organization have opportunities to come together at the beginning of the project. The principal is expected to ensure that a collegial relation prevails within the school.\r\n2.4.6 collaborationism power sharing:\r\nAccording to Dludla (2001: 27), collaborative power arises as staff members learn to make most of their collective capacity to run the day-to-day personal business of their school and solve problems. If teachers are involved in the running of the school, they are challenged in a number of ship canal, such as learning ne w ways of doing things and even values and attitudes. Lack of involvement results in fear and uncertainty which induce reluctance to change even if the fruits of change may be someways desired. Collaborative power is of utmost significance if the school must succeed. He further comments that this form of power is unlimited because it enhances the productivity of the school on behalf of the students. His other view is that whereas top-down leadership may have a role in managing a school, a principal as collaborative leader has to baring the right balance between the top-down and bottom-up so that the school meets it challenges. But participation and power sharing does not mean that a school needs to get together every time a decision is made. The main objective in participative decision-making is to reach consensus. Staff needs to be educate in the consensus-based management process. This education will corporeal an understanding that each individual cannot unilaterally determine the solution to decisions but can contribute to consensus universe reached. It would also need to develop an understanding that shared participation leads to shared responsibility. Principals need to be intimate that the principal who shares power with teachers is still a leader. This principal is a more effective instructional leader because appoint teachers are more likely to maximize their potential.\r\n2.4.7 Teacher empowerment: Good relations are essential for effective change and it is important that relations with teachers, who have the responsibility to implement these changes, Teachers need to have a sense of empowerment and need to be support to participate in the changes. Empowering involves releasing the potential of individuals, allowing them to display and grow, to release their capacity for infinite improvement and teacher as a critical factor in student education. The conviction is that developing teachers as classroom instructors and giving them a greater voice in the decisions that affect the school will make teaching more effective. Teachers are empowered in a number of ways, one of which is staff development. Needless to say, for teachers to be successful educators during variation, they need to undergo some gracious of development and training.\r\n2.4.8 Open cultivation system\r\nThe effectiveness of communicating between group and individuals is crucial in this regard and claims that under present day conditions, breeding has to be shared much more widely. In the context of the school, changes with regard to National and State policy documents, the school procedures, role and resource allocation are all aspects of change that need to be communicated to the demand constituencies. This may be do through uninterrupted meetings, workshops, and rotation of policy documents to members of staff. These are important procedures to enhance open communication system where batch can express their feelings freely. By working together in t his way, the principles of transparency, accountability and trust are promoted.\r\nIn collegial group, flexible conformations of communication are used so that all members feel free to participate as and at will. Minority opinions are encouraged and understood. Individuals know and understand one another, and are sensitive to each other’s ideas and reactions. There is a level of trust and mutual respect that results in members dealing candidly with one another without fear of insalubrious effects. Resistance to change flourishes where there is poor communication, teentsy or no active participation and involvement in decisions and where tensions are allowed to simmer unchecked. To overcome such resistance, it is necessary\r\nthat there be open lines of communication participation and involvement of all stakeholders, an atmosphere of facilitation, support, negotiation and agreement.\r\n2.5 WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE IN DECISION-MAKING AT SCHOOL?\r\nAccording to Van der Bank (20 07:150), participative decision-making does not mean that all staff members must participate in all decisions. There are two criteria, which could be used to determine which staff members should participate in which decisions. The prototypical of these criteria is ‘relevancy’ and the second has to do with ‘expertise’. ‘relevancy’-refers to the interest a specific person has concerning the problem and the subsequent decision. ‘Expertise’-refers to the extent to which participants to decision-making are strung-out by means of training and experience.\r\n2.6 STEPS FOR powerful PARTICIPATIVE DECISION-MAKING\r\nThere are nine steps in an effective participative decision-making process which comprised the following:\r\n(i) Identify the problem\r\n(ii) crystalise the problem\r\n(iii) Analyze the cause\r\n(iv) chase for alternative solutions\r\n(v) Select alternatives\r\n(vi) Plan for implementation\r\n(vii) Clarify the contract\r\n(v iii) Develop an action plan\r\n(ix) let evaluation and accountability\r\n2.7 THEORY ON PARTICIPATIVE DECISION-MAKING\r\nAccording to Nzimande (2001:06), the assumption that individuals have expectations about outcomes that may licence as a result of what they do, underlies the expectancy theory. This means that individuals are regarded as thinking and reasoning beings that are to participate in future events, so as the teachers at school. This is the anticipation of the greater performance and the greater outcome. This is the strength of an individual’s preference for an outcome. If teachers are motivated through rewards, they may be good participators in decision-making at school. The guidelines on participative decision-making at schools are:\r\n• . appointment is more appropriate when the principal does not have enough\r\ninformation to solve a problem.\r\n• meshing of teachers is more appropriate when the nature and dimensions of\r\nthe problems are not cl ear.\r\n• Participation is more appropriate when decisions are important and germane(predicate) to teacher.\r\n2.8 ADVANTAGES OF PARTICIPATIVE DECISION-MAKING AT SCHOOL\r\n• Groups provide a larger sum of knowledge than would be reachable to individual members, thus leading to informed decisions.\r\n• Participation in decision-making increases the acceptance of decisions, which improves the motivation to implement the decision.\r\n• Groups are willing to take greater risks than individuals, which leads to aggressive solutions to problems.\r\n2.9 BENEFITS OF PARTICIPATIVE DECISION-MAKING AT SCHOOL\r\nThis research has indicated that participative decision-making results in a number of benefits for example:\r\n• Increased decision quality\r\n• Decision creativity\r\n• Decision acceptance\r\n• Decision understanding\r\n• Decision judgment\r\n• Participation results in teacher satisfaction with the profession of teaching.\r\n • Teachers prefer principals who involve them in decisions-making.\r\n• Teachers neither nor want to be involved in every decision-making; in fact too much involvement can be as noxious as too little .\r\n2.10 POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES IF TEACHERS DO NOT PARTICIPATE\r\nIN DECISION-MAKING AT SCHOOL\r\nThere are some problems that teachers face when they not involved in decision-making at school, namely:\r\n• port changes\r\n• Psychological withdrawal\r\n• Influence on mental health for example stress, burnout, etc.\r\nCHAPTER THREE:\r\n3.0 antecedent METHOD OF DECISION MAKING IN thirdhand SCHOOLS\r\nIn the olden days, it was deemed necessary to instruct the conquered people in the doctrines of the Homes, and transform them into loyal subjects. They began re-educating the native adults and providing instruction to the children and youth, indoctrinating and educating them in the rudiments of social life to use them to benefit the School. One piece of infor mation that is never controversial in educational discourse is the ensample of sign recruitment into schools in Nigeria. Several studies: novel (1956); Ikejiani, Hansen, Okeke & Anowi (196′;), Fafunwa (1979) and Taiwo (1981), for instance, show that in southern Nigerian, often the first pupils in the secondary schools were worn from groups who were to some extent marginal or subordinate within the handed-downistic status hierarchies. In Northern Nigeria, except there were numerous cases according to Hisket (1975) and Ibrahim (1979) where member of the traditionalistic elite’s were the first to be recruited. The initial schools in northerly Nigeria for instance were â€Å"Native institution†in the sense that they were supported from local kinds and were very much the concern of the ‘Native Authority’ â€Å" thence in northern Nigeria the emirs being the heads of the Native Authori ty bui l t these schools†(Wise 1956, p. 43) Ibrahi m (1979) asser ts that in Kano State, the f ragmentary data that exist suggest that the students in governments schools at the initial period of western education in 1903 were disproportionately drawn from high socio-political elite’s of Kano citizens. Even within the immerse growth in educational opportunities that has occurred, it can be observed that the low socio-economic status people in northern Nigeria are still for the most part under represented within the upper reaches of northern educational system and attempts to increase proportional representation of lower status grouping conceived in terms of traditional\r\ncriteria of status have been only moderately successful. In gross terms, it is possible to point to manakin patterns of response to the introduction of secondary education in the country. Unlike in southern Nigeria, where the most usual result of the introduction of secondary education is a process of status reserved, in northern Nigeria, the process of s tatus reinforcement is assumed to ensure a guaranteed degree of continuity in the recruitment of possessive groups. Of course, concepts derived in terms of this may do hurt to empirical realities since in practice the emergent pattern of social differentiation in the less developed world represents a complex inter-weaving between traditional and emergent concepts of status. This theory may seven further be argued to be largely an academic wreak as the emergence of a modern typeface of urban centre has largely eroded the traditional criteria of status and authority in Africa. Influence of Commissions and Educational Laws on Secondary Education The early, schools functioned with scarcely any involvement by the colonial government and as such there were no reasonable attempts to line up education system organized by the various missions. In this regard, there was no novelty as such in educational practice, all missions own common allegiance to Christianity and they operated curric ulum centered on English, Religion, and Arithmetic commonly called 3Rs. This system however changed in early 1880s particularly by the Education Ordinance of 1882 when colonial government assumed a measure of control of mission education. Significant improvement was made when the Ordinance No. 3 of 1887 was enacted to merge and amend the laws relating to the promotion of education in the addiction of Lagos. Concerning secondary education, in 1879 there were three secondary schools namely the CMS Grammar school, built in 1859. Wesleyan Boys high gear School built in 1976 and St. Gregory’s School 1879. The trend of the secondary school from 1897 to 1992 was a drowsy increase in enrolment from 172 to 206. With the amalgamation of Confederate and Northern Protectorates. Lord Lugard proposed three types of secondary education with the aim of adapting the needs of education of the children in both protectorates to the man-power needs. The schools are the provincial schools, th e rural and the non-government schools. The provinces, and turn up three to four kilometers away from the residential areas under a British Headmaster. The Resident and the paramount chiefs in the areas where\r\nthese schools were located were to assist in the supervision of the schools. The entrants were between 12-14 geezerhood of age. The rural school were meant for rural children who ultimately would stay in rural environments The rural school policy was not accepted particularly by people in the Southern provinces and a grammar school â€Å"policy was not accepted particularly by people in the Southern provinces and a grammar school policy was favored initially in the main urban areas.\r\nCHAPTER FOUR:\r\n4.0 DATA ANALYSIS\r\nINTRODUCTION\r\nThe purpose of this study is to investigate through the scholarships of staff, the extent to which teachers participate in decision-making at Government secondary schools Omala, and as necessary, to make practical recommendations as to whom in the management arrangements of the secondary schools may be modified or enhanced to promote teacher participation in decision-making more effectively.\r\n4.1 Data analysis entails bringing order, structure and meaning to the mass of time consuming, creative and absorbing process. Analysis of data about individual interviews was done through identifying common themes from the respondents’ description of their experiences. Irrelevant information was separated from the relevant information in the interviews. The relevant information was broken into phrases or sentences, which reflect a single, specific thought. The phrases or sentences were further be class into categories that reflect various aspects of meanings. The various meanings identified will be used to develop description as seen by the respondents.\r\n4.2 Analysis of quantitative information:\r\nThe researcher used descriptive statistics to analyse quantitative data.\r\ndescriptive statistics is a mathematic al technique for organizing, summarising and displaying a set of numerical data.\r\n5.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS.\r\nThis Research serves as a mechanism to identify and evaluate management practices that are consistent with the current call for a participative mode of education management and governance. The research questions form the essentials and the value of this study. The structure of the research provides the reader with what to expect in the ensuing assignment. This research has reviewed about participative management and the transformation role of the principal. The approach described requires an involvement and perpetration from staff in order to bring about effective change. Also suggests that a collegial model is difficult to implement even when staff is committed to it.\r\nThe school management functions remain dominantly in the work force of the principals and School Management Team (SMT). The extent of teacher involvement in management of the school is limited to th e classroom. Principals do not motivate staff to be united. Team -work in schools is regarded as poor. Involving teachers in decision- making allows staff and management to work as a team. When teachers are involved in decision-making, they tend to own decisions, by ensuring the implementation of those decisions. A staff perception to the way in which participative management operates currently at Government secondary schools Omola is that teachers are not adequately involved in decision-making in schools. Teachers in this study accept the responsibility of becoming the role players in managerial decision-making.\r\nCONCLUSIVELY, The principal should promote an atmosphere of trust by displaying fair treatment and befitting management skills to the teachers. It is important for the principal to model attitude behaviour on the principles of democracy. Fair treatment of teachers is a requirement for building an atmosphere of trust\r\nand accountability. In the temper of transformati on, it becomes imperative for a principal\r\nto display proper management skills so that his/her credibility as a leader is not brought\r\ninto disrepute.\r\nRecommendations to teachers:\r\n• Teachers should take positive steps to become partners in managing their schools\r\nTeachers must not be complacent, but be active participants in terms of self †education and managing school affairs beyond the boundaries of the classroom. However, it becomes necessary for teachers to respect the positional power of the principal, which grants him / her authority to make certain decisions unilaterally. This requires involvement and commitment from staff in order to bring about effective change. Assess the principals’ understanding of their role\r\nREFERENCES\r\n➢ Kogi Education relation 1994. A polity Framework for Education and breeding\r\nEducation desk.Omala Town:Omala L.G.A. in promoting teacher participation in decision-making within these schools.\r\n➢ Adeyin ka, A.A. (1971): The development of grammar school education in the Westernstates of Nigeria 1908 †1968. unpublished M.Ed. Dissertation Submitted toUniversity of Ibadan. Ibadan\r\n➢ Fafunwa, A. B. (1974): History of education in Nigeria. capital of the United Kingdom. George Allen And Unwin Ltd. Federal Republic of Nigeria (1981). National Policy on\r\nEducation. Lagos: NERC.\r\n➢ Ibrahim, Y.Y. 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